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Content available Testament naukowy Jurija Łotmana
Yuri Lotman started his research activity in the field of literary theory (widely: theory of culture) as orthodox structuralist at the beginning of the 1970s. The concept of structure has been based on the structural linguistic theories and adopted to develop research on literary works as well as “cultural texts”. The last ones concern the perception of structure not only in terms of the “level of expression”, but also the “level of content” that can be analysed with the use of peculiar procedures. The strict procedures rely on distinguishing the set of “binary oppositions” in the “structure of content” to illustrate the author’s perception of reality and his “model of the world”. Lotman was convinced that ideological and artistic structures are immersed in history. They have a dynamic nature (likewise the culture which was seen as the complicated “semiosphere” with its processes, predictable or unpredictable as well as the innovative “explosion” mechanisms). Therefore, Lotman in his later years moves away from cultural self-models based on “binary oppositions” to “ternary” system. In spite of the evident evolution of his concepts Lotman was always devoted to the doctrine of knowledge and never left the humanistic ideals using them for research purposes. The scientific models and sources of inspiration could be changeable, but pathos and scientific rationality never left him. His structuralism was at its peak with possibility of evolution, infinitely flexible, individual, accidental, unpredictable or even “explosive”, but never was the betrayal of previous ideals.
This article deals with the reception of Saussure's thought in Poland. Its primary goal is to do justice to the researchers who have contributed to the promotion of Saussure’s ideas in Polish linguistics in the sixties and seventies (of the last century), as well as to draw attention to misunderstandings that have arisen around the Course in General Linguistics among Polish linguists. The paper consists of two main parts. The first part presents the supporters of the theory, namely Jerzy Kuryłowicz, Leon Zawadowski, Adam Heinz and Andrzej Bogusławski, and the second part its most ardent opponents, that is to say Witold Doroszewski and Witold Mańczak. The author’s attempt is to refute their main objections.
The article discusses three versions of the Snow White fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm (1810, 1812, and 1857), delving into the meanings of colours and colour names occurring in them as well as changes in the names and meanings. The analysis proceeds from the structural method of fairy tale study and explores the symbolic meaning oppositions of colours and their names, such as in/out, light/dark, life/death, logical/mythological. The analysis is also based on the differentiation drawing on the theory of primary colours, according to which black, white, and red are the most fundamental colour names. However, the use of colour names (semantics and symbolism) is complicated in the versions of the Snow White fairy tale, as a colour may have several oppositional meanings. It is not just simple binary oppositions. The Brothers Grimm regarded the colours black, white, and red as beautiful. Jacob Grimm depicted them as the three colours of poetry.
Content available remote Językoznawstwo ogólne - metodologiczny projekt Ferdynanda de Saussure'a
nr 16
The article discusses several methodological problems contained in Saussure’s works. General linguistics, a new discipline postulated by the author, was to be founded on linguistic details and at the same time focus on the fundamental and universal mechanisms of speech. Saussure did not consider general linguistics a part of natural sciences or of historical studies; he indicated logic as the discipline that can provide the appropriate tools for an adequate description of language. According to him, the subject of research in linguistics is not given in advance; instead, it depends entirely on the chosen point of view. Internal divisions of the discipline, especially the distinction between the linguistics of “langue” and the linguistics of “parole”, follows, firstly, from the dual nature of language, and secondly, from Saussure’s teaching about the legitimate points of view.
Aspects of Ferdinand de Saussure’s linguistic theorizing that have exerted a profound influence on the development of modern linguistics include his view on the relation between form and meaning/function. Indeed, the very relation underlies his concept of linguistic sign. The signifying-signified dichotomy appears to be a point of departure for a number of current theoretical paradigms. This paper attempts to point to the fact that de Saussure’s conception of the link between form and function has inspired the treatment of this relation in two modern approaches: generative grammar and construction grammar. It seems that the notion of phase, crucial to the derivational mechanism in the most recent version of Chomsky’s (1995, 2001, 2008) generative grammar, i.e. the Minimalist Program, and the concept of construction in Goldberg’s (1995, 2003, 2006) construction grammar elaborate on de Saussure’s perspective on form and meaning/function. Obviously, both modern approaches go beyond de Saussure’s conception and differ from one another due to distinct theoretical and methodological assumptions.
