The strength analysis of penstock bifurcation in hydropower plants is discussed in the present paper. The analysis consists of determining the maximal internal pressure, (e.g. during turbine load rejection), stress analysis of the pipeline shell for assumed loading and assumed or determined material properties. The investigation results can be helpful when determining the proper rate of the flow cut-off and recommending the strengthening precautions to be applied in places of maximum stress concentration in order to prevent future penstock ruptures.
The paper concerns the formulation and analysis of an adhesive joint model, aimed at reinforcing or reconstructing weakened wooden elements. The joint is modeled as a plane stress problem of the theory of elasticity. It is assumed that wood is an orthotropic material. The reinforcement of an element is achieved by means of attaching a covering plate, while reconstruction is carried out by introducting an insert into the weakened (deteriorated) zone of an element. The influence of varying thickness of plates and inserts on the stress states in the adherends and adhesive is analyzed. The analyses are related to axially loaded elements.
W artykule omówiono przypadki dodatkowego spiętrzenia naprężeń (ponad akceptowalny poziom) powstałe na skutek nieoptymalnego procesu projektowania. Omawiane przypadki zgrupowano w trzech głównych aspektach: nieprawidłowy dobór zamocowań i/lub całego systemu, nieprawