A granodiorite from bore hole WB-102A in the Dol ina Będkowska, the Małopolska Block (MB), South ern Po land, yielded a mean U-Pb zir con age of 300 š3 Ma with SHRIMP II. No in her ited older com po nent was de tected. Geo chemically, it is a K-rich, I-type, calc-al ka line granodiorite with su pra-subduction char ac ter is tics (neg a tive Nb and Ti anom a lies). Silicic ig ne ous rocks are abun dant at the MB mar gin along the Kraków-Lubliniec Fault Zone (KLFZ) across which it ad joins to the Up per Silesian Block (USB) where such rocks are scarce. Both blocks be long to the Variscan fore land. Gra nitic rocks can not, how ever, gen er ate at fore land set tings. Thus, the hy poth e sis is put for ward that the par ent melt for the silicic rocks was de rived from the thick ened lower crust of the Variscan orogenic belt ow ing to extensional de com pres sion melt ing, and trans ported away to wards pul-apart open ings de vel oped along the crustal-scale fault zone (KLFZ) that un der went a com plex strike-slip his tory around the Car bon if er ous/Perm ian bound ary.
A quarter of a century ago, during cartographic works using then-known field methods for measuring structural fea tures, on the boundary of the Sudetic and Fore-Sudetic blocks, new phenomena were recognised; these were interpreted to be tectonic in nature and the result of left-lateral strike-slip movement in the subsurface. Grabens, half-grabens, shear zones and seismites in the gold-bearing sands and gravels that form the slopes of the valley of the River Kaczawa, are estimated to be of Pliocene and early Pleistocene age, having been interpreted as deposits of the pre-Kaczawa alluvial fan system. The natural exposures documented 25 years age have now all disappeared. In 2022, these levels became exposed again as a result of renewed gravel exploitation and phenomena described in the past reappeared. Field meas urements were made again, this time using modern data-recording techniques, such as photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning. This work has enabled a comparison of field measurement methods with those obtained from the point clouds data. The results were found to be highly consistent. At the same time, precise reconstructions of the structures and their connection to the geodetic reference system make it possible to supplement previous geokinematic interpre tations for this segment of the Sudetic Marginal Fault Zone (SMFZ). A formerly postulated left-lateral strike-slip regime in this zone was confirmed during the period of formation of the pre-Kaczawa alluvial fan deposits, but also probable is a kinematic inversion that must have occurred during, or just after, the early Pleistocene.
Structural analysis of the Miocene deposits of the northern marginal part of the Carpathian Foredeep, from the Nida Trough in the west to Tarnobrzeg in the east shows that three tectonic phases affected Neogene deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep: (1) an Early Styrian phase - Early Badenian synsedimentary movements, (2) a Moldavian phase (Late-Styrian) - Early/Late Badenian, after deposition of gypsum and during deposition of the lower part of the Pecten Beds, (3) an Attican phase - Sarmatian-Pliocene(?), after deposition of the Krakowiec Beds. The two Badenian phases involved reactivation of NW-SE basement faults Early-Styrian phase activity along these faults resulted in facies changes and thickness variability in the Baranów Beds. Reactivation of these faults during the Moldavian phase resulted in a considerable increase of their throws. Strata in the footwalls of faults were antithetically rotated to form structural traps for subsequent hydrocarbon and sulphur deposits. During the Attican phase, a horizontal compression stress field (compression direction - 30-50°) produced transverse and oblique faults (NE-SW and ENE-WSW) with strike-slip and oblique-slip movements. These faults were responsible for "pumping" hydrocarbons into the earlier formed traps. Minor deformations within gypsum deposits and seismotectonic features of the Witów Gravels are also discussed.
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