Content available Witaj, Smutku!
Collection of fundamental questions that accompanied Lévi-Strauss during his writing of “ethnographic memories,” a character of doubts and a size of disappointment place his anthropological prose on the side of existential anthropocentricism. During his travels around the world, and especially while visiting “tristes tropiques”, he could see the same invariants that influenced the shape of his “family Europe.” However, if anyone today is willing to get rid of, at least for a moment, existential boringness and discouragement – a trace of past epoch – and devote oneself to the joy of searching, in the work of Lévi-Strauss, for inspiration and motivation to carry on the process of getting familiar with oneself through the Other, they have every right to do so. If the satisfaction coming from gradual familiarization, reading and interpretation can be shared, if a conversation is able to create a possibility to better understanding and agreement, it is definitely worth making use of that opportunity. This “Laboratory of Culture” issue gives you this chance.
Katalog pytań zasadniczych, jakie towarzyszyły Claude’owi Lévi-Straussowi podczas spisywania „wspomnień etnograficznych”, charakter wątpliwości i rozmiary rozczarowania sytuują jego prozę antropologiczną po stronie antropocentryzmu egzystencjalnego. Podróżując po świecie w poszukiwaniu materiałów etnograficznych, a zwłaszcza odwiedzając „smutne tropiki”, dostrzegał w nich te same inwarianty, które kształtowały jego „rodzinną Europę”. Jeżeli jednak dzisiaj ktokolwiek ma ochotę porzucić na moment przynajmniej egzystencjalną nudę i zniechęcenie – ślad niedawno minionej epoki – i oddać się radości poszukiwania w dziele Lévi-Straussa inspiracji i motywacji do dalszego poznawania siebie za pośrednictwem Innego – ma do tego pełne prawo. Jeśli satysfakcja, płynąca z etapowego poznawania, czytania i interpretacji może być dzielona, jeśli spotkanie w rozmowie może stwarzać szansę na lepsze zrozumienie i porozumienie, warto taką okazję wykorzystać. Ten numer „Laboratorium kultury” taką możliwość daje.
Strach jest uczuciem towarzyszącym człowiekowi zawsze, niezależnie od epoki oraz kultury, w której żyje. W swojej pracy chciałbym, opierając się na badaniach Bronisława Malinowskiego, przeanalizować czego i kogo boją się tubylcy z obszaru Nowej Gwinei oraz jak budowane są lęki wyspiarzy. W swoich rozważaniach skupię się w sposób szczególny na dwóch istotach, czarownikach bara’u i czarownicach mulukwausi, albowiem poza straszeniem tubylców pełnią oni również ważne funkcje społeczne w swoich wspólnotach. Zbadanie demonologii obszaru Nowej Gwinei będzie dla mnie również punktem wyjścia do zderzenia kultury wyspiarzy z kulturą europejską, w celu wyciągnięcia pewnych inwariantów, wspólnych kulturze pojmowanej w sposób atrybutywny prawideł i mechanizmów dotyczących strachu. Inspiracją metodologiczną dla tej pracy jest strukturalizm w rozumieniu Claude’a Lévi-Straussa.
Fear is ever-present in man’s history feeling, regardless of their époque or culture. In my paper I would like to examine what and whom the natives of the New Guinea fear as well as how the fears of the Islanders are constructed, basing my reflection upon Bronislaw Malinowski’s research. In my research I will focus particularly on two beings, sorcerers bara’u and witches mulukwausi, for they perform important civil functions in their communities. Researching upon New Guinea’s demonology will be a step further in my attempt to compare the Islander’s culture and the European culture, in order to bring out some invariant rules and mechanisms concerning fear, mutual to attributive culture. This paper has been inspired by Claude Lévi-Strauss’ structuralism.
Content available Václav Černý a strukturalismus
The essay mentions Černý’s hostile relationship to Jan Mukařovský, sums up its causes, and recapitulates the texts in which Černý comments on Mukařovský’s works and on structuralism in general. On the basis of these texts, the author concludes that Černý’s contributions on the topic of “structuralism” betray an a-priori polemic bias and show that his reading of structuralist works was slightly superficial. However, these texts should not be interpreted purely as an expression of personal antipathy. Černý’s critique of structuralism points out its resignation on value judgement. According to Černý, this lack leads to the inability of structuralism to turn to criticism or literary history. The author analyzes Černý’s understanding of these two disciplines, and tries to point out the deeper causes of the polemics. The core of the dispute still seems valid today.
