Subject and purpose of work: The aim of this article is to review the current mechanisms of supporting the purchase of electric cars, with particular emphasis on tax reliefs and exemptions. Materials and methods: The research method consists of a review of literature, legal regulations and industry reports regarding the presented subject. Results: The authors analyzed the global electric car market, presenting the examples of the countries in which the share of electric vehicles has recently increased significantly in the total number of cars. In addition, current discounts and other preferences for the purchase of electric cars in European countries are presented together with future potential mechanism for buyers of electric in Poland. Conclusions: The price is the main economic determinate for buying the particular type of a car. The costs of acquiring and operating an electric car are currently higher than the costs for traditional combustion vehicles. However, the EU and European states’ authorities are processing to increase the popularity of electric cars, offering tax reliefs and other preferences with noticeably effects.
Przedmiot i cel pracy: Celem artykułu jest przegląd obecnie stosowanych mechanizmów wsparcia zakupu samochodów elektrycznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ulg i zwolnień podatkowych. Materiały i metody: W artykule zastosowano metodę badawczą polegającą na przeglądzie literatury, przepisów prawa oraz raportów branżowych dotyczących opisywanego zagadnienia. Wyniki: Autorzy przeanalizowali rynek samochodów elektrycznych na świecie ze wskazaniem państw, w których znacząco zwiększył się udział tego typu pojazdów w liczbie samochodów ogółem. Ponadto zaprezentowane zostały aktualnie stosowane ulgi i inne preferencje na zakup samochodów elektrycznych w państwach europejskich oraz przedstawiono udogodnienia dla potencjalnych nabywców samochodów elektrycznych planowane do wprowadzenia w Polsce. Wnioski: Istotnym dla nabywców kryterium przy decyzji o zakupie pojazdu pozostaje opłacalność ekonomiczna. Koszty nabycia i eksploatacji samochodu elektrycznego aktualnie przewyższają koszty konieczne do poniesienia w przypadku pojazdów spalinowych. Jednak organy UE oraz władze poszczególnych krajów europejskich prowadzą działania na rzecz zwiększenia popularności samochodów elektrycznych, oferując ulgi podatkowe i inne preferencje, których efekty są widoczne.
The paper discusses difficulties connected with obtaining public fund for the realization of programs of educational opportunities equalization (competition and non-competition versions). The comparative studies have been prepared on the basis of two latest legislative solutions: program of assistance for children and youth from former State Agricultural Enterprises; regional programs of educational opportunities equalization. The article also includes the financial results of assistance forms accumulation in both competition and non-competition. The potential value of the obtained financial support highlights the threads of increasing the differences in the access to education. Promotion of the competition in the realization of the program of educational opportunities equalization will increase the existing territorial differences.
The paper discusses difficulties connected with obtaining public fund for the realization of programs of educational opportunities equalization (competition and non-competition versions). The comparative studies have been prepared on the basis of two latest legislative solutions: program of assistance for children and youth from former State Agricultural Enterprises; regional programs of educational opportunities equalization. The article also includes the financial results of assistance forms accumulation in both competition and non-competition. The potential value of the obtained financial support highlights the threads of increasing the differences in the access to education. Promotion of the competition in the realization of the program of educational opportunities equalization will increase the existing territorial differences.