The technical infrastructure is one of the essential elements of the system associated with the idea of sustainable development. Urban transport is one of the components of technical infrastructure, and its quality and intensity are often a consequence of “urban sprawl”. The phenomenon of uncontrolled spread of the city is currently encountered in many urban centres. It increases the length and time for travels and therefore transport costs. This phenomenon can also have many other negative consequences: excessive use of land for communication purposes,- the increase of exhaust emission,- the increase in costs related to the use of the car,- the increase of noise on the streets,- increased number of road accidents,- social costs which include lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle etc. There are various solutions proposed worldwide, the aim of which is to reduce the number of kilometres travelled by car. Such activities are possible due to all initiatives related to changing lifestyles that are introduced and supported by local government units in cities and municipalities. The goal of all actions aimed at efficient urban transport is to create an economically effective system that also reduces the nuisance to the environment. The problems related to the redesigning of existing streets are focused in particular on safety and limiting traffic. The efficient urban transport system is integrated with the issues related to the close neighbourhood and multi-model solutions connected with the choice of means of transport, as well as the high quality of public spaces and the quality of life of residents. The article discusses the above course of action on the example of the city of Oświęcim.
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Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie, w jaki sposób polityka Unii Europejskiej (UE), zmierzająca do zapewnienia zrównoważonego rozwoju transportu (ZRT), może wpłynąć na wybrane aspekty funkcjonowania polskich miast w ujęciu społeczno-ekonomicznym. W pierwszym rzędzie omówiono podstawowe instrumenty i działania UE ukierunkowane na bardziej zrównoważony transport, przy czym główny nacisk położono na zrównoważony rozwój transportu miejskiego (ZRTM). Następnie podjęto próbę analizy efektów unijnej polityki w kontekście niektórych zagadnień związanych z ekonomiką polskich miast. We wnioskach stwierdzono, że ZRT, w tym ZRTM, musi się wprawdzie wiązać z pewnymi wyrzeczeniami, ale powinien być osiągany poprzez budowanie zintegrowanych strategii, uwzględniających możliwe skutki społeczno-ekonomiczne w polskich miastach i ograniczających w miarę możliwości „negatywne” efekty wynikające z kompromisu na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju transportu.
This article tries to present the impact of the EU’s policy towards sustainable transport on some selected socio-economic aspects of Polish cities performance. In the first part main European policy directions are described. Then, selected possible effects of one of main policy directions in the form of improving public transport are discussed in the context of urban budgets, tasks of self-governments, local labour markets and other indirect results for local societies. In conclusions it was stated, that strategies towards sustainable urban transport should take a lot of issues into account, i.e. integrated set of tools, potential socio-economic effects and possible ways of reducing negative consequences of sustainable transportation in social and economic spheres.
A holistic approach and stakeholder consultation are necessary before implementing a particular city logistics measure. The need to implement sustainable urban logistics solutions is particularly important in seaports located in cities. Such cities, particularly Gdynia, have a high intensity of cargo flows resulting from transport connected with their port facilities. The purpose of this article was to identify the level of acceptance of sustainable and innovative urban logistics solutions by entities that use the services of the seaport in Gdynia. We investigated whether the proposed solutions found sufficient acceptance among the respondents, and which of the proposed solutions were the most preferred by stakeholders. We hypothesized that urban logistics solutions were not sufficiently accepted by the stakeholders of the seaport of Gdynia. In order to analyze the awareness of the involved parties, we surveyed parties at the Port of Gdynia as part of the Interreg project called TENTacle. Our findings did not support this hypothesis with respect to such measures as FQP, the use of interactive city maps, night deliveries, and the use of ITS, as these are the solutions most preferred by the stakeholders of Gdynia. The results of this study can therefore serve as an important tool for the city of Gdynia, and similar cities, when preparing sustainable urban logistics plans.
