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w słowach kluczowych:  studium Uwarunkowan i Kierunkow Zagospodarowania Przestrzennego Gminy
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The article is concerned with the application of the principle of sustainable development in local planning. The authors studied the way local self-governments fulfil the duty of informing the society about the conditions that the natural environment imposes on the authorities who define and implement spatial policy. The information about the environment's predispositions towards various ways of development is included in ecophysiographic studies. Such a study should mandatorily precede any definitions of spatial policy included in the study of conditions and directions of spatial management in every commune. The authors thoroughly analysed the graphic enclosures to all physiographic studies prepared for the needs of preparing a study of conditions and directions made accessible by local self-governments in the Internet. On this basis they assessed the variability of the presented information and the abundance of the contents of these documents. The result of the analysis shows that most of the documents have a low substantive value, which allows many communes to formulate spatial policies that obviously violate one of the main planning principles or sustainable development.
Studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego gminy stanowi jeden z najważniejszych dokumentów planistycznych sporządzanych na szczeblu lokalnym. Jako instrument kształtowania polityki przestrzennej gminy jest dokumentem wyjściowym do formułowania prawa lokalnego. Stanowi niejako akt przewodni, określającym zamierzenia planistyczne organów gminy, dlatego zawarte w nim ustalenia muszą być jednoznaczne, czytelne i zrozumiałe. Przedmiotem analizy jest studium gminy Lądek Zdrój, w województwie dolnośląskim. W dokumencie odnajduje się wiele niejasności. Autorzy stosują pojęcia, które są niezrozumiałe, niezdefiniowane i często mylące. Niektóre zapisy studium są na tyle niejednoznaczne, że o transformacji do prawa lokalnego, trudno wyrokować. Istnieje obawa, że nie wystąpi korelacja pomiędzy ustalenia i zawartymi w studium, a przyszłym aktami sporządzanymi na niższym szczeblu.
A study of the conditions and directions of spatial management of a municipality is one of the most important planning documents prepared at a local level. As an instrument for creating the spatial policy it is the initial document to formulate the local law. It constitutes an act of guidance, defining the planning intentions of the municipal authorities, and therefore its findings must be unambiguous, legible and understandable. The subject of this analysis is such study of Lądek Zdrój, a municipality in the province of Lower Silesia. The document turns out to contain much ambiguity. The authors use concepts that are incomprehensible, undefined and often misleading. Provisions of the study are not clear enough to allow their transfer to local law. There is therefore a possibility that there might be no correlation between the analyzed study, and the future legal acts prepared at a lower level.
The chapter presents the role of the environmental impact assessment system in force in Poland, both the strategic environmental impact assessment, and the assessment of the environmental impact of planned projects, in the protection of valuable environmental resources, such as arable and forest land. Participation in this procedure of government administration boards (as organs conducting or co-operating), specialized in the field of environmental protection, contributes to the protection of agricultural and forest land. Achieving the objectives set for the protection of agricultural and forest land is ensured, inter alia, in the legal regulations of the planning procedure, making it possible to limit the use of this land for other purposes. The procedure of environmental impact assessments indirectly contributes to this protection, however, in order to increase the compatibility of legal provisions and minimize uncontrolled often pressure on these valuable environmental resources, the provisions regulating the impact of the implementation of urbanization plans (planning and investment) should be regulated in more detail in this range.
Studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego gminy nie rozwiązuje w sposób właściwy nabrzmiewających problemów oraz konfliktów o skali ogólnospołecznej, zatem nie może być dobrym narzędziem równoważenia rozwoju. Jako element niemal nieograniczonej autonomii samorządu najniższego szczebla, utrudnia realizację ponadlokalnych zadań celu publicznego. Sugerowanym rozwiązaniem, zapewniającym zrównoważenie rozwoju przestrzennego są zmiany systemu prawnego, zapewniające wprowadzenie: hierarchicznego, ściśle powiązanego systemu planowania przestrzennego, odpowiedzialności finansowej oraz karnej dla osób podejmujących błędne decyzje w zakresie zagospodarowania przestrzennego, ekonomicznego uzasadnienia istotnych zmian strategii zagospodarowania przestrzennego.
