Wiarygodne dane statystyczne na temat różnych aspektów zachowań samobójczych (m.in. skali, struktury) są istotnym elementem społecznej diagnozy zjawiska oraz niezbędnym warunkiem do sprawowania, przynajmniej w ograniczonym zakresie, jego kontroli. W odniesieniu do zachowań samobójczych, podobnie jak i w przypadku, innych zjawisk dezorganizacji społecznej, (np. przemocy w rodzinie, bullyingu, prostytucji, korupcji, zaburzeń psychicznych), wiarygodność oficjalnych statystyk budzi poważne wątpliwości. W tekście, w oparciu o teoretyczne i metodologiczne założenia badania wskaźników zarejestrowanych zachowań dewiacyjnych proponowane przez J. Kitsusego i A. Cicourela, zostanie przedstawiona krytyczna analiza wiarygodności danych na temat samobójstw w Polsce, dostępnych w oficjalnie publikowanych statystykach. Zostały omówione następujące zagadnienia: źródła danych na temat zachowań samobójczych, błędy występujące w publikowanych danych (odnoszące się przede wszystkim do skali zjawiska), przyczyny występowania takiego stanu rzeczy oraz postulaty zmierzające do zwiększenia poprawności zbierania danych.
Reliable statistics on different aspects of suicidal behavior such as the scale and structure for instance are an important element of social diagnosis of this phenomenon. Such statistics are also an indispensable condition of control (even if limited) over suicidal behavior. It appears that the reliability of all official statistics in relation to suicidal behavior similarly to other social disorders such as domestic violence, bullying or prostitution, corruption as well as the occurrence of some disease and mental disorders, raises serious doubts. In the text to follow which is based on theoretical and methodological assumptions based on the studies of registered data of deviant behaviors as suggested by J. Kitsuse and A. Cicourel there shall be revealed a critical analysis of the reliability of statistics concerning the problem of suicides in Poland available in the officially published statistics. The following issues shall be discussed: the sources of data concerning suicidal behavior, errors occurring in the published data (especially the scale of the phenomenon), the reasons of this and the potential solutions which could lead to increasing the correctness of collecting data.
This report deals with the possible causes of suicidal death, which is often caused by psychoactive substances. It is not about the impact that damages individual human organs, but about the action that causes changes in an individual’s psyche. Drugs that are taken for various reasons for a long time can cause dependence on them, and sometimes they also lead to the appearance of suicidal thoughts. The author, concerned about the situation of the increasing number of suicides in our country within the last two years, decided to write an article. Mainly, it is targeted at people who often do not realize the possibility of addiction to drugs, the so-called afterburners, alcohol or other psychological means of self-destruction. The case described in the article is aimed at making people aware that addictions take place in different environments, and that individuals with well-being can take their own lives for reasons only known to them. In order to prevent, or at least significantly reduce the number of cases associated with the intake of psychoactive substances, which may also contribute to taking one’s own life, preventive measures are necessary. One should make adults (mainly parents) aware of their unconscious impact on the emergence of addictions to toxic agents on both the physical and mental health of emotionally immature juveniles. The young generation may not see alternatives to a distant future, and it is the duty of those who are responsible for them to show them the sense in continuing their existence.
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