Determining the value of terrestrial heat flow Q for deep boreholes on the profile Kraków Zakopane it was noted that different values of segmental temperature gradients could be transposed to Q in spite of determining thermal conductivity of the bored rock complexes. It suggests existence of an inner source of heat which indicates that the value of heat flow is not constant in the profile of the borehole. This phenomenon is connected with radiogenic heat emitcd by flysch rocks. The content of radioactive elements (U235, U23X, T232, K'") was measured for the samples taken from the boreholes Obidowa IG-1, Jordanów IG-1, Bańska IG-1 and Zakopane IG-1. The weighted averages of radiogenic heat for rock complexes that correspond with segmental temperature gradients were measured. Л linear function Q = f(A) was found between the values of segmental heat flows and radiogenic heat of the corresponding complexes of flysch rocks. This research made it possible to compile the weighted averages of radiogenic heat for karpacki flysch and podhalański flysch and also to determine the weighted average of radiogenic heat for the stratigraphic units from the profile Kraków Zakopane.
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