Strict adherence to any elimination diet changes past styles of life of people. It refers especially to the ones who are obliged to introduce a diet because of a diagnosis of food-related illnesses, such as coeliac disease (CD). The constraints perceived by the individuals on a dietary regimen may have a negative infl uence on their psychosocial functioning. The diffi culties are usually experienced in the situations connected with public consumption like social events and family gatherings. The article is an attempt to analyze how the implementation of a restrictive diet affects the past lifestyle of people diagnosed with CD. The only way of treatment of CD is a strict and lifelong elimination of gluten. The results presented are based on literature and a survey carried out on a group of forty people diagnosed with CD, recruited among the members of The Polish Association of People with Coeliac Disease and on a Gluten Free Diet (GFD). The research tool was a socio-demographic and medical questionnaire of own authorship. The character of the survey was just preliminary as it is going to be followed by a further in-depth qualitative research in the future. The results of the analysis suggest that introducing a GFD may result in a worsening of psychosocial functioning of the suff erers, nevertheless some noticeable improvements in their somatic health. This explains why expanding the social awareness of the diffi culties experienced by people forced to undertake a GFD as a treatment is an important issue. It may contribute to the implementation of some good practices aimed at better quality of life of coeliac suff erers and elimination of barriers to regimen adherence they meet. It is of crucial importance as untreated CD may result in a gradual deterioration of their health status and occurrence of other serious diseases. Thus, supporting the suff erers of CD in adherence to dietary restrictions enhances their chances of maintaining an active style of life and more equal participation in social life.
Warunki mieszkaniowe dobrze oddają zróżnicowanie ekonomiczne społeczeństwa, a także są wskaźnikiem zróżnicowania aspiracji, potrzeb i stylów życia. Niniejszy artykuł, w którym mieszkanie traktowane jest jako przestrzeń pełniąca określone funkcje i posiadająca określone znaczenie, stanowi próbę potwierdzenia tezy, iż to, gdzie się żyje, jest w wielu aspektach niemal jednoznaczne z tym, jak się żyje. Tekst powstał w oparciu o wyniki badań „Socjologiczna diagnoza ubóstwa i jego przyczyn w województwie lubuskim” oraz liczne w literaturze przedmiotu charakterystyki warunków życia ubogich. Jest to obraz codziennego życia rodzin doświadczających biedy w często ekstremalnie trudnych warunkach mieszkaniowych, które nie pozostają bez wpływu na jakość ich życia. Mieszkaniowe niedogodności generują bowiem społecznie wadliwe wzory zachowań, ograniczają możliwość swobodnego zaspokajania nawet najbardziej elementarnych potrzeb, upośledzają relacje w rodzinie, wpływają na zdrowie (także kondycję psychiczną), sposoby radzenia sobie z chorobą itp.
Living conditions show economic diversifi cation of the society and besides that are a sign of diversifi cation of aspirations, needs and life styles. In this article, a fl at is treated as a space to live and the trivial point is confi rmed that the place where one lives is very close to that how ones lives. The paper is based on the data of the research entitled “Sociological analysis of poverty and its reasons in Lubuski administrative province”. Other publications about the phenomena of poverty are referred to in the paper as well. Everyday life of families existing in poverty, sometimes in extremely diffi cult living conditions, and the way how the conditions infl uence the quality of their lives are addressed in the paper. The inconveniences of living create defective patterns of social behaviour, they limit the possibility of satisfying even the most elementary needs, impair relations in a family and infl uence health (including mental health), often causing health problems.
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