Ecological stoichiometry is the study of the balance of multiple chemical elements in ecological interactions. Terrestrial plants exhibit inter- and intra-specific differences in leaf C:N:P stoichiometry that has been used to study plant competition and succession, nutrient use efficiency, N and P nutrient limitation. However, little is known about leaf C:N ratio, N:P ratio in the Loess Plateau, particularly the pattern of leaf C:N:P stoichiometry during the secondary succession. Thus, leaf stoichiometric traits and specific leaf area (SLA) of dominant species at different secondary successional stages in the Loess Plateau were measured. The study was conducted at the Lianjiabian forest region of the Loess Plateau (35.03[degrees]-36.37[degrees]N and 108.10[degrees]-109.08[degrees]E), Gansu, China. Leaf C:N:P stoichiometry and specific leaf area of 18 dominant species (herb) community stage (Stipa bungeana Trin, Bothriochloa ischaemun (Linn.) Keng, Carex lanceolata Boott, Artemisia sacrorum Ledeb, Pulsatilla chinensis (Bunge) Regel, Potentilla chinensis Ser), shrub community stage (Sophora viciifolia Hance, Hippophae rhamnoides (Linn.), Ostryopsis davidiana Decne, Rubus palmatus Thunb, Rosa xanthina Lindl, Acer ginnala Maxim, Spiraea pubescens Turcz, Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa), early forest community stage (Populus davidiana Dode, Betula platyphylla Suk, Platycladus orientalis (Linn.) Franco), climax forest community stage (Quercus liaotungensis Koidz)) at four secondary successional stages were determined in the Loess Plateau in early June of 2006. The herb and shrub community stage had higher SLA than that in the early forest community stage and climax forest community stage. The Leaf C, N, C:N ratio and N:P ratio at different secondary successional stages were significantly different (P <0.05), but the leaf P didn't differ. The N:P ratio of herb community stage were significant difference from those of the others stages (shrub community stage, early forest community stage and climax forest community stage), but there were not significant difference among the shrub community stage, early forest community stage and climax forest community stage. N:P ratio shifts of the species were consistent along the successional sere, although the N:P ratio of the different species at a successional stage varied considerably. On community level, the lowest N:P ratio (9.8) was found in herb community stage in the secondary succession, the N:P ratio increased to 12.9 in shrub community stage, declined to 12.4 in early forest community stage, and increased in climax forest community stage (e.g. 12.6 in the Quercus liaotungensis Koidz community). The results suggest that the vegetation productivity of the Loess Plateau was N-limited at each secondary successional stage.
Zespół Alopecuretum pratensis (Regel 1925) Steffen 1931, występujący na terenie Parku Krajobrazowego "Podlaski Przełom Bugu", scharakteryzowano na podstawie 50 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych, wykonanych metodą Brauna-Blanqueta. Każde zdjęcie opisano względnym pokryciem gatunków: charakterystycznych dla klasy; charakterystycznych dla siedlisk wilgotniejszych lub siedlisk suchszych; synantropijnych oraz drzew i krzewów. Obliczono również następujące wskaźniki Ellenberga: L - wskaźnik świetlny, F - uwilgotnienia, R - odczynu gleby, N - zawartości azotu w glebie. Parametry te syntetycznie opisano metodą GGE biplot (ang. "Genotype and Genotype-by-Environment interaction effects"). Wykres typu biplot umożliwił wytypowanie grupy niezaburzonych płatów zespołu Alopecuretum pratensis oraz płatów zaburzonych. Te ostatnie to albo fitocenozy występujące w siedliskach przesuszonych, w których odnotowano równocześnie zwiększony udział gatunków synantropijnych, albo fitocenozy zlokalizowane w siedliskach wyraźnie wilgotniejszych. Większość płatów zespołu Alopecuretum pratensis, zanotowanych na terenie Parku "Podlaski Przełom Bugu", wykształciła się w warunkach siedliskowych zbliżonych do optymalnych dla tego syntaksonu i została zaliczona do postaci niezaburzonej, co świadczy o jego dobrej kondycji. Metoda GGE biplot okazała się przydatna do oceny stanu zespołu Alopecuretum pratensis oraz określenia kierunków jego zmian.
