The article discusses the Łęczna-Włodawa Lake District drawing on archaeological and palynological data sources and presents a model of economic activity in the Bronze and early Iron Age. The economy of the early Bronze Age was predominantly based on animal husbandry with hunter-gatherer elements, while the later Bronze Age witnessed a change in balance between crop cultivation and animal husbandry, with an increase in the former
Marcin Śmiglecki (1564-1618) was one of the most famous Polish representatives of the second scholastics. His work Logica, originally published in Ingolstadt (1618), was followed by three times published at Oxford (1634, 1638 and 1658).This work includes a series of logical and metaphysical problems, issue of subsistence among them the. This issue belongs to the metaphysical problematics of the substance and is associated with the concept of being. An outline of the issues of subsistence, which we find in The Logic (1618), is very important, because in the earlier lectures in Vilnius (1586/1587), our thinker barely mentioned it. The problem was discussed in the Christian tradition. On the manner its consideration influenced mainly views of Boethius (c. 480-525), who understood the subsistence as a substance take on the aspect of independent existence. This idea developed St. Thomas Aquinas (1225- 1275) in accordance with its metaphysics of existence. The concept of subsistence meant for him independence in existence understood as the act of being. Generally, the second scholasticism, which was founded on the tradition of “pure” Aristotelianism, marginalized this question. We find this expressed in the views of Francisco Suárez (1548-1617), who claimed that “to subsist” means only one of many properties of the substance and that does not matter for the theory of being. However, for Śmiglecki, the concept of subsistence was essentially important. In the field of contingent beings it enabled him to positive statement the substance as being able to exist by itself. It was a generally valid definition of subsistence, especially referring to substances created. In this meaning “the subsistence” marked the independent existence, not inherent in the substrate. In the second and the crucial meaning, the subsistence is characterized by independence from any cause. This is the case of God’s Substance, Existence itself by itself. It seems that the great advantage of the concept of subsistence in Śmiglecki’s theory was that it allowed to accurately distinguish between substance created and the uncreated. The solution of this difficult problem was made possible by drawing attention to the existential aspect of being. Aquinas’ theory of being suggested this solution, but in the period of second scholasticism Aristotelian metaphysics was favorited. Thomistic accents were probable the cause that Śmiglecki’s Logic was initially negatively censured in Roma (1615). This is the fact, in his fundamental work our author walked away from some interpretations introduced by F. Suárez and masters of Jesuits school, but finally that gave great effects.
Text De ente et essentia was written together with "De principis naturae" in Thomas’ first years of teaching activities and accounted philosophical “exercises” for the brothers at the convent of St. James in Paris. There is commonly noted, that Aquinas had already established the most important theses of his philosophy, the existential metaphysics of being above all, in which the act was the existence of this being, and the form with the matter constituted its essence. In this situation, the source of all existence, God appeared as only existence. Analysis of existential themes in "De ente et essentia" confirms these opinions. In later texts, especially in the "Summa Contra Gentiles", "Summa theologiae" and "Quaestiones disputatae", Thomas deepens his concepts; he introduces extended topic of transcendentals - property of being which manifest its existence. However, the bulk of his existential metaphysics of existence has been outlined already in "De ente et essentia", and it was never corrected in the basic theses.
Subsistentiality, which is a feature determining the capability of being interiorised into another being, or of taking other beings into oneself, in theology is considered in relation to God and creatures, and in particular in the reflection over human beings. This feature is, first of all, to be found in the substance of God, which comprises three Persons. This feature is also characteristic of each and every of the three Persons who are located in one substance. Moreover, each of them is located in the remaining two and takes them to Himself. Subsistentiality of the Divine Person has a different character in relation to the substance and in relation to the remaining two Persons. God the Creator has the ability to remain in creatures and the ability to take them to Himself. Similarly, all created beings have the ability to take God but only in an aspect oriented way (the trace of God), and remain in God. In particular, subsistentiality is a feature of personal creatures (the image of God).
Subsystentność, czyli cecha określająca zdolność do wszczepienia w inny byt albo przyjmowania do siebie innych bytów, w teologii rozpatrywana jest w odniesieniu do Boga i stworzeń, a zwłaszcza w refleksji nad osobami ludzkimi. Cechę tę ma przede wszystkim substancja Boga, w której usadowione są trzy Osoby. Odpowiednio też przymiot ten ma każda z trzech Osób, które są usadowione w jednej substancji. Ponadto każda z Nich jest usadowiona w dwóch pozostałych, a także przyjmuje je do siebie. Subsystentność Osoby Boskiej ma inny charakter w odniesieniu do substancji i w odniesieniu do pozostałych dwóch Osób. Bóg Stworzyciel ma zdolność przebywania w stworzeniach i zdolność przyjmowania ich do siebie. Analogicznie wszelkie byty stworzone mają zdolność przyjmowania Boga, ale tylko w sposób aspektowy (ślad Boga), i przebywania w Bogu. Szczególnie subsystentność jest cechą stworzeń personalnych (obraz Boży).
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