Na podstawie danych z analiz pełnych prób rud cynkowo-ołowiowych pochodzących ze złóż olkusko-zawierciańskiego wykonano analizy geostatyczne i określono najważniejsze prawidłowości zmian składu mineralnego i chemicznego rud. Otrzymane wyniki pozwoliły scharakteryzować najważniejsze czynniki wpływające w różnym stopniu na chemizm i mineralogię rud Zn-Pb. Scharakteryzowano występowanie stref okruszcowanych w obszarach rowów i zrębów. Przedstawiono skład mineralny rud i zróżnicowanie zawartości głównych siarczków w poszczególnych złożach, zwrócono uwagę na znaczny udział galeny i cerusytu w rudach wschodniej, peryferycznej części rejonu olkuskiego. Obliczono współczynniki zmienności zawartości cynku i ołowiu i wskazano, że w złożach o przewadze siarczkowej mineralizacji kształt skumulowanych krzywych i charakterystyka zmienności jest inna aniżeli w złożach zawierających rudy utlenione lub znaczny udział mineralizacji ołowiowej. Wśród najważniejszych czynników wpływających na utlenienie siarczków opisano warunki występowania gniazd rudnych, zróżnicowanie mineralizacji w rowach i w zrębach, uwarunkowania hydrogeologiczne oraz znaczenie hipsografii horyzontów rudnych. Opisano zmienność stopnia utlenienia głównych siarczków w poszczególnych złożach, zwrócono uwagę na inny aniżeli w pozostałych złożach charakter zmienności utlenienia siarczków w Sikorce i Kluczach. Przeanalizowano stopień utlenienia siarczków ołowiu i wskazano najważniejsze przyczyny wzrostu zawartości cerusytu w rudach z Sikorki, Klucz i Olkusza. Dla utlenienia siarczków żelaza wykazano charakterystyczny, bezpośredni jego związek z głębokością zalegania złóż. Przedstawiono najważniejsze prawidłowości zmian jakościowych rud w olkuskim rejonie złożowym.
Basing on the completed analyses of zinc and lead samples, which were collected from Olkusz-Zawiercie area, geostatic analyses were carried out and the most important mineral and chemical regularities and their changes were determined. According to the obtained results the author described the significant factors having an influence on mineralogy and chemistry of Zn and Pb ores. The occurrence of the mineralized zones was characterized in horsts and grabens area. Ore mineral composition and variability of dominant sulphides constans were shown in the paper. The particular attention was paid to galena and cerussite and their high contens in eastern and peripheric part of Olkusz region. Variability of Zn-Pb contens was estimated. It was shown that the shape of the cumulated curves and variability connected with sulphide ores mineralization are unlike to oxidized ores or to these ones which show the high level of lead mineralization. The most important factors having an influence on oxidation of sulphides were indicated as well as the conditions of ore pocket occurrence, variability of mineralization in horsts and grabens, hydrogeological conditions and the meaning of the hypsography of ore horizon were characterized. Moreover, the variability of oxidation degree for dominant sulphides in particular ores were also described. The attention was paid to variability of sulphide oxidation in Sikorka and Klucze which is different from this one occuring in other parts of the area. The oxidation degree of lead sulphides was analysed and on the ground of the analyses the cause of increase of cerussite content in Sikorka, Klucze and Olkusz ores were shown. There was presented the direct connection between oxidation of iron sulphides and depth of deposits. The most important regularity of ore quality changes were shown in the Olkusz area.
Microwave heating is a form of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. The heating of primary and secondary mineral raw materials in the microwave field depends primarily on their dielectric and thermal properties. The condition is the absorption of microwave radiation. Dielectric heating of materials occurs immediately after placing them in an electric high-frequency field. Knowledge of the dielectric characteristics of mineral raw materials is an important assumption for the use of electromagnetic radiation at the intensification of technological treatment methods. Most mined minerals consist of several mineral components that have different dielectric properties. Most sulphides are well heated in a microwave field. Conversely, tailings components of ores, such as quartz, are transmission materials. The study of dielectric properties involves measurements of the complex relative permittivity ε*, which consists of a real and an imaginary part. The imaginary part of permittivity “loss factor” represents the measure of dielectric losses in the material. Microwave heating of sulphide ores and concentrates such are chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, galena depends on their chemical composition and content of impurities. The article describes the influence of dielectric properties on heating of chalcopyrite in microwave field. SEM analyses of studied samples are presented.
The mining waste from the Chaabet-El-Hamra mine contains sulfides such as pyrite (FeS2), galena (PbS) and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) Which pose a threat to the environment. Sulphide minerals under the effect of oxygen and in the presence of water cause a phenomenon of acid mine drainage. Samples taken at the site of the sulphide mine waste at the Chaabet El Hamra mine and subsequently subjected to chemical analyzes offered an average sulfur content of 9%. X-ray diffractometer analyzes confirm the presence of a considerable inclusion of pyrite containing secondary minerals of sphalerite, and galena. To do this, the tests were directed to an environmental desulphurization process by flotation of the pyriterich fraction with depression of the low sulfur mineralogical matrix containing heavy metals of zinc and lead.
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