The aim of this review is to appraise current evidence on the association between employment and specific, non-vocational components that are indicators of recovery from schizophrenia, such as symptom remission, neurocognitive functioning, social cognitive functioning, and quality of life. Out of 754 studies identified in a comprehensive bibliographical data search, 43 were selected for abstract screening and 18 were included in the final review. The studies were categorized in terms of the type of employment investigated (supported employment, Individual Placement and Support, competitive employment). Studies on the Individual Placement and Support programs provide the strongest evidence for their effectiveness in terms of non-vocational outcomes. Quality of life, psychopathology and well being were the most frequently investigated outcomes and only 2 studies utilized a global concept of recovery as a measure. Employment was also associated with positive changes in domains that are not directly related to working, e.g., leisure activities. The current review reports promising, but not conclusive, results in the improvement of quality of life, social functioning and other indicators of recovery, but there is still a need for high quality, long term follow-up, randomized studies to further investigate this relationship.
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W artykule przedstawiono cztery modele wspierania zatrudnienia osób niepełnosprawnych na przykładzie praktycznych działań podejmowanych w wybranych krajach Azji i Pacyfiku. Każdy z modeli charakteryzuje się odmienną strukturą wewnętrzną oraz finansowaniem. Szczególny nacisk położono na pokazanie rozwiązań systemowych, które pozwalają na inne niż w Europie radzenie sobie z problemem niskiej aktywności zawodowej tej grupy społecznej. W pracy zostały ukazane najciekawsze i najlepiej funkcjonujące systemy krajowe, które w swojej polityce realizują zasadę wyrównywania szans, walki z dyskryminacją oraz umożliwiają niezależne życie. Skupiono się tutaj na charakterystyce systemów i ich funkcjonowania, poprzez analizę zagadnień definicyjnych, przedstawianie działań politycznych i społecznych zmierzających do szeroko rozumianej aktywizacji osób niepełnosprawnych oraz wsparcia ich pracodawców na rynku pracy.
The article presents four models of supporting the employment of people with disabilities on the example of the practical measures taken in selected countries in Asia and the Pacific. Each model has a different internal structure and funding. Particular emphasis was put on showing system solutions that allow different than European solution to the problem of low activity of this social group. The work presents the most interesting and best-functioning national systems, which in their policies pursue equal opportunities, fight against discrimination and enable independent living. The paper focuses on the characteristics of systems and their functioning, through analysis of definitions, presentation of political and social measures aimed at the broad activation of people with disabilities and the support of their employers on the labor market.
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