W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań trójosiowych, wytrzymałości na ścinanie piasku średniego wykonane w warunkach kontrolowanego stanu nasycenia próbki gruntu metodą „translacji osi”. Badania przeprowadzono w nowoczesnym aparacie do badań trójosiowych próbek nienasyconych. Próbki o średnicy 7 cm i wysokości 14 cm, zagęszczano w laboratorium w specjalnej formie. Wykonano dwie serie badań dla różnych wartości ciśnienia ssania s = ua – uw, wynoszących 60 kPa i 200 kPa, oraz naprężeń, σ3(netto) = σ3 – ua, wynoszących 50 kPa i 200 kPa. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały wpływ ciśnienia ssania na parametry wytrzymałościowe gruntu niespoistego (piasku średniego). Wzrost ciśnienia ssania powoduje pojawienie się spójności pozornej w gruncie niespoistym, która zwiększa się wraz ze wzrostem ciśnienia ssania.
This paper presents the results of triaxial tests, shear strength of the medium sand performed in a controlled state of the soil samples saturation using the "axis translation technique". The study was conducted in a modern apparatus for triaxial testing of unsaturated samples. Test specimens with a diameter of 7 cm and a height of 14 cm were prepared in the laboratory in a special form by compaction. Two series of tests were performed for different values of suction pressure, s = ua – uw of 60 kPa and 200 kPa, and stress, σ3(netto) = σ3 – ua, equal to 50 kPa and 200 kPa. The study showed the impact of suction pressure on the soil strength parameters of medium sand. Increase of suction pressure causes the appearance of apparent cohesion in non-cohesive soil, which increases with increasing of the suction pressure.
This paper presents the results of the triaxial tests performed on medium sand and sandy clay samples. The shear strength and deformation characteristics from consolidated drained (CD) tests performed in a controlled saturation state were determined. The study was conducted in a modern apparatus for triaxial testing of unsaturated samples. Test specimens with a diameter of 70 mm and height of 140 mm were prepared by compaction in a laboratory in a special form. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of matric suction on the shear strength and deformation characteristic of medium sand and sandy clay. The axis translation technique was used to apply matric suction to soil specimens.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań próbek piasku średniego i gliny piaszczystej przeprowadzonych w aparacie trójosiowego ściskania. Na podstawie badań wykonanych metodą z konsolidacją i odpływem (CD) oraz kontrolowanym stanem nasycenia wyznaczono charakterystyki odkształceniowe i wytrzymałościowe. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w nowoczesnym aparacie trójosiowego ściskania do badania próbek nienasyconych. Próbki do badań o średnicy 70 mm i wysokości 140 mm przygotowano w laboratorium, zagęszczając grunty w specjalnej formie. Celem badania było określenie wpływu ciśnienia ssania na parametry wytrzymałościowe i charakterystyki odkształceniowe piasku średniego i gliny piaszczystej. Do wytworzenia ssania w próbce gruntu zastosowano technikę translacji osi.
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Zmiany deformacyjne zachodzą w gruntach spoistych w efekcie współdziałania fazy stałej gruntu z fazą ciekłą. W artykule przedstawiona jest kompleksowa, geologiczno-inżynierska ocena zdolności do zmian objętościowych prze- konsolidowanych iłów mio-plioceńskich z poligonu badawczego STEGNY w Warszawie. Do oceny wykorzystano: skład granulometryczny i mineralny, podstawowe właściwości fizyczne oraz parametry gruntowe, takie jak: powierzchnia właściwa, pojemność sorpcyjna, pęcznienie swobodne, ciśnienie pęcznienia, ciśnienie ssania oraz charakterystyki w postaci krzywych retencji iłów.
Deformation changes occur in cohesive soils as a result of co-operation of their solid and liquid phases. The paper presents comprehensive, geological engineering evaluation of ability to volume changes overconsolidated mio-pliocene clay from site experimentation site STEGNY in Warsaw. For the evaluation of these changes grading and mineral composition, basic physical properties and soil parameters such as: specific surface, MBC, free swelling, swell pressure, suction pressure and soil-water characteristic curves were used.
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In the paper the tests results of the consolidation coefficient (cv) of unsaturated pliocen clays are presented. The consolidation tests of pliocen clay samples were performed for different values of loading and degree of saturation induced by applied suction. These tests were carried out in the suction controlled consolidometer (called UPC-consolidometer), which uses the “axis-translation” technique to apply the required suction. The value of coefficient of consolidation (cv) estimated for different values of suction - degree of saturation, decreases if loading increases. But for the same level of loading the coefficient of consolidation (cv) decreases if applied suction increases (degree of saturation decreases).
This paper presents an issue of microstructural changes in clay soils during the water loss due to increase of suction pressure. The change of microstructure affects the geological engineering properties of soils causes problems with the foundation of buildings. The volumetric changes of cohesive soils, containing significant amounts of clay minerals from the smectite group, are caused by a variable water content in soil. The phenomenon of the moisture change significantly alters the geological engineering properties of these soils as a result of shrinking and swelling. This paper aims at presenting the microstructural changes in remoulded specimens of Neogene clays caused by loss of moisture due to suction pressure. The scientific examination involved quantitative analyses of the microstructure using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to study pore space details of remoulded specimens. Tested samples from selected levels of the Neogene clays (Poznan Series) were collected from the Warsaw-Stegny area. Samples were taken from a research polygon for these clay soils. The basic geological engineering properties of clay soils and remoulded specimens have been examined after being prepared according to strictly defined procedures. Through successive stages of the suction pressure (from 50 to 1600 kPa), the samples underwent the process of loss of moisture. Application of a novel method of sample preparation procedure for remoulded specimens allowed examining structurally homogeneous soils and obtaining results without an effect of material anisotropy. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of soil microstructures were performed using SEM and STIMAN software for quantitative images processing. The analysis allowed determination of the number of geometric and morphometric parameters of the microstructure with high accuracy. Based on this study, significant qualitative and quantitative changes in loss of moisture due to suction pressure in the process of remoulded specimens were noted along with changes in the microstructure and pore space of clay soils. The obtained results showed the effect of successive stages of "closing" of the structure of cohesive soils. Microstructural changes have a significant influence on the values of clay soil properties during the shrinkage and swelling process, which are caused by changes in the water content.
This article is concerned with the development of a compact system suitable for producing compact roving. The objective is to reduce twist and improve the performance of roving in the subsequent processes. Combed compact cotton yarn with a linear density of 9.84tex was spun from compact and conventional roving. In order to conclude that compactness had been formed in roving, two special tests, namely the minimum twist of cohesion and roving cohesion strength were determined. Yarns produced from conventional and compact roving were compared for their strength, evenness and hairiness. The results show that there was an improvement in the strength and hairiness of the compact yarns produced from compact roving when compared to conventional yarns.
Artykuł dotyczy opracowania kompaktowego systemu, który umożliwiłby wytworzenie kompaktowego niedoprzędu. Celem jest zmniejszenie skrętu i poprawienie przerabialności niedoprzędu w kolejnych etapach procesu. Kompaktowa przędza bawełniana czesankowa o masie liniowej 9,84 tex była przędziona z wykorzystaniem niedoprzędu kompaktowego i klasycznego. Uzyskane przędze badano określając ich wytrzymałość na rozciąganie, równomierność i włochatość. Wyniki wskazały na zwiększenie wytrzymałości na rozciąganie i polepszenie włochatości przędz wytworzonych z niedoprzędu kompaktowego.
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