Artykuł śledzi różne poziomy, na których funkcjonować może utopijność w Smutku tropików. Poziomem pierwszym byłby poziom świata przedstawionego, czyli świat „dzikich” i obcych kultur, z którymi dane było się zetknąć Levi-Straussowi. Czy w zestawianiu tego co Tu i Tam, Levi-Strauss dokonuje porównania marzeń człowieka Zachodu i człowieka „dzikiego”?Stawiając pytanie prościej: czy kultury zamieszkujące Amerykę południową i Indie (oraz stronice książki Levi-Straussa) mają utopie? Drugi poziom to poziom przedstawienia, czyli pytanie o konstruowanie egzotycznych światów Smutku tropików za pomocą pewnych konwencji charakterystycznych dla utopii bądź dystopii. Natomiast na poziomie najwyższym, autor zadaje pytanie o utopijność samej teorii Levi-Straussa. Rozważania prowadzą do wniosku, iż dzisiaj utopia teorii Levi-Straussa jest już nieaktualna, lecz odegrała swoją rolę w procesie dziejowym najpierw będąc marzeniem, które trzeba realizować, a później stając się rzeczywistością, z której trzeba się wydostać. Pozostał po niej jedynie ślad, którego trwałość zależy od tego, ile osób chociaż przez chwilę postanowi nim podążać wzdłuż morza wolnej gry i nieograniczonej semiozy.
The article follows different levels, which the utopia in Tristes Tropiques can function on. The first one would be the level of the world presented, i.e. the world of the “wild” and foreign cultures that Lévi-Strauss met. Does Lévi-Strauss, comparing things Here and There, liken dreams of the man of the West with those of the “wild” man? Making the question clearer: do the cultures existing in Southern America and India (as well as on the pages of Lévi-Strauss’s book) have utopias? The second level is the one of the presentation, i.e. a question about constructing the exotic worlds of Tristes Tropiques by using particular conventions characteristic for utopias or dystopias. On the highest level the author asks whether the theory of Lévi-Strauss is utopian. Deliberations lead to the conclusion that today the Lévi-Strauss’s theory of utopia is out-of-date, but it played its role in the history, at first being a dream which must be realized, and later becoming a reality that must be escaped. There is only a trace, whose durability depends on how many people will decide to follow it along the sea of free existence and unlimited semiosis.
Content available remote Strukturalistická stopa Olgy Srbové
The name of Olga Srbová (16. 7. 1914–14. 4. 1987) has almost fallen into oblivion, as she stopped to use her maiden surname after she entered into marriage with actor Jaromír Spal, being known as Olga Spalová since then. Therefore, she is mostly known for her later, post-war engagement in radio; but the first stop in her career, and her life’s love, was theatre. Olga Srbová started her university studies in 1933, receiving Ph.D. degree from Czech and French Language and Literature at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in 1937 (dissertation: “The Characteristics of the new Czech historical novel”). Among her teachers were, according to her student’s record book, J. Mukařovský, A. Pražák, F. X. Šalda, M. Weingart, V. Tille and others. Firstly, she thought of devoting herself to theatre theory; while only a few theoretical studies can be found in the scope of her works, they nevertheless testify that Srbová mastered the methods of her teachers with skill and understanding: “The Character in New Drama” (Word and Verbal Art 3 (1937): 4: 221–226) contributes to the changes of the concept of a character in the contemporary theatre; in the “Authorial Stage Directions” (Life 15 (1937): 3–4: 98) she explores the influence of the contemporary stage practice on the nature of stage directions. As many others of her generation she admired the new media – film and radio; to the latter she devoted a booklet Radio and Verbal Art (Praha: Vyšehrad, 1941), even now valued as one of the most important works of the time. Until 1946 she wrote mostly theatre reviews, having started publishing in the renowned Students’ Journal in 1927. There she published her first poems and short stories, and in a short time (from 1930 on) also essays on theatre and theatre reviews. She published in other periodicals too (in more than 30 between 1931 and 1976), the height of her career as a critic being the cooperation with the daily newspaper Práce (after 1945). Being well versed in the whole of the contemporary theatre, both Czech and European one, she could comment with equal expertise on drama, stage speech, verse speaking, character building, direction, set design, actors training, and theatre theory. However, the most interested she was in actors’ work; the indisputable top of her attempts at portraying actor is the Theatre or the Book of Dreams (Praha: Odeon, 1975), the story of the actor’s career of Eduard Kohout.
