In the context of developing automated optical inspection system, this work brings into focus the aspect of de-velopment of evaluation algorithms for thickness distribution extraction from the object model reconstructed after surface scanning. Within this work an algorithm for the evaluation of local differences between two triangle meshes is presented. The pair of triangular meshes is representing the front and backside of a scanned 3D-object. The resulting array of differences vector corresponds to the shortest local distances (i.e. local thickness) between sides of object.
Coordinate measurements are a source of digital data in the form of coordinates of measurement points with a discrete distribution on the measured surface. Geometric deviations of free-form surfaces are determined at each point as nor- mal deviations of these points from the nominal surface (a CAD model). The calculations are preceded by fitting the measurement data to the CAD model. The relations between the object coordinate system and the coordinate system of the machine are described by the transformation parameters. This paper presents the idea of the process of data fitting with the use of the least square algorithm method as well as the way of determining the uncertainty on the assumption that transformation para- meters are subject to a multivariate normal probability distribution. The theoretical issues were verified by experiments carried out on a free-form surface obtained in the milling process and characterised by random geometric deviations.
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The paper presents the method for the monitoring of aluminium extrusion processes. The developed hybrid method combines the advantages of computer based, simultaneous infrared and visible image analysis for surface inspection of the profile directly after leaving the die. Thermograms present the temperature distribution on the surface of the extruded profile and contain information about the extrusion process. The proposed inspection system can be applied in industry for on-line monitoring of aluminium extrusion processes and the inspection of defects arising in extruded products.
The article presents the idea of a binocular stereo vision system for surface inspection and discusses the basic characteristics of epipolar geometry and the advantages and limitations of the methods of representation that use it. The structure of the vision system, basic optical parameters and the configuration of the equipment are presented. The assumed practical implementation possibilities are determined.
W artykule przedstawiona została koncepcja dwutorowego systemu stereowizyjnej inspekcji powierzchni. Omówione zostały podstawowe cechy geometrii epipolarnej oraz zalety i ograniczenia metod obrazowania z jej wykorzystaniem. Zaprezentowana została struktura układu wizyjnego, podstawowe parametry optyczne oraz konfiguracja sprzętowa. Określone zostały przewidywane możliwości zastosowań praktycznych.
The shape-from-shading (SFS) technique uses the pattern of shading in images in order to obtain 3D view information. By virtue of their ease of implementation, linearization-based SFS algorithms are frequently used in the literature. In this study, Fourier coefficients of central differences obtained from gray-level images are employed, and two basic linearization-based algorithms are combined. By using the functionally generated surfaces and 3D reconstruction datasets, the hybrid algorithm is compared with linearization-based approaches. Five different evaluation metrics are applied on recovered depth maps and the corresponding gray-level images. The results on defective sample surfaces are also included to show the effect of the algorithm on surface reconstruction. The proposed method can prevent erroneous estimates on object boundaries and produce satisfactory 3D reconstruction results in a low number of iterations.
Despite the progress in digitization of civil engineering, the process of bridge inspection is still outdated. In most cases, its documentation consists of notes, sketches and photos. This results in significant data loss during structure maintenance and can even lead to critical failures. As a solution to this problem, many researchers see the use of modern technologies that are gaining popularity in civil engineering. Namely Building Information Modelling (BIM), 3D reconstruction and Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, despite their work, no particular solution was implemented. In this article, we evaluated the applicability of state-of-the-art methods based on a case study. We have considered each step starting from data acquisition and ending on BIM model enrichment. Additionally, the comparison of deep learning crack semantic segmentation algorithm with human inspector was performed. Authors believe that this kind of work is crucial for further advancements in the field of bridge maintenance.
Pomimo postępu w cyfryzacji budownictwa, proces inspekcji mostów jest nadal przestarzały. W większości przypadków jego dokumentacja składa się z notatek, szkiców i zdjęć. Powoduje to znaczną utratę danych podczas fazy utrzymania konstrukcji, a nawet może prowadzić do awarii. Wielu badaczy jako rozwiązanie tego problemu upatruje w wykorzystaniu nowoczesnych technologii, które zyskują na popularności w inżynierii lądowej. Technologii takich jak modelowanie informacji o budynku (BIM), rekonstrukcja 3D i sztuczna inteligencja (AI). Jednak pomimo wykonanej do tej pory pracy nie zaimplementowano żadnego konkretnego rozwiązania. W tym artykule oceniliśmy przydatność tych najnowocześniejszych metod na podstawie studium przypadku. Rozważaliśmy każdy krok począwszy od pozyskania danych, a skończywszy na wzbogaceniu modelu BIM. Ponadto przeprowadzono porównanie algorytmu segmentacji semantycznej pęknięć w uczeniu głębokim z ludzkim inspektorem. Uważamy, że tego rodzaju prace są kluczowe dla dalszych postępów w utrzymaniu mostów.
This paper presents the developed 3D profilometers for surface inspection and profile measurement based on the triangulation principle. The applied compact high-resolution laser triangulation sensors with the mechatronics positioning system and computer data analysis enable the surface profile reconstruction for applications in industry as well as in research. The application tests were done on various specimens. Suitable filters can be applied to eliminate signal noise and disturbances and to improve the computer image visualisation.
Artykuł przedstawia opracowane profilometry 3D do inspekcji powierzchni i pomiarów jej profilu w oparciu o zasadę triangulacji. Zastosowane triangulacyjne głowice laserowe wysokiej rozdzielczości z mechatronicznym systemem pozycjonowania i komputerową analizą danych umożliwiają odtwarzanie zarysu powierzchni do zastosowań w przemyśle i badaniach naukowych. Testy zostały wykonane na różnych próbkach. W celu eliminacji szumów oraz zakłóceń i uzyskania wizualizacji komputerowej zastosowano odpowiednie filtry.
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