The Alopecuretum pratensis association (Regel 1925) Steffen 1931 in the Bug Ravine Landscape Park was described by 50 relevčs with the use of Braun-Blanquet method. The aim of this study was to define the conditions and symptoms of degeneration of Alopecuretum pratensis. Each of the relevčs was described by the relative cover of: characteristic species of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class, characteristic species of wetter and drier habitats, synanthropic species, tree and shrub species. The Ellenberg indicators (L - light, F - moisture, R - soil pH, N - soil nitrogen) were also calculated. Above mentioned parameters were described synthetically by the GGE biplot method (Genotype and Genotype-by-environment interaction effects). The graph designated the group of undisturbed and disturbed phytocenoses of Alopecuretum pratensis. The disturbed phytocoenosis were often located in drier habitats or in markedly wetter sites. In the first case it was associated with greater participation of synanthropic species. Summing up, most of the described phytocoenoses of Alopecuretum pratenis developed in conditions close to the optimal for that syntaxon and were classified as undisturbed, which indicated their good condition in the Bug Ravine Landscape Park. Selection of appropriate parameters of examined plant community allowed the use of the GGE biplot method for assessing the state of Alopecuretum pratensis and determining the directions of its change.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań fitosocjologicznych prowadzonych w 2008 r. w dolinie Płoski, na terenie dolnego odcinka rzeki w rejonie jej ujścia do Supraśli - powierzchnia 20,15 ha (województwo podlaskie, gmina Supraśl). Na obszarze o dużym zróżnicowaniu florystycznym badanego fragmentu doliny stwierdzono występowanie 172 gatunków roślin naczyniowych i 24 mszaków, reprezentujących osiem zbiorowisk roślinnych (łąki wilgotne, ziołorośla połąkowe, zbiorowiska szuwarów trzcinowych, zarośla łozowe, zbiorowiska łęgu jesionowo-olszowego i łęgu świerkowo-olszowego, ols porzeczkowy i borealną świerczynę na torfie), należących do pięciu klas syntaksonomicznych. W badaniach stwierdzono, że ograniczenie lub zaprzestanie użytkowania rolniczego wybranych płatów łąk z upływem czasu (1966-2008) prowadzi, w procesie sukcesji wtórnej, do głębokich zmian w strukturze zespołów roślinnych. W początkowych stadiach sukcesji następuje kształtowanie się ziołorośli połąkowych, a następnie zarastanie krzewami do zarośli łozowych i przez kolejne stadia rozwojowe do olsowych lub łęgowych zespołów leśnych.
Phytosociological study was carried out in 2008 in the Lower Płoska River valley in the area of 20.15 hectares at the outlet of the Płoska River to the Supraśl River (podlaskie voivodship, district Supraśl). In floristically differentiated area of the Lower Płoska valley 172 species of vascular plants and 24 mosses were identified. They represented eight plant communities from five phytosociological classes. According to the syntaxonomic approach, the following syntaxons were identified - Ass. Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei and Ass. Lysimachio vulgaris-Filipenduletum from the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class, Ass. Phragmitetum australis from the Phragmitetea class, Ass. Salicetum pentadro-cinereae and Ass. Ribeso nigri-Alnetum from the Alnetea glutinosae class, Ass. Fraxino-Alnetum and Piceo-Alnetum from the Alno-Ulmion alliance and Querco-Fagetea class, Sphagno girgensohnii-Piceetum from the Vaccinio-Piceetea class. The results revealed that restriction or abandonment of agricultural management of wet meadows caused, during secondary succession, deep changes in the structure of plant communities, first by the formation of herbaceous plant communities and then by overgrowing by shrubs to a brushwood and finally to alder or riparian forest communities.
