The paper presents the structure of a complex system for supporting a decision making process in machining data selection in turning operations. It is assumed, that the system modules cooperate with each other, utilize data and knowledge bases through the information bus. The system proposes to use on line information from visual monitoring module equipped with high speed camera what enables to observe chip forms. Particular modules and their tasks in the system are described as well as some examples are described.
W pracy przedstawiono strukturę systemu wspomagania decyzji w doborze parametrów skrawania dla toczenia. Budowa systemu zakłada współdziałanie wielu modułów – stosowanie baz danych i wiedzy połączonych magistralą informacyjną. System wykorzystuje informację z modułu monitorowania procesu skrawania wyposażonego w kamerę szybkoklatkową umożliwiające obserwację postaci i kształtu powstającego wióra. Przedstawiono zadania poszczególnych modułów systemu i przykłady ich działania.
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In the group of creep-resistant materials, most important are heat-resistant nickel-based alloys. The G-NiCr28W alloy subject to detailed examinations was observed to have two different austenite-like phases. In the interdendritic spaces of alloy matrix, the presence of another phase, also characterised by paramagnetic properties, was detected. Inside this interdendritic phase, local areas of a lamellar structure, composed of both of the above mentioned phases, were present. Nitrogen treatment was observed to raise the microhardness of both these phases. The presence of nitrogen made the regions of a lamellar structure disappear completely. Their place was occupied by precipitates dispersed in the matrix, and occasionally forming large clusters. It has been observed that cold work can harden the G-NiCr28W alloy to a very small degree only, in spite of the fact that hardness is increasing systematically with the increasing degree of cold work. The said alloy, when enriched with nitrogen added as an alloying element, is characterised by hardness higher than the hardness of its nitrogen-free counterpart. The value of hardness is increasing even more under the effect of low-degree cold work, although increasing further the degree of cold work seems to have no effect on hardness increase. The problem faced in nickel-based materials is the possibility of making defect-free castings from alloys with high nitrogen content. Alloys investigated in the present study were remelted, cast and subject to solidification under high nitrogen pressure in the furnace chamber. However, melting carried out under these conditions could not prevent the occurrence of non-metallic inclusions which, while being unable to pass to a riser, formed local clusters or even thin films, resulting in numerous microcracks or discontinuities encompassing large regions of the casting. This problem seems to be of major concern and is the first one to require prompt solution in the currently executed large research project.
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The paper presents an update of the recent literature on advances in cooling techniques for machining of difficult to machine materials such as nickel and titanium-based alloys used in aero-engine and aerostructure applications. The review covers: cryogenic machining, minimum quantity lubrication, the combination of MQL and cryogenic cooling, and high-pressure lubricoolant supply. Examples of applications in industrial processes are also given.
W artykule przedstawiono najnowsze osiągnięcia w technikach chłodzenia przy obróbce materiałów trudnoobialnych, takich jak stopy niklu i stopy tytanu, stosowanych w silnikach i konstrukcjach lotniczych. Przegląd obejmuje: chłodzenie kriogeniczne i minimalne, połączenie tych technik, czyli kriogeniczne chłodzenie minimalne, oraz chłodzenie pod wysokim ciśnieniem. Przedstawiono również przykłady zastosowań przemysłowych.
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