IT solutions in logistics of smart bike-sharing systems in urban transport In recent years, the public transport of Krakow, Rzeszow, Wroclaw, Poznan, Opole and Warsaw has expanded into the third generation bike-sharing programs - smart bikes. It’s an innovative solution, deploying IT systems and technology to integrate individual stations of urban bike rental system. The article presents the business model solution, its functionality from the perspective of customers and operator, and shows the role of IT solutions support in managing the logistics of rental network. An illustrative case of „Veturilo” solution implementation is presented.
Urban centers, replete with diverse amenities and opportunities, simultaneously grapple with the challenges brought on by rapid urbanization, notably in the realms of transport and logistics. A pivotal move towards energy-efficient and sustainable systems is essential to mitigate these challenges. In this landscape, machine learning (ML), and particularly recurrent neural networks (RNNs), emerge as powerful tools for effectively addressing these urban complexities. This comprehensive review zeroes in on the deployment of RNNs within sustainable urban transportation and logistics, highlighting their adeptness in processing sequential data, a critical component in various forecasting and optimization tasks. We commence with a foundational understanding of RNNs, segueing into their successful applications in urban transport and logistics. This review also critically examines the constraints of current methodologies and potential avenues for enhancement. We scrutinize the application of RNNs across several areas, encompassing the energy shift in both passenger and freight transport, logistics management, integration of low- and zero-emission vehicles, and the energy dynamics of transport and logistics. Additionally, the role of RNNs in traffic and infrastructure planning is explored, particularly in forecasting traffic flow, congestion patterns, and optimizing energy usage. The crux of this review is to amalgamate and present the existing knowledge on the instrumental role of RNNs in facilitating the transition to energy-efficient urban transportation and logistics. Our goal is to highlight effective strategies, pinpoint challenges, and map out avenues for future research in this domain.
In the transport market, public transport is an important place for passenger transport. The proper functioning of collective urban transport in cities is becoming increasingly important in relation to the growing demands of travelers, whose satisfaction and content should be met. The paper presents the elements of the transport process and analysis of factors determining the demand for public transport services on the example of Rzeszów and neighboring municipalities. Ensuring sustainable development of public transport contributes, inter alia, to reducing emissions and is the most effective way of protecting the environment in the city.
Na rynku usług transportowych ważne miejsce w zakresie przewozu osób zajmuje publiczny transport zbiorowy. Właściwe funkcjonowanie zbiorowego transportu miejskiego w miastach nabiera obecnie dużego znaczenia względem rosnących wymagań ze strony podróżnych, których satysfakcja oraz zadowolenie powinny być zaspokojone. W pracy przedstawiono elementy procesu transportowego oraz analizę czynników determinujących popyt na usługi komunikacji miejskiej na przykładzie Rzeszowa i gmin ościennych. Zapewnienie zrównoważonego rozwoju publicznego transportu zbiorowego przyczynia się między innymi do obniżania emisji spalin i jest najbardziej efektywnym działaniem ochrony środowiska w mieście.
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In recent years, the public transport of Krakow, Rzeszow, Wroclaw, Poznan, Opole and Warsaw has expanded into the third generation bike-sharing programs - smart bikes. It’s an innovative solution, deploying IT systems and technology to integrate individual stations of urban bike rental system. The article presents the business model solution, its functionality from the perspective of customers and operator, and shows the role of IT solutions support in managing the logistics of rental network. An illustrative case of „Veturilo” solution implementation is presented.
Na przestrzeni ostatnich lat krakowski, rzeszowski, wrocławski, poznański, opolski i warszawski system transportu publicznego wzbogacił się o automatyczne samoobsługowe wypożyczalnie rowerów miejskich trzeciej generacji (smart bikes). Jest to innowacyjne rozwiązanie, wykorzystujące systemy i technologie informatyczne, umożliwiające integrację pojedynczych stacji w system wypożyczalni rowerów miejskich. W artykule przedstawiono model działania rozwiązania, jego funkcjonalność z perspektywy klienta i operatora oraz pokazano rolę wsparcia informatycznego w zarządzaniu logistyką sieci wypożyczalni. Jako ilustrację omawianych zagadnień zaprezentowano przypadek wdrożenia Veturilo.
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