Badania przeprowadzono w 2010 r. w Środkowym Basenie Biebrzy w Biebrzańskim Parku Narodowym. W celu określenia wpływu zaprzestania koszenia na roślinność, na obiekcie łąkowym Grzędy wytyczono dwa transekty - jeden w części niekoszonej od 7 lat, drugi - w części sporadycznie koszonej (raz na 2-4 lata). W ramach transektów wykonano łącznie 23 zdjęcia fitosocjologiczne metodą Brauna-Blanqueta. Obliczono wskaźniki Elleneberga: F - uwilgotnienia, N - zawartości azotu w glebie i R - odczynu gleby. Oceniono różnorodność gatunkową zbiorowisk na podstawie: łącznej liczby gatunków w transekcie, średniej liczby gatunków przypadającej na zdjęcie fitosocjologiczne oraz obliczając wskaźnik różnorodności gatunkowej Shannona-Wienera dla transektów. Wartość użytkową zbiorowisk oceniono na podstawie LWU Filipka i zadarnienia. Stwierdzono, że skład gatunkowy zbiorowisk w obu transektach jest podobny, jednak wyraźnie różni się proporcjami. Na całym obiekcie dominują fitocenozy zespołu Molinietum caerulae W. Koch 1926 (klasa Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R. Tx. 1937). W części, na której przed 7 laty zaprzestano koszenia, w płatach zaznacza się wyraźny podrost drzew: Salix cinerea L., Salix repens subsp. rosmarinifolia (L.) Hartm. i Betula pubescens Ehrh., co świadczy o postępującej sukcesji wtórnej. W porównaniu z obszarem sporadycznie koszonym większa jest średnia wysokość roślin, natomiast mniejsze - zadarnienie. Na obszarze koszonym udział gatunków drzewiastych jest znikomy. Z większą ilościowością występuje tu Carex panicea L. i Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb. Zaprzestanie użytkowania spowodowało wzrost łącznej liczby gatunków w transekcie i średniej liczby gatunków w zdjęciu, ale zmniejszenie wartości wskaźnika Shannona-Wienera. Wartość użytkową roślinności obu badanych transektów oceniono jako bardzo słabą.
The study was carried out in the year 2010 in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza River in the Biebrza National Park. The aim was to find out if the cessation of mowing could have changed some parameters of the existing vegetation. And if yes - what kind of changes could be noted. The examined phytocoenoses were described by 23 relevčs made with the BRAUN-BLANQUET method (1964). Eleven of them were made within the transect where vegetation had been mowed every 2-4 years, and the other 12 - in the transect, where vegetation had not been mowed for the previous 7 years. Species diversity was assessed upon: species composition of each community, their syntaxonomic structure, species richness, floristic diversity calculated using the SHANNON-WIENER index (H') and site conditions estimated with the ELLENBERG phytoindication method (1992]. The utilization value based on the fodder value score (FVS) defined by FILIPEK (1973) and sod cover were also estimated. It was found that species composition in both transects was very similar, however, the proportion of some species and syntaxonomic groups of species was different. Generally, the whole examined area was covered by the phytocoenoses of Molinetum caerulae association. In the not mowed part the clear symptoms of secondary succession were noticed. Young trees and shrubs, mainly Salix cinerea, Salix repens subspec. rosmarinifolia and Betula pubescens, appeared in vegetation units. In comparison to the mowed area the total number of species in the phytosociological relevé and mean height of plants were higher, whereas the sod cover was lower. In the mowed area the mean cover of trees and shrubs was negligible. Carex panicea and Carex buxbaumii were numerous there. Other results of the abandonment of utilization were: a higher species richness and a lower value of Shannon-Wiener index. The utilisation value of vegetation in both examined transects was very poor.
Polana Siwica jest rezerwatem powołanym dla ochrony roślinności i fauny śródleśnej polany w Bolimowskim Parku Krajobrazowym. Rezerwat istnieje od 1998 r. i stanowi ważną ostoją różnorodności biologicznej w Polsce Środkowej. Od trzynastu lat jest tam prowadzona aktywna ochrona przyrody. Jest ona jednak wdrażana bez żadnego planu, co zmniejsza jej efektywność. Mimo tego dzięki ochronie czynnej zachowano, a nawet poprawiono, stan ekosystemów łąkowych i szuwarowych polany Siwicy. Niezbędne jest szybkie opracowanie dokumentu pozwalającego prowadzić ochronę czynną zgodnie z rzeczywistymi potrzebami. Polana Siwica może i powinna stać się ważnym poligonem badawczym w zakresie efektywności metod aktywnej ochrony ekosystemów łąkowych. Obecnie na polanie Siwica prowadzone są badania, które pomogą ocenić skuteczność wdrażanej tam ochrony czynnej.
Siwica Glade Reserve was established in 1998 for the protection of plant cover and fauna in the mid-forest clearings of Bolimowski Landscape Park. It is an important reservoir of biodiversity for Central Poland. An act.ive conservation of nature has been continued for thirteen years there. However, it has been implemented without any plan, which reduced its effectiveness. Despite this, condition of meadows and rushes of Siwica Glade was retained and even improved thanks to active conservation. It is necessary to develop a document allowing to lead a conservation in accordance to actual needs. Siwica Glade can and should become an important testing ground for research in the effectiveness of conservation methods for meadow ecosystems. Presently studies in the Siwica Glade Reserve are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of active conservation implemented there.
