W pracy przedstawiono analizę wyników estymacji jakości obrazów przy użyciu metody Monte Carlo w połączeniu z podobieństwem strukturalnym (SSIM) pod kątem korelacji z oceną subiektywną. Jako platformy testowej użyto bazy obrazów poddanych pięciu typowym rodzajom zniekształceń wraz z ich ocenami subiektywnymi udostępnianej przez Laboratorium Inżynierii Obrazu i Wideo (LIVE) Uniwersytetu w Teksasie. Uzyskane wyniki korelacji liniowej oraz z zastosowaniem funkcji logistycznej potwierdzają wysoką przydatność zaproponowanej szybkiej metody estymacji jakości obrazu.
The paper presents the analysis of the results of the image quality estimation when using the Monte Carlo method applied to the Structural Similarity index [5] in the aspect of correlation with the subjective evaluation. As a test platform, the LIVE database (available at the Laboratory for Image & Video Engineering of the University of Texas at Austin) [7] containing the Differential Mean Opinion Score (DMOS) values for almost 1000 images corrupted by five common types of distortions has been used. After the short introduction containing the analysis of some modern image quality assessment techniques, the idea of the image quality fast estimation with use of the Monte Carlo Structural Similarity Index [6] is described. The results of the Pearson's correlation of the DMOS values and MC-SSIM for the individual types of distortions and for the whole database, excluding the original images, are presented in Tables 1-2. Tables 3-4 illustrate the optimised results obtained after the nonlinear mapping with use of the logistic function (6). The obtained results of the linear correlation, as well as those obtained when using the nonlinear mapping by the optimised logistic function, confirm the usefulness of the proposed fast image quality estimation technique. An interesting fact is not only the preservation of the high correlation coefficients even for the small number of pixels used for the quality estimation but also a slight increase in them which may be an interesting stimulus for further research.
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In the paper the influence of the sliding window function, applied instead of the typical Gaussian one, on the results obtained using the Structural Similarity index is analysed. In order to find out how important the shape of two-dimensional window is, some tests using the images from the LIVE Image Quality Assessment Database containing five types of distortions have been performed. Obtained results confirm the noticeable differences between the effects of using various windows while calculating the local SSIM index and can be an inspiration for the further research.
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