Study of conditions and directions of land management does not solve adequately the significant problems and social conflicts, so that follows it can’t be the proper method for balancing the development. As part of an almost unlimited autonomy of local government first-level-local difficult the implementation of public tasks. The suggested solution that will ensure sustainable land development are changes in the legal system, providing for: a hierarchical, closely linked to land planning system, financial responsibility and criminal liability for people making wrong decisions on land use planning, economic justification for significant changes in strategy planning.
The article presents planning bases of revitalisation of Lodz and Warsaw – at the background of the regulations of the law of 9 October 2015 on revitalisation. According to the law on revitalisation, the basic planning instrument during implementation of revitalisation processes is the commune's revitalisation plan (GPR). To the end of 2023 communes may implement revitalisation processes on the basis of the existing plan (developed on the basis of the guidelines of the European Commission and of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development) or transform the existing documents into GPRs - to apply new legal tools (special revitalisation zone, local revitalisation plan). GPRs contain information about the plans of spatial management that are necessary to be developed or changed. According to GPRs there have to be studies of conditions and directions of spatial management. To adjust the studies to the GPRs, proceedings are carried out to change their arrangements. Apart from this, the studies have to account for the changes of the law on spatial planning and management introduced by the issuance of the law on revitalisation. These changes are concerned with the necessity of balancing the areas assigned for development with the factual needs. For each area of revitalisation, communes may develop local plans of revitalisation if there is a GPR. This is a particular form of a local plan. The results of the analysis of the planning documents in Lodz and Warsaw have shown that resolving the basic issues concerning city development and revitalisation was possible in Lodz on the strategic level thanks to integrated activities of the organisational units of the City Office and also thanks to wide socialisation of the process of planning and design (both formal and informal). In Warsaw the revitalisation plan, developed before the revitalisation law came into force, was not transformed into a GPR. It is a problem to verify the arrangements of the Strategy of Development and of the Study. It seems that Lodz has more advantageous conditions for integration of the local plans and the revitalisation plan than Warsaw – which is due to developing a lot of urban concepts with public participation (including competitions) during the works on the revitalisation plan.
Studia uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego gmin oraz miejscowe plany zagospodarowania przestrzennego zawierają zróżnicowane i niewystarczająco sprecyzowane pojęcia określające obszary, które ze względu na zagrożenia lub możliwe uciążliwości, powinny podlegać odmiennym sposobom zagospodarowania oraz zabudowy. Gminne opracowania planistyczne, nawiązując do obowiązujących przepisów prawnych, określały je jako strefy: ochronne, kontrolowane lub ograniczonego użytkowania. Również obecnie ustawodawca nie precyzuje pojęcia stref ochronnych, choć na podstawie rozdziałów 3 oraz 4 ustawy Prawo ochrony środowiska, wiele z nich określa jako obszary ograniczonego użytkowania lub strefy przemysłowe. Zdarza się, że unikając problemów związanych z dylematami nazewnictwa stref ochronnych, jeśli jest to możliwe, urbaniści wydzielają je jako oddzielne tereny funkcjonalne.
Studies of conditions and directions of land management of municipalities and local land management plans include diverse and insufficiently defined concept of defining the areas that because of possible danger or nuisance, shall be subject to different ways of planning and development. The municipal development planning, referring to the existing legislation, provided for them as zones: protection, controlled or limited use. Also actually the legislature does not specify the term of protection, although on the basis of Chapters 3 and 4 of the Environmental Protection Act, many of them referred to as the limited use areas or industrial zones. It happens that avoiding the problems associated with naming dilemmas of protection, if possible, planners allocate them as separate functional areas.
The purpose of the article is to analyse the methods of spatial planning of tourist and recreational areas on the basis of planning documents in force in the selected tourist communes: Karpacz, Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Lądek Zdrój, Mikołajki, Rewal, Międzyzdroje and Ryn. The choice of communes constituting the representative group was made on the basis of quality and quantity criteria of tourist attraction and location of these communes in tourist regions. The adopted method was the analysis of the binding studies of conditions and directions of development, local plans, their correlation and compliance with the legal regulations concerned with spatial planning.On the basis of the conducted analyses it was stated that lack of precise regulations ordering the issues of spatial planning has led to extremely different models of planning tourist and recreational areas as regards their quality. The current legal framework is insufficient in regulating the principles of development of the analysed areas. The situation may be remedied by changing the regulations that define the criteria of qualifying communes as tourist communes and the resulting duty of a wider and more comprehensive approach to the analysed issues in the structure of the planning documents.
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