The paper analyses the production and allocation of biomass in young, spontaneous silver birch afforestation occurring on post-agricultural lands in the Mazowsze region (central Poland). We investigated 114 sample plots of age varying from 1 to 19 years. During the first 15 years after their establishment on abandoned farmland, the naturally regenerated silver birch stands produced on average approximately 75 tons of dry biomass per hectare. The major (50–70%) part of this biomass was stored in the tree stems and this share increased with age. The fractions of biomass in the foliage and roots decreased over time, while the share of biomass in the branches remained rather constant. The significant age-dependency of the allometric relationships suggested the need to use age-sensitive biomass expansion factors to estimate the biomass from the stem volume.
Przedstawiono przemiany krajobrazu wsi Bielice, Nowy Gierałtów i Goszów (Sudety Wschodnie). Uwarunkowania fizjograficzne, funkcje wsi oraz odległość od miasta wpłynęły na kierunek ewolucji krajobrazu w obliczu zmian polityczno-narodowościowych i ustrojowych po II wojnie światowej. Przemiany dotyczyły głównie odejścia od rolniczego użytkowania ziem, a w efekcie nasilenia wtórnej sukcesji leśnej. Powojenny regres w rozwoju przestrzennym wsi ustąpił wraz z silnym rozwojem funkcji turystycznej. Wprowadzenie obcej stylistycznie zabudowy letniskowej, willowej i obiektów turystycznych doprowadziło do zaburzenia historycznych układów wsi, a w miejscowościach podmiejskich do stopniowego zaniku ich krajobrazowej odrębności. W oparciu o idee umiarkowanego i zrównoważonego rozwoju przestrzennego zaproponowano sposoby przeciwdziałania niekorzystnym trendom zmian krajobrazowych.
There are shown landscape’s changes in the villages of Bielice, Nowy Gierałtów and Goszów (Eastern Sudetes). In the face of political-national and constitutional changes after II World War the physiographical determinants, function of villages and distance from the town have had an influence on landscape’s evolution direction. Landscape’s changes have mainly concerned retiring from the agriculture land use and as a result intensify of repeated forest succession. Postwar regress in village’s spatial development have last years subsided together with intense growth of tourist function. Introduction of stylistic foreign summer-resort building, detached houses and tourist objects have caused disturbance of historical villages configuration and in suburban villages - their landscape autonomy loss. On the basis of moderate and sustainable spatial development ideas there were proposed how to counteract detrimental landscape’s changes trends.
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We investigated changes in species richness, community biomass, and productivity during secondary forest succession in Ziwuling area of the Loess Plateau of China. Species richness(number of taxa) increased as the succession proceeds, and peaked at the climax forest community, but the richness growth gradually slowed down as the succession advanced. Community biomass rapidly increased from the herbaceous stage to the shrub stage and declined slightly in the climax forest stage. The maximum community biomass occurred in the pioneer forest stage. Community productivity followed an unimodal curve in the succession, and the maximum productivity occurred in the shrub community at the middle succession stage, and the communities maintained a low and stable productivity at the later succession stages. The herb and shrub species together determined community diversity during succession, while the tree species contributed less to diversity in the communities. The herb and shrub layers had a relatively low biomass, but contributed almost half of the productivity of the forest communities. The relationships between species richness, community biomass and productivity were unimodal during succession, but only the relationship between species richness and community biomass was significant.
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The human induced changes affect the transformation of different plant communities. In some cases this process can contribute to increase in local biodiversity, but it depends on type and manner of human activity involved. The main aim of this study is to answer the question how two anthropogenic factors (former and current) can modify the species composition in forest phytocoenoses. The study area is situated in the southern Poland (Małopolska Upland). The studies were carried out on two former (19th century) mining fields where planting Common Beech Fagus sylvatica (field A) and Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris (field B) have been done since the first half of the 20th century. On gob piles (sites transformed by former iron-ore mining), single-species beech (field A) or pine (field B) tree stands are undergoing secondary succession, and transform into multi-species, fertile deciduous forests. This secondary communities corresponding to the types of new, fertile soils (formed by clayey-loamy material of gob piles), generated as a result of mining activities. Whereas, on non-transformed areas forest communities with floristic structures and composition linked to poor and acidophilous phytocoenoses developed. These communities are also compatible with their respective, primary habitats (acid, poor, and sandy soils). Nonetheless, the secondary succession of forest communities on gob piles can be disturbed. In the herb layer of fertile habitats of post-mining sites where Pinus sylverstis was planted (field B) acidophilous species among mesophilous forest species were noted. This process of acidification of humus layer is induced by the fall of needles of pines and it has not been observed in communities with planted Fagus sylvatica (field A). It was found that previous mining activities now affect the secondary succession in the forest communities of northern part of the Małopolska Upland because they have created new habitats where process of forming mesophilous phytocoenoses was observed. Accordingly, former human activity leads to the increase in local biodiversity. On the other side current forest management can reduce this effect as a result of planting tree species which acidify these fertile habitats and suppressed the occurrence of mesophilous forest species, what, by contrast, decrease the species richness.
