This article focuses on the current state of cyber security in the automotive industry, its strengths and weaknesses. It examines the threat potential of hacker attacks on automobiles, their infrastructure and connectivity. The first part of the paper focuses on cyber-attacks, threats and their implementation by hackers. The next part of the paper considers the financial impact of cyber-attacks, the impact on data breaches and vehicle theft. The second half of the report examines the development of security in this area, through analysis, defines the focus of potential attacks in the near future. Cybersecurity is more than just a current issue nowdays, as European legislation already in place requiring car manufacturers to produce cars that comply with these regulations.
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The paper discusses problems which stem from the following question: what is the goal of grammatical research of a certain language? Three main problems are uncovered: (1) the “grammatical system” is a theoretically bounded construct, (2) various approaches differ in what they account for and what they leave out of the description and (3) certain research methods are often cannot be directly linked to a particular theoretical framework, which is related to the problem of the “conversion rules” between the results and the theory and may also lead to a change in the framework under the influence of the method. Based on these problems, three questions are raised: (1) what is the best solution to these problems (provided there is one), (2) are these problems principal or temporary and (3) do we really need to look for a solution to these problems while doing grammatical research. The paper tries to find an answer to these questions and argues that the current diversity of approaches and aims in the research of language and its use is universally beneficial.
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This paper focuses on bringing of the Stanislavsky system to the United States by emigrants, who belonged to various troupes, in three different waves of emigration, as well as on the work of the first generation of American teachers of acting inspired by the practices that the aforementioned emigrants passed on to American students in the first half of the 20th century. In this study, the author summarises both well-known facts (such as the work of the American Laboratory Theatre and Group Theatre) and lesser-known paths of transmission through the acting studios or schools founded and owned by individual educators. The article stresses the influence of Vakhtangov, especially the late phase of his theatre research, and points out to the main problem with the American tradition of the reception of Stanislavsky's teachings, that is the emphasis on the use of emotional memory, which was mainly promoted by Lee Strasberg as a specific kind of exercise.
Studie se zaměřuje na přenesení Stanislavského systému do Spojených států prostřednictvím emigrantů z různých souborů a tří emigračních vln a na působení první generace amerických hereckých pedagogů inspirovaných postupy, které emigranti v první polovině 20. století americkým studentům předávali. Autor ve studii shrnuje jak fakta, která jsou dobře známa (například působení American Laboratory Theatre či Group Theatre), tak méně známé linie přenosu formou působení jednotlivých pedagogů, kteří zakládali vlastní herecká studia či školy. Akcentuje vliv Vachtangova, především pozdní fáze jeho divadelních výzkumů, a hlavní problematický moment americké tradice v linii Stanislavského, a sice důraz na užívání emocionální paměti, kterou jako zvláštní druh cvičení prosazoval hlavně Lee Strasberg.
Greenery management in Czech towns and cities uses standardised tools for the information administration of greenery share. This article deals with possible use of these tools for approximate specification of regulatory services in areas of urban greenery and their quantification as related to the character of input data. Undoubtedly, the specification of regulatory services is important for argumentation in favour of maintaining specific locations in an undeveloped state. Also, it is applicable for the procurement of investment and assessment of development proposals. The results have been verified using the model location of Primál, a pond in the town of Modřice.
Správy zeleně českých měst využívají pro svoji činnost standardizované nástroje informační správy sídlení zeleně. Příspěvek se zabývá možností využití těchto nástrojů pro přibližnou specifikaci regulačních služeb ploch městské zeleně a způsobu jejich kvantifikace s ohledem na charakter vstupních dat. Specifikace regulačních služeb má nesporný význam především pro argumentaci ve prospěch nezastavitelnosti konkrétních lokalit, pro zajištění investic a posuzování rozvojových návrhů. Zjištěné souvislosti byly ověřeny na modelovém území lokality rybníka Primál v Modřicích u Brna.
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