Antibacterial peptides are subject to broad research due to their potential application and the benefit they can provide for a wide range of diseases. In this work, a mathematical-computational method, called the Polarity Vector Method, is introduced that has a high discriminative level (>70%) to identify peptides associated with Gram (-) bacteria, Gram (+) bacteria, cancer cells, fungi, insects, mammalian cells, parasites, and viruses, taken from the Antimicrobial Peptides Database. This supervised method uses only eigenvectors from the incident polar matrix of the group studied. It was verified with a comparative study with another extensively verified method developed previously by our team, the Polarity Index Method. The number of positive hits of both methods was up to 98% in all the tests conducted.
System MAS4PSi (Multi Agent System For Protein Similarity searching) pozwala na szybkie, skalowalne i niezawodne poszukiwanie podobieństwa strukturalnego białek. Poszukiwanie podobieństwa strukturalnego białek jest kluczowe w prowadzeniu badań nad różnymi procesami biologicznymi i innymi obszarami, które mają swoją podstawę w tych procesach biologicznych. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przybliżenie i określenie możliwych scenariuszy wykorzystania zbudowanego systemu MAS4PSi w powszechnie rozumianej diagnostyce medycznej zarówno na etapie opracowywania eksperymentów pomocnych we wprowadzeniu nowych badań, jak i na etapie typowo diagnostycznym.
MAS4PSi (Multi-Agent System For Protein Similarity searching) is a system that allows fast, scalable and reliable protein structure similarity searching. Protein structure similarity searching is crucial in conducting research on a variety of biological processes, and other areas that have their basis in these biological processes. The purpose of this article is to define and present possible scenarios of using the MAS4PSi system in a broadly understood medical diagnostics, both in the design of experiments supporting new research, as well as the typical diagnostic stage.
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