In this paper, we examine whether a quantum computer can efficiently simulate quantum processes such as the tunnel effect. We examine a quantum algorithm that calculates the value of transition and reflection coefficients for the Gaussian wave packet scattered on a rectangular potential. We compare the results obtained in this way with the results of classical simulations and analytical calculations.
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In this paper we examine whether a quantum computer can efficiently simulate time evolution of a one dimensional Schrödinger particle. Two cases are considered: free particle and particle dispersed on a rectangular potential. In order to simulate the Schrödinger particle, we use a quantum algorithm based on the procedure of diagonalisation of time evolution operator. The procedure of diagonalisation is based on the Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT) algorithm. The effects of simulation are presented in the form of figures. We also compare the results obtained from quantum algorithm with the results of classical simulations (Cayley's method).
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In this paper, we examine whether a quantum computer can efficiently simulate resonant interaction between a pair of two-level quantum systems. We present an algorithm for simulating time evolution of such a system, implemented on standard two-input gates. We study the influence of accuracy of gates and decoherence on the quality of results.
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In this paper, we examine a simple algorithm for loading initial data into the quantum register. In order to perform the algorithm standard two input gates are used. The algorithm is tested for the Gaussian and sine wave states. In the Appendix full PyQuil code of the algorithm is attached.
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In this paper we examine whether a quantum computer can efficiently simulate Pauli particle in external magnetic field. We consider Gaussian wave packet in two cases: in uniform magnetic field and in magnetic field with rectangular amplitude. We compare the results obtained from quantum algorithm with the results of classical simulations.
W niniejszej pracy badamy czy komputer kwantowy może efektywnie symulować cząstkę Pauliego w zewnętrznym polu magnetycznym. Rozważamy pakiet gaussowski w dwoch przypadkach w jednorodnym polu magnetycznym i w polu o amplitudzie prostokątnej. Porownujemy wyniki otrzymane dla algorytmu kwantowego z rezultatami symulacji klasycznej.
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This paper investigates whether a quantum computer can efficiently simulate an exponential decay of probability of finding a quantum system in an excited state. An algorithm is presented for simulating the time evolution of such a system, implemented on standard two-input gates. The paper examines the properties of the proposed algorithm and then compares the obtained results with theoretical predictions.
W artykule badamy czy komputer kwantowy potrafi efektywnie symulować eksponencjalny zanik prawdopodobieństwa przebywania układu kwantowego w stanie wzbudzonym. Głównym rezultatem pracy jest algorytm, który umożliwia symulację czasową tego typu układów zaimplementowany na standardowych dwówejściowych bramkach. Badamy tutaj własności proponowanego algorytmu i porównujemy go z przewidywaniami teoretycznymi.
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