The article discusses the question of syntactic norm of legal acts on the background ofthe syntactic norm of the standard language. After the presentation of the relationship betweenthe syntactic norm of legal acts and the norm of the standard language, especially itsmodel variety, the author continues to describe the selected syntactic features testifying to aspecific character of the observed norm. The examples given furnish evidence for quantitativeand qualitative differences between the standard and the professional norm. Two researchpostulates can be put forward as a result of the conducted analyses. The first one, of generalnature, concerns efforts which would be aimed at the new presentation of the position of theprofessional norm in the norm of the standard Polish language. The second postulate refers tothe studies of the legal language which should be expanded by embracing the problems concerning the codification of a syntactic norm.
The article discusses the question of syntactic norm of legal acts on the background of the syntactic norm of the standard language. After the presentation of the relationship between the syntactic norm of legal acts and the norm of the standard language, especially its model variety, the author continues to describe the selected syntactic features testifying to a specific character of the observed norm. The examples given furnish evidence for quantitative and qualitative differences between the standard and the professional norm. Two research postulates can be put forward as a result of the conducted analyses. The first one, of general nature, concerns efforts which would be aimed at the new presentation of the position of the professional norm in the norm of the standard Polish language. The second postulate refers to the studies of the legal language which should be expanded by embracing the problems concerning the codification of a syntactic norm.
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Prezentowany tekst dotyczy wpływu zmian opisów składniowych na oceny normatywne. W sposób szczególny rozważa on miejsce norm językowych we współczesnych modelach syntaktycznych, podejmując zwłaszcza problem wpływu kształtu jednostek języka na procedury oceny poprawności takich wyrażeń. Dodatkowo zwraca się uwagę na zbiór jednostek nienotowanych wcześniej przez słowniki i opracowania normatywne, uwzględniając wyrażenia lokujące się ponad płaszczyzną zdania oraz wskazując na ich szczególne właściwości łączliwościowe.
The present text concerns the influence that changes of syntactic description exert on normative decisions. In particular, it discusses the place of language rules in modern syntactic models, undertaking especially the problem of the relationship between the shape of the lexical units and the procedures for assessing their correctness. Additionally, the article draws attention to a collection of lexical units unattested in earlier dictionaries and normative studies. The study includes, among others, expressions located above the surface of a sentence and points to their special collocational properties.
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