In the paper a problem of individual factors which can hamper or facilitate the studying of foreign language has been brought up. Individual abilities were examined within six areas. These are as follows: 1. intelligence and linguistic abilities, 2. personality type, temperament type, 3. thinking styles and cognitive styles, 4. communication strategies, 5. foreign language studying motives, and 6. behaviours related to overcoming difficulties during foreign language classes. The results of examinations carried out among modern philology [modern languages] students showed a dependence of language education on particular personal-individual features.
W artykule omówiono właściwości indywidualne utrudniające i ułatwiające osiąganie sukcesu glottodydaktycznego. Zastosowanie metody analizy międzygrupowej umożliwiło charakterystykę czynników uwypuklających różnice indywidualne pomiędzy studentami wyróżniającymi się i dostatecznymi. Sygnalizowanych różnic doszukiwano się w określonych predyspozycjach: umysłowych, poznawczych, osobowościowych, motywacyjnych, a także w zachowaniach związanych z przezwyciężaniem trudności na zajęciach. Przeprowadzone badania dowiodły, iż różnice między wskazanymi grupami studentów odnoszą się do predyspozycji w zakresie: 1) inteligencji i zdolności językowych, 2) typu temperamentu i typu osobowości, 3) stylów myślenia, stylów poznawczych i strategii użycia języka, 4) sfery motywacyjnej, 5) sposobów radzenia sobie ze stresem.
The purpose of the study was to explore the role of emotions, promotion-prevention orientation and feedback on cognitive engagement. In the experiment participants had the possibility to engage in a categorization task thrice. After the first categorization all participants were informed that around 75% of their answers were correct. After the second categorization, depending on the experimental condition, participants received feedback either about success or failure. Involvement in the third categorization was depended on participants’ decision whether to take part in it or not. Each time, before and after categorization, the emotional state was assessed. Results showed that promotion orientation predicted experiencing curiosity before the task, which in turn led to a higher cognitive engagement in the first categorization. Promotion and prevention orientation moderated the type of emotional response to positive feedback. Promotion orientation also predicted cognitive engagement after the feedback of success was provided. Generally results confirmed the positive effect of positive emotions as well as promotion orientation on cognitive engagement.
The purpose of the study was to explore the role of emotions, promotion-prevention orientation and feedback on cognitive engagement. In the experiment participants had the possibility to engage in a categorization task thrice. After the first categorization all participants were informed that around 75% of their answers were correct. After the second categorization, depending on the experimental condition, participants received feedback either about success or failure. Involvement in the third categorization was depended on participants’ decision whether to take part in it or not. Each time, before and after categorization, the emotional state was assessed. Results showed that promotion orientation predicted experiencing curiosity before the task, which in turn led to a higher cognitive engagement in the first categorization. Promotion and prevention orientation moderated the type of emotional response to positive feedback. Promotion orientation also predicted cognitive engagement after the feedback of success was provided. Generally results confirmed the positive effect of positive emotions as well as promotion orientation on cognitive engagement.
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