Praca zawiera informacje na temat kształtowania się cen na drewno opałowe, prąd, gaz i węgiel w latach 1997-2005. Wykonano analizy, na podstawie których przedstawiono trend zmian tych cen oraz opisano ich przebieg. Na podstawie mieszanej elastyczności popytu na drewno określono substytucyjność tego surowca względem wybranych kategorii źródeł energii.
The paper contains information concerning prices for fuel wood, electricity, gas and coal in the years 1997- 2005. On the basis of the performed analyses, it was found that prices of all the examined categories increased with the highest price lability recorded for the fuel wood. In contrast with coal, electricity and gas prices, which showed increased trends throughout the examined period of time, wood prices decreased three times. Analyses were conducted which helped present change trends of these prices and, additionally, courses of these changes were described. On the basis of the mixed elasticity of the demand for wood, the substitutionality of this raw material in relation to the selected categories of energy sources was determined. It was found that wood was a substitute for all the analysed categories. Exceptional substitutionality was observed in relation to coal. The mean mixed elasticity of the demand for wood against coal reached the value which exceeded 10 units. A distinctly lower wood substitutionality was recorded analysing electricity and gas.