The article is devoted to the specific nature of subcortical aphasia, with particular emphasis on thalamic aphasia. It describes the features of subcortical aphasias which make it possible to differentiate them from cortical aphasias and defines the characteristics of thalamic aphasia which are indicated by researchers seeking its constitutive features. The article also discusses the anatomic aspects of the thalamus and the latest reports on the functions it performs in the language processing process through thalamocortical networks.
We present a case of an 80-year-old woman who had a brain infarction located primarily in basal ganglia in the left hemisphere. The patient presented with substantial motor and sensory aphasia and right-sided weakness secondary to cardiac embolism. The cortical and subcortical-cortical lesions were excluded by neuroimaging (MRI and CT) studies. The clinical picture of this subcortical aphasia is accompanied by dysarthria and hypophonia. The case described corresponds with expected subcortical aphasia symptoms, confirming importance of basal ganglia in language programming processes.
Autorzy prezentują opis przypadku 80-letniej chorej z zawałem mózgu z ogniskiem w jądrach podkorowych półkuli lewej na tle zatorowości kardiogennej, u której wystąpiła afazja ruchowo-czuciowa głębokiego stopnia oraz niedowład połowiczy prawostronny. Obraz kliniczny prezentowanej afazji podkorowej współtworzą także dyzartria i hipofonia. Przy pomocy badań neuroobrazowych (tomografii rezonansu magnetycznego i tomografii komputerowej) wykluczono uszkodzenie na poziomie korowym i korowo-podkorowym. Opisywany przypadek chorej wpisuje się w wariantywność objawów afazji podkorowych, potwierdzając udział jąder podstawnych w procesach programowania językowego.
We present a case of 80-year-old woman who had a brain infarction located primarily in basal ganglia in the left hemisphere The patient presented with substantial motor and sensory aphasia and right-sided weakness secondary to cardiac embolism. The cortical and subcortical-cortical lesions were excluded by neuroimaging (MRI and CT) studies. The clinical picture of this subcortical aphasia is accompanied by dysarthria and hypophonia. The case described corresponds with expected subcortical aphasia symptoms, confirming importance of basal ganglia in language programming processes.
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