The authors consider that there is reasonable implementation of special course «History of engineering pedagogical education in Ukraine» in the system of preparation the students speciality 6.010104 «Vocational training». Special attention during the study course is giving to an independent educational activity of the students, which would provide a new level of learning the discipline. The independent work is focused on understanding the content of the studied material, learning the ways of its application for the solution of professional tasks. The technologies that are recommended for the organization of independent work aimed at attracting a wide range of information sources, receiving educational support through various information channels, using a complex of methods to get the result of independent work. The presence of independent work is obligatory. The variable part of the independent work of the students (and tasks for its implementation) allows the students to choose their «route» in the process of studying the discipline. It is determined that motivation values orientation in training the students for a specific activity aimed at the realization of future engineering teachers the relevance of their own work, the formation of positive motivation activities, awareness of personal values of this activity. All this has become possible due to structuring and purposeful selection of educational material for the organization of subject-subject relations between a teacher and the students, based on the principles of trust, participation, partnership and dialogue. It is noted that modern society requires the development of historical knowledge for improvsng specialist training. But there are subjective and objective factors preventing the widespread use of historical achievements in the process of preparing the students for future professional activity. The main reasons are not only the underestimation of their implementation in the educational process and insufficient of readiness ( including psychological) of the teachers and students of higher educational institutions to use historical experience in the educational process. On the basis of the conducted research it is determined that the implemention of historical experience in the training of future engineering teachers promotes learning motivation, integration of the students’ knowledge, awareness of the perspectives for further development of engineering and pedagogical education.
In the paper the authors discuss educational usefulness of special applied software (Mathematica) in the process of studying Mathematics at the pedagogical university. The authors also present the levels of thecompetences connected with using an educational electronic means, necessaryfor the students of mathematics.
Bezzałogowe statki powietrzne to bardzo złożone konstrukcje, które są częścią skomplikowanego systemu. Kiedy mówimy o BSP, mamy na myśli również człowieka-operatora bez którego odpowiednie wykorzystanie BSP staje się niemożliwe. Obecnie istnieje możliwość sterowania BSP przez operatorów oddalonych od miejsca działań o setki, a nawet tysiące kilometrów. Wymagania wobec operatorów BSP będą coraz większe i będą musieli oni sprostać coraz bardziej złożonym zadaniom. Wyszkolenie pilota – operatora powinno zatem spełniać wymagania szkolenia dla lotów załogowych statków powietrznych. W artykule scharakteryzowano i poddano analizie narodowe systemy szkolenia operatorów takich krajów jak; Polska, USA, Izrael, Francja, Niemcy, Włochy i Rosja. Zwrócono też uwagę na traumę operatorów BSP po wykonaniu misji bojowych.
Unmanned aircraft are structures very much assembled which are a part of the complicated system. When we are talking about BSP, we also mean the man-operator without which the proper BSP application is becoming impossible. At present a possibility of BSP steering by operators distant from the place of action at hundreds, not to say thousands of kilometres exist. Requirements towards BSP operators will be more and more great and they will have to meet tasks more and more folded. Training the pilot - should and so fulfil the operator of requiring the training for manned flights of aircraft. In the article they characterised and national systems of training operators of such countries were analysed as; Poland, the USA, Israel, France, Germany, Italy and Russia. Were directed BSP operators' attention to the trauma also after accomplishing battle missions.
W artykule podjęto próbę charakterystyki i oceny elementów tworzących system kształcenia nauczycieli w Polsce. Ukazano w nim między innymi: instytucje kształcące kandydatów do zawodu nauczyciela, realia funkcjonowania tych placówek, zasady rekrutacji adeptów sztuki nauczania, założenia i pragmatykę doskonalenia zawodowego nauczycieli. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwoliła wskazać kilka dość istotnych mankamentów w strukturze i funkcjonowaniu opisywanego systemu.
The paper deals with some aspects of teacher training system in Poland. It shows, among others, organizations providing training for future teachers, conditions of work of these organizations, rules of recruitment to the teaching profession, assumptions and realities of teacher improvement training. The analysis done indicates a few significant shortcomings in the structure and functioning of the system described.
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