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After abandonment many species-rich limestone grasslands have been overgrown by tall grasses and forbs, and often by shrubs and trees. As a result, communities with many regionally rare and endangered species are vanishing. We examined to what extend changes in the cover of sociological species groups and plant functional types in an unmanaged grassland depend on fluctuations in climatic conditions. Vegetation data from permanent plots in an abandoned grassland in southern Poland collected over 12 years were used. Relations between weather variables, time, and the cover of species groups were analysed using multiple linear regression and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The climatic data included mean temperatures and precipitation sums for each month from January to December (for the current year from January to July), and for 2, 3 and 4 consecutive months, with time lags of 0, 1, 2 and 3 years. It was found that both inter-annual fluctuation of climatic conditions and successional processes considerably influenced species composition of the study grassland. The fluctuations in precipitation and temperature explained from 0.8% to 27.1% of the variation in the cover of various sociological groups. The greatest effect on the cover dynamics of all species and majority of sociological groups had precipitation in spring and early summer in the current year. Most of species groups were affected also by temperature in spring and/or summer in the previous years, but its effect was lower than precipitation. The obtained results suggest that climatic conditions have also a significant impact on the rate of changes in abandoned limestone grasslands. Higher precipitation in spring and summer favour growth and spread of tall meadow grasses and forbs, accelerating changes from less compact communities dominated by smaller xerothermic species to more compact vegetation with a closed structure. In consequence the role of xerothermic calcareous species decreases and many of them may locally extinct within decades.
Transformacja ustrojowa, jaka miała miejsce w Polsce ponad 20 lat temu, a także przystąpienie naszego kraju do UE, pociągnęły za sobą liczne zmiany, w rolnictwie (likwidacja PGR, porzucanie upraw roli, wolny rynek zbytu czy wzrost konkurencyjności producentów) oraz w gospodarce prowadząc do głębokich przemian społeczno – ekonomicznych. Skutki tych transformacji zauważalne są także w przestrzeni rolniczej, najczęściej w przemianach krajobrazu. Zmiany te mają zazwyczaj charakter procesu wtórnej sukcesji leśnej zachodzącej na działkach rolnych. Tempo wkraczania i rozszerzający się z roku na rok zasięg terytorialny wtórnej sukcesji, najczęściej nie jest przedmiotem zainteresowania odpowiednich agencji lub urzędów. Technologią, która może wspomagać określanie zmian ilościowych (powierzchni, liczby działek rolniczych podlegających zmianom) i jakościowych (typ sukcesji – zbiorowiska roślinnego) przebiegających w krajobrazie - jest lotnicze skanowanie laserowe (ang. Airborne Laser Scanning; ALS). Prezentowane w pracy badania objęły 79.87 ha gruntów rolnych wsi Tuklęcz (gm. Rytwiany, powiat Staszów, woj. świętokrzyskie). W pracach wykorzystano dane EGiB (PODGiK w Staszowie) oraz dane ALS w postaci 2 zestawów chmur punktów ALS o gęstości: 2 pkt/m2 (RZGW Kraków; XI.2009r.) oraz 4 pkt/m2 (ISOK; XI.2012r.). Detekcję wtórnej sukcesji leśnej przeprowadzono stosując 4 warianty różniące się wysokością roślinności (odpowiednio: 0.4m, 1.0m, 2.0m oraz 3.0m ponad wygenerowanym NMT). Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, iż w każdym wariancie, na 50% liczby działek z użytkiem rola („R”; 60.54% całego obszaru) koncentrowało się ponad 70% wtórnej sukcesji leśnej. W zależności od jej wysokości nad gruntem, pokrywała ona od 61.05% do 31.38% klasoużytku „R” oraz od 67.03% do 34.93% pastwisk („Ps”) co świadczy o dynamicznych przemianach zachodzących na tym terenie. Cykliczne pozyskiwanie danych ALS w odpowiednich porach roku (zestaw danych ISOK wykazywał znaczący brak informacji o zadrzewieniach liściastych gatunków) bądź też stosowanie alternatywnych technologii (np. stereo-matching ze zdjęć lotniczych czy zobrazowania radarowe), stwarza szanse na zarządzanie i monitorowanie zmian zachodzących na obszarach rolniczych w Polsce. Jest to istotne ze względu na sporządzanie miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego czy też wdrażanie Krajowego Programu Zwiększania Lesistości (KPZL), zakładającego osiągnięcie poziomu 30% lesistości w Polsce w roku 2020 oraz 33% w roku 2050. Nie należy zapominać o ogromnym potencjale biomasy zgromadzonej na obszarach wtórnej sukcesji nie ujętej w bazach EGiB czy LMN PGL Lasów Państwowych a stanowiącej istotny czynnik w dobie handlu emisjami CO2 czy wdrażania dyrektyw UE o energiach odnawialnych.