Content available remote Conception of the Thing-in-itself in the Theory of Dialectical Materialism
The theory of dialectical materialism as the official philosophy of the Com-munist Party of the Soviet Union present a vision of dynamic material pro-cesses forming the laws of development of the higher strata of being. In his interrelated reading of the traditions of German idealism, historical material-ism and Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis, Slavoj Žižek presents a vision of dematerialized matter as a way of trying to explain the genesis of subjectivity. This paper serves can be seen as an introductory text to this project as a presen-tation of how the concept of the Thing-in-itself is to be grasped within such an endeavor. The early materialist notion of den qua the paradoxical notion of something within the domain of nothing is taken by Žižek to be a way of conceiving the gap between Being and the One as the only true reality. In this way, a fresh presentation of the difference between idealism and materialism is given as an incentive to an insight to a different kind of objectivity.
Content available Smutek tropików, czyli o radości spotkania z innym
Analiza spotkania pojawia się przy okazji rozważań na gruncie filozofii dialogu i dotyczy zwykle relacji międzyosobowej: „człowiek – człowiek” lub „Bóg – człowiek”. Rzadziej i nie tak jednoznacznie w opisach i rozważaniach pojawia się również relacja „człowiek – świat”. Najważniejszy nurt tej refleksji bierze swój początek od takich myślicieli jak Martin Buber czy Franz Rosenzweig, a później Emmanuel Levinas. Ich namysł, skonfrontowany z treścią Smutku tropików i procedurami etnograficznymi Lévi-Straussa, tworzy niespodziewane konteksty. Ujawniają się podobieństwa, głównie w sferze etycznej, postawie podmiotu poznającego (badacz) oraz w elementach spotkania, w którym zachodzą różne związki pomiędzy jego podmiotami. Okazuje się, że odsłanianie struktury, odsłanianie mechanizmu, nie musi być z góry utożsamiane z zawłaszczaniem przedmiotu badania, z pojmowaniem. Mowa oraz wolna wola innego pozwala mu przemówić do mnie oraz zamilknąć.
Tristes Tropiques, about the joy of getting familiar with the other. An analysis of the meeting appears together with deliberations considering the dialog philosophy and usually regards interpersonal relations: “man – man” or “God – man”. The most important trend of this reflection have its root in thinkers like Martin Buber or Franz Rosenzweig and later in Emmanuel Levinas. Their contemplation, confronted with the content of Tristes Tropiques and ethnographic procedures of Lévi-Strauss, creates surprising contexts. Patryk Filipowicz/Smutek tropików czyli o rados´ci... Bibliografia: M. Buber, Problem człowieka, przeł. R. Reszke, Fundacja Aletheia – Wydawnictwo Spacja, Warszawa 1993. G. Charbonnier, Rozmowy z Claude Lévi-Straussem, przeł. J. Trznadel, Czytelnik, Warszawa 2000. Fenomen radości, pod red. A. Grzegorczyk, J. Grada, P. Szkudlarek, Wydawnictwo UAM, Poznań 2007. T. Hawkes, Strukturalizm i semiotyka, przeł. I. Sieradzki, PWN, Warszawa1988. M. Janion, Humanistyka: poznanie i terapia, PIW, Warszawa 1982. J. Kłoczkowski, Filozofia dialogu, Wydawnictwo Polskiej Prowincji Dominikanów „W drodze”, Poznań 2005. C. Lévi-Strauss , Smutek tropików, przeł. A. Steinsberg, PIW, Warszawa 1960. E. Levinas, Całość i nieskończoność. Esej o zewnętrzności, przeł. M. Kowalska, PWN, Warszawa 2002. Radość i cierpienie, pod red. H. Romanowskiej-Łakomy, Wydawnictwo UWM, Olsztyn 2000. F. Rosenzweig, Gwiazda Zbawienia, przeł. T. Gadacz, Wydawnictwo Znak, Kraków 1998. K. Skurjat, Znaczenie i wartość. Studia z polskiej filozofii kultury XX wieku, Wydawnictwo AR, Wrocław 2002. J. Tischner, Filozofia dramatu, Wydawnictwo Znak, Kraków 1998. 81 Laboratorium Kultury 1 (2012) Similarities emerge, mainly in the ethic field, in the attitude of the researcher and in some elements of meetings, where different relations between their entities appear. It turns out that unveiling the structure and the mechanism doesn’t have to be identified beforehand with taking away an object of the research, with insight. Speech and free will of the other let them speak to me and become silent.
