The article is devoted to the description of the methods of correction of the semantic fields of words. We defined its main tasks, linguistic material and conditions of its use, substantiated the principles of the division of material into educational directions, specified the aims of this choice, defined the criteria for selecting the material (thematic principle, linguistic, morphological, frequency, hierarchical, etc.). These principles enabled us to form pivotal vocabulary groups for secondary school children, taking into account their linguistic experience and the curricula requirements for children with severe speech disorders. We described three main stages of the implementation of the remedial program, their purpose and directions of work, namely, the actualization of the existing knowledge of the child, the expansion of the lexical meaning through the accumulation of new words and the use of semantic ties to integrate them into existing semantic fields. The most critical and most important was the stage of harmonization, structuring and repolarization of semantic fields, in which conditions for independent construction and modification of semantic fields were created, as it provided for independent, competent work of children in selecting, processing and using the information obtained from different sources and branches of knowledge, as well as acquiring skills by one’s own choice or instruction to transform existing semantic fields. The article gives a list of practical tasks offered to children at different stages of remedy for individual and group work. Students worked with ready-made graphic structures of expressions and dynamic models. In order to visualize the process of forming semantic fields, in addition to the generally accepted models (associative chains), we proposed some projective models (“the snowball tree cluster", “the sundial", “the associative bush", and the “ multi-stage pyramid", which allowed to study quantitative and qualitative characteristics of semantic fields.
W artykule przedstawiono metody modyfikacji tłuszczów jadalnych oraz ich wpływ na wartość żywieniową/zdrowotną i cechy technologiczne otrzymanych produktów. Tłuszcze z dużą zawartością nasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych (SFA) i izomerów trans (TFA) wykazują wysoką wartość użytkową. Jednak SFA i TFA zwiększają ryzyko chorób dietozależnych, dlatego konieczne jest eliminowanie ich z żywności. Tłuszcze częściowo uwodornione, których zawartość w żywności jest intensywnie ograniczana, mają niekorzystne właściwości żywieniowe. w przemyśle, nie rozwiązuje problemu dużej zawartości SFA w tłuszczach spożywczych. Z kolei stosowanie przeestryfikowania enzymatycznego na dużą skalę (proekologiczna metoda) jest mocno ograniczone, ze względu na wysokie koszty procesu. Badania naukowe dowodzą, że przyszłościową, nową metodą jest oleożelacja, czyli modyfikowanie właściwości tłuszczu za pomocą substancji strukturotworczych. Jest to obiecująca perspektywa zastąpienia tłuszczów będących źródłem SFA innowacyjnymi, korzystnymi żywieniowo i technologicznie układami tłuszczowymi, np. oleożelami.
The article presents various methods of edible oils and fats modification as well as their impact on nutritional / health value and technological features of obtained products. Fats with a high content of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and trans isomers (TFA) demonstrate high utility value. However, SFA and TFA cause the increase of the risk of diet-related diseases, therefore it is necessary to eliminate tchem from food. Partially hydrogenated fats, whose content in food is intensively limited, have the worst nutritional properties. Chemical transesterification, commonly used in industry, does not solve the problem of high SFA content in food fats. In turn, use of enzymatic transesterification on the large-scale (pro-ecological method) is very limited due to the high cost of the process. Scientific research indicates that oleogelation, i.e. modification of oil properties using the structuring substances, is a new, future-oriented method. This is a promising prospect of replacing SFA fats with innovative, nutritionally and technologically beneficial fat systems.
The essence of supply-side potential of industrial enterprises and conceptual bases its evaluation. Determined the importance of structuring the company's expenses in carrying out its assessment of supply possibilities. A method of allocating costs that are not dependent on the range of enterprise, for its species. Filed analytical expressions modified index of relative level of costs and the marginal rate of return products. A method for optimizing the production program of industrial enterprises in the evaluation and implementation of its supply-side potential.
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