Pomiary stanowią jedno z podstawowych źródeł informacji o stanie i właściwościach wyrobów. Na ich podstawie podejmowane są decyzje o akceptacji albo odrzuceniu wyrobu. Jednym z elementów procesu pomiaru jest przyrząd pomiarowy, a jego odpowiednie właściwości metrologiczne przyczyniają się do poprawności przebiegu i wykonania pomiaru. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie metodyki analizy zagrożeń i ryzyka dla społeczeństwa wynikających ze stosowania niezgodnych z wymaganiami przyrządów pomiarowych. Organy państwa muszą ustalać priorytety wśród działań podejmowanych na rzecz minimalizacji ryzyk, dlatego też konieczna jest ocena wielkości tych ryzyk. Na rzecz analizy i oceny ryzyka uwzględniono, obok wyników z krajowego nadzoru organów państwa, m.in. takie elementy jak: poziom wiedzy i świadomości uczestników łańcucha dostaw (producentów, upoważnionych przedstawicieli producentów, importerów, dystrybutorów, użytkowników), regulacje krajowe i unijne, zainteresowanie i wrażliwość społeczną na wszelkie nieprawidłowości mające miejsce na rynku przyrządów pomiarowych oraz informacje z innych krajów europejskich. W artykule zaprezentowano też model doskonalenia systemu nadzoru nad przyrządami pomiarowymi skoordynowany z procesem zarządzania ryzykiem tak, aby oceny podejmowanych działań w ramach nadzoru dokonywać w kontekście ponoszonych kosztów oraz istotności zagrożeń dla interesu publicznego.
The measurements are one of the basic source of information about the condition and characteristics of a product. On their basis products are accepted or rejected. A measuring instrument is one of the elements of measuring process, and its proper quality characteristics influence the measuring process and its outcome. The goal of this article is to present a method of consumers threats and risk analysis as a result non-compliant measuring devices use. Public authorities have to describe priorities to minimize this risk. Therefore they need to evaluate a range of the risk. A procedure of risk assessment regarding the threats of the measuring instruments is presented in this paper. Results of the state organs control, a level of knowledge, awareness of producers and authorized representatives of producers, importers, distributors, users, national and EU regulations, social acceptance of the risk associated with the product concerned, information from other EU members are taken for the analysis and risk assessment. A model which can improve supervision of measuring devices is presented in this paper as well. The model is connected with the risk management process to evaluate activities in the context of expenses and threats for societ y.
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The article describes a system for supervising a hydraulic manipulator and allowing its work in the event of failure of the primary measuring system. A monitoring system based on a digital camera observes the manipulator and its environment. In the case of failure of one of the encoders, the control of the manipulator movement is made by taking a feedback signal provided by the vision system. This allows continuation of the work of the manipulator even in the presence of the encoder errors. Additionally, the system is protected against abnormal movements which may lead to hitting of elements allocated in the manipulator working area. A comparison of the system accuracy equipped with two different feedback sensors is also presented.
The work of an operator of the Closed Circuit TeleVision (CCTV) system is associated with the observation of an image recorded by a camera on the screens of monitors, management of work of devices available within the system of visual monitoring (camera turntables, recorders, control panels), and making decisions concerning the initiation of the provided neutralizing proceedings in the case of detection of abnormal situations and emergency situations for people or property. The presented study focuses on demonstrating the available technical means supporting the work of an operator of a CCTV system. These means, when appropriately used, enable an improvement of ergonomics at the workplace of an operator and, consequently, result in an increased comfort of an operator’s work and greater effectiveness of the surveillance system management process. Possibilities are presented related with the use of techniques for the processing and analysis of images in order to automatically detect abnormal situations and, therefore, support the process of decision-making by the system operator and create the workplaces of virtual operators managing the work of the CCTV system, characterized by parameters which are individualized and adjusted to a given object. The described technical means in the form of image processing techniques and virtual control systems allow the reduction of hazards detection time, increase the possibilities related with the steering and management of the work of devices within the system and thus improve the effectiveness of the processes of hazards detection and neutralization.
Omówiono zadania realizowane przez dyspozytorów sieci rozdzielczej średniego napięcia oraz charakterystykę komputerowych systemów sterowania i nadzoru stosowanych w energetyce.
The paper discusses tasks realized by dispatchers of MV distribution networks as well as characteristics of computer aided supervision and control systems used in electric power engineering.
Przedstawione zostały zadania jakie spełnia system JOKS, jego budowa sprzętowa, opisane zostały funkcje poszczególnych ekranów oraz podane zostały efekty wynikające z jego zastosowania.
The functions performed by JOKS, its associate composition, functions of separate screens and effects of its applications are described.
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