Content available remote Od propozic k systému? aneb „Historisovati“ Jiřího Veltruského...
Based on careful study of archival materials the study presents the research, newspaper writing and political activities of Jiří Veltruský, covering especially the years of his studies at university and after the WWII. The author pinpoints, for example, Veltruský’s theatre activities with secondary-school students in the Avant-Garde Theatre Group of the Youth, his political engagement, and close relations to Záviš Kalandra and Karel Teige, and the Surrealists. The gist of the study represents an analysis of as yet unpublished introductory paragraphs of the renowned lecture by Veltruský, published as ‘Dramatický text jako součást divadla’ (Dramatic text as a Component of Theatre, 1941), which include a relevant polemic discussion with the previous structural theatre theories (esp. the ones by Honzl and Bogatyrev). The author of the study, therefore, suggests a reinterpretation of the decade between 1930 and 1940 when the interest of Prague Structuralists in theatre theory culminated as a period of negotiating and re-thinking the structuralist ideas over theatre performance. The historical circumstances, especially Veltruský’s emigration to Paris in 1948, then prevented a satisfactory conclusion of the discussions and caused petrification of texts which may not have originally been meant to become a canon.
Content available Poezie jako hlavolam: Saussure o anagramu
The text provides a commentary regarding Ferdinand de Saussure‘s research in anagrammatic poetry. The author first describes three phases of Saussure’s research (1906–1907, 1907–1908, 1908–1909) and explains various changes in his approach. Secondly, the author introduces the main tendencies in reception of Saussure’s “anagrammatic work” (Tel Quel, linguistics, psychoanalysis). Finally, a comparison is drawn between Saussure’s analysis of anagrams and his Course in General Linguistics.
Чешская философия XIX–XX веков была разнообразной. Кроме позитивизма, который в то время занимал лидирующие позиции, также культивируется идеализм, который представляли: Л. Клима, Ф. Марес, Е. Радл. Также важное место занимал структурализм, который в Чешской Республике сформулировали и укоренили Я. Мукаровский и Й.Л. Фишер. Особенное место занимала феноменология (Я. Козак, Я. Паточка), протестантская философия (Е. Радл, Я. Громадка), католическая философия (Я. Кратохвил). В этот же период возникает также неосхоластика. Чешские философы внесли огромный вклад в развитие мировой философии.
Czech philosophy of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century was diverse. Besides positivism, which at that time took the leading positions there was also cultivated idealism, which was represented by L. Klima, F. Mares and E. Radl. Also an important place occupied structuralism, which in the Czech Republic was formed and grounded by Jan Mukařovski and J.L. Fischer. Specific place was held by the phenomenology (J. Kozák, J. Patočka), protestant philosophy (E. Rádl, J.L. Hromádka), catholic philosophy (J. Kratochvil). In this period also appeared neo-scholasticism. Czech philosophers had a great contribution to the development of world philosophy.
This study was written for the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Naše živá i mrtvá minulost/Our Living and Dead Past (Praha, Svoboda 1968), which was instigated by then leading historian František Graus, and in which eight key essays on core problems of Czech history were published, mainly written by younger talented researchers. The study combines a reader witness approach and an analysis of the wider context of the book’s publication which in many regards (its criticism of dogmatic Marxism and its erosion of the traditional picture of Czech history) is one of Czech historiography’s milestones. It characterises and assesses all eight papers (with particular focus on Graus’s introductory essay), looks at its reception at the time, which was not wholly positive, and endeavours to answer the question of whether the team of authors’ work fulfilled the tasks it had set itself.
