In the article, I analyse the effects of scientific, didactic and cultural cooperation between the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) and the Pedagogical University in Berdiansk (Ukraine). After Poland’s accession to the European Union in 2004, Polish institutions of higher education became interesting potential partners for universities in independent Ukraine. Together with other universities in Western and Central Europe, they create a common educational space – a political, educational and cultural project. Scientific and educational aspirations, as well as great opportunities for creating the value of culture by the academic communities of Ukraine, have become the content of international cooperation of these universities. The University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn has established 30 contacts with universities from Ukraine. In the article, I discuss the results of this cooperation with one of them – the Pedagogical University of Berdiansk.
The aim of the paper is to examine how university classroom environment changes with the arrival of foreign students, especially those who are participants of international exchange programmes. The learning environment is an important component of higher education, as adult students are often conscious learners, who want to learn and see the purpose in doing so; also, they are often self-conscious, especially in a foreign language class. A multi-cultural classroom can be a beneficial element of university education, for both the students and the teacher, as it provides an opportunity for students to share experiences and bring their insights to the learning process. Conversely, one of the challenges a university teacher faces is to find a way to actively involve all the students in the class, taking into account their various backgrounds, different language skills and learning experiences, styles and preferences. The article is designed specifically to examine the effects of student mobility on the learning environment and the challenges, costs and benefits of education in a multicultural class. It also presents recommendations to make the adult learning environment an effective one, especially when it comes to education in a multicultural environment and learning in a foreign language.
The aim of the paper is to examine how university classroom environment changes with the arrival of foreign students, especially those who are participants of international exchange programmes. The learning environment is an important component of higher education, as adult students are often conscious learners, who want to learn and see the purpose in doing so; also, they are often self-conscious, especially in a foreign language class. A multi-cultural classroom can be a beneficial element of university education, for both the students and the teacher, as it provides an opportunity for students to share experiences and bring their insights to the learning process. Conversely, one of the challenges a university teacher faces is to find a way to actively involve all the students in the class, taking into account their various backgrounds, different language skills and learning experiences, styles and preferences. The article is designed specifically to examine the effects of student mobility on the learning environment and the challenges, costs and benefits of education in a multicultural class. It also presents recommendations to make the adult learning environment an effective one, especially when it comes to education in a multicultural environment and learning in a foreign language.
The article considers the issue of virtual international academic mobility as one of the priority areas of international activities of higher education institutions. It is substantiated that the intensive development of information and communication technologies (knowledge mobility) and informatisation of public life led to the spread and use of virtual educational environments and e-learning in higher education, which became the basis for the development of virtual academic mobility of students. The purpose of the study is to study the existing approaches and practices of academic mobility, including virtual, to determine the main benefits and opportunities for disseminating this experience at all levels of higher education in Ukraine. The research methodology consists of general theoretical and empirical research methods. A review of modern scientific literature, periodicals, and scientific and methodological sources on the problem of academic mobility and the digitalisation of higher education is made. Their analysis, structuring, interpretation and construction of logical conclusions are highlighted. The article considers the content of the main scientific approaches to the definition of “academic mobility”. The characteristic of academic mobility in the conditions of digitalisation of higher education is given. Varieties of academic mobility in modern conditions of digitalisation of higher education (physical, virtual, mixed) are considered. The subjects of virtual academic mobility (virtual student, virtual teacher, virtual university, virtual campus) are outlined. The main advantages and disadvantages of such virtual academic mobility of students are identified. The main methodological recommendations of European funds and associations are analysed, based on which the project preparation plan for any virtual mobility type is developed. It is proposed to carry out additional measures that ensure the quantitative growth of academic (virtual) mobility and improve its quality. The necessity of searching for new forms of remote exchanges, analysis of the experience of foreign associations and their adaptation according to the realities of the system of higher education in Ukraine is substantiated: the active involvement of the student’s audience in programmes of virtual cooperation; increasing the necessary competencies of the administrative and teaching staff of higher education institutions, which allow implementing such virtual projects using innovative information technology tools; preparation of the regulatory framework that enshrines the right to implement virtual academic mobility along with the full-time form and recognition of its results by recalculating educational loans.
Program Erasmus LLP stanowił jeden z najpopularniejszych systemów wymiany studentów w Europie. Wraz z otwarciem nowej perspektywy Erasmus+ warto sobie zadać pytanie o kształt oraz zasięg kończącego się programu Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme w ramach europejskiego systemu edukacji. Artykuł koncentruje się na przedstawieniu różnic w partycypacji w programie w różnych krajach Europy, które stanowią swoiste tło dla szerszych porównań dotyczących już bardzo konkretnego obszaru uczelni rolniczych. Głównym celem artykułu jest zweryfikowanie tezy o statystycznym podobieństwie uczestników programu Erasmus LLP pochodzących ze Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego i stypendystów wybranych europejskich szkół rolniczych w oparciu o dane z roku akademickiego 2013/14.
The Erasmus LLP program was one of the most popular systems of exchange students in Europe. With the opening of a new perspective Erasmus+ worth to ask a question about the shape and range of Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme under the European education system. Article specifically focused on presenting the differences in participation in the program in European countries, which are specific background for broader comparisons on the already very particular area of agricultural academic schools. The main purpose of the article is to verify the thesis of the statistical similarity LLP Erasmus students from Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) and selected European agricultural schools. Research based on data from the academic year 2013/14.
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