Dynamic economic and social changes taking place for the past 20 years in Poland, effects often of such loss of extensive agriculture and abandonment of agricultural activities particularly on small and narrow plots, usually on the soils of poor grading. Even before the Polish accession to the EU, set-aside and fallow areas cover approx. 2.3 million ha (in 2002), but in subsequent years the area drastically decreased from 1.3 million ha (in 2004), by 1.0 million ha (2005) to 0.4 million hectares (2011). As a result of cessation of mowing meadows, grazing pastures and agricultural measures, we can observed the phenomenon of secondary forest succession (plant communities of a forest properties) leading to changes in land use and land cover classes structure. Recording changes in the agro-forestry space, update reference registers of the land and building (EGiB) and control granted to farmers subsidies (direct EU payments) requires an efficient and automated technology acquisition, processing and analysis of spatial data. In addition to the used by ARiMR (in the LPIS system) vector data and aerial orthophotomaps, there is still a need to strengthen the decision-making process such as update of current ranges of land-use classes. One of the GI technologies that could be a real breakthrough is the Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS). The study area cover 137.17 ha in the village Tuklęcz (commune Rytwiany, Staszów County, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship). The EGiB geodata came from PODGiK in Staszów. They were two ALS point cloud data sets: one provided by the RZGW in Krakow (from airborne campaign Nov. 2009; density ~2 pts/m2) and the second from ISOK project (Nov. 2012; density ~4 pts/m2). The Terrasolid and FUSION (USDA Forest Service) and ArcGIS Esri software were used in the study. Detection of vegetation was carried out in 4 variants differ in the “height above ground” of the class "succession" (thresholds: from 0.4m, 1m, 2m and 3m). The results indicate that in each scenario (variant), in the area of arable land ("R")- class (covering 60.55% of the analyzed area) were over 70% of all detected secondary forest succession polygons, covering more than 50% of agricultural land. Secondary succession occupied from 31.38% to 61.05% the land-use "R" and from 34.93% to 67.03% of the land-use Pastures’ ("Ps"), which shows the high economic transformations taking place in the area. The use of wide-scale ALS data in Poland, has been made possible by the ISOK project assuming execution to the end of 2013 for an area of about 191.000 km2 of classified ALS point cloud (cloud density: 4 pts/m2 – Standard I for agricultural areas; 12 pts/m2 - Standard II for urban areas), digital terrain model (DTM) and the digitals (topographic) surface model (DSM). In addition, the aerial photographs are obtained in the ISOK project for coloring of ALS point clouds or for orthophoto generation purpose. Observed in the years 2002 -2010 decrease by 26% the number of farms in Poland (up to 1 ha area) is some indication that the problem of abandonment of agricultural land has not yet been closed. Regular ALS campaigns or the use of alternative technologies such as stereo-matching of aerial photographs or radar technologies, it gives a good chance to manage and monitor the changes in rural areas. This retrieved data can be used in the construction of development plans of communes or management plans of Natura2000, which largely depend on properly conducted agricultural economy (Special Protection Areas - SPA) means eg mowing overgrown meadows and pastures. On the other hand, since 1995, the National Afforestation Programme (KPZL) exist, which implies achieving 30% forest cover in Poland in year 2020 and 33% in year 2050.
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