Both texts present a systematic survey of two elementary analytical categories of Structuralist thought — binarity and opposition, especially in their semionarratological implications. In “Binarity”, one structuralist version of binary analysis is described as a decomposition “of the continuum of the observed world along universal relational axes constituting logical oppositions (contradictions). An inventory of elementary binary oppositions is established, which form a paradigmatic matrix of the observed area and structure is as a relational system or network”. Within this method an apriori aspect can be sometimes distinguished when an elementary binary logical structure is assumed as a universal principle underlying the multiplicity of observable phenomena. According to another, yet different conception, used in the context of artificial linguistic simulations and computing, binarity is understood as a principle of reversible de/composition of code based on two elementary signals or elements (formalized, for instance, as +/- or 0/1), which makes further combinatorial descriptions and operations of the system possible. The genesis of binary method, beginning with G. W. Leibniz’s binary code on one hand and Ferdinand de Saussure’s structural linguistics on the other, is followed, including Trubetzkoy’s and Jakobson’s phonology, Claude Lévi-Strauss’s ethnology, Greimas’s structural semantics and ending with the fundamental critique of binarism formulated by Jacques Derrida through his notion of différance and his descriptions of temporalization of structure. In “Opposition”, Trubetzkoy’s non-binary oppositions (gradual, equipollent, isolated, ternary, n-ary oppositions) within phonology, Greimas’s semiotic square (two types of binary oppositions: contradiction, contrariety or Mukařovský’s notions of dynamic antinomies within functionalstructuralist aesthetics are further taken into account.
Content available remote První debata o arbitrárnosti jazykového znaku
The article examines the debate on the arbitrariness of linguistic sign, which took place between 1939–1949, mostly in Acta linguistica in Copenhagen, and was provoked by Émile Benveniste’s article “The nature of the linguistic sign” (1939). I deal with Benveniste’s three main statements: (1) that the thesis of the arbitrariness of linguistic sign is in contradiction with the formality of language, (2) that the relationship between signifiant and signifié is in fact necessary, and (3) the consequences of the latter for the radical relativity of linguistic values. These three positions are contextualized and examined in the frame of the Copenhagen School’s conception of linguistics and its place among other sciences. I then observe how the problem was formulated by Benveniste’s predecessors E. Pichon and J. Damourette and examine the debate occurring after the publication of Benveniste’s article, which, in addition to the editors of the Course in General Linguistics, included E. Lerch, A. Gardiner. E. Buyssens, N. Ege and A. Martinet. Their positions and criticisms are summarized and evaluated in the scope of the contemporary state of research based on the manuscript sources for the Course.
Content available O vědě, ideologii a strukturalismu
The paper starts from a consideration of two variant critiques of structuralism: in 1935, Marxistoriented historians polemicized with Mukařovský’s concept of the development of literature; in 1951, Mukařovský himself presented a critique based in the ideology of the totalitarian regime. A comparison between the state of the scholarly debate in the 1930s and the latter event allows us to develop some more general characteristics of the ingerence of power ideology into scientific discourse and its paradigm. The focus of our inquiry is the question as to what allowed Mukařovský to perform this radical turn and adopt an ideological doctrine. What we find is that a link between the topics pursued in our argument — i.e. between the structuralist theory, an ideology in the service of power and the deformation of the scholarly paradigm — is provided by the position of the individual in history, in both artistic and social discourse. The gist of the matter is that with the weakening or even elimination of the individual’s role disappears the ethical dimension of the human relating to the world, disappears individual responsibility as an essential, irreducible part of one’s identity.
Content available remote Miroslav Kouřil a jeho cesta ke strukturalismu jako metodě i programu
The study explores theoretical works and managing activities of Czech set-designer Miroslav Kouřil (1911–1984). First part is devoted to two crucial periods in Kouřil’s professional life: his career of a stage designer, and the following involvement in theoretical reception of theatre and practical organization of theatre life in the then Czechoslovakia. In the second part, attention is drawn to Kouřil’s presidency over the Czech Scenographic Institute, and to the project of the Encyclopaedia of the Set Design managed by him. In the third part, the author concerns with Kouřil’s theoretical works, especially the way in which he used structuralist methodology to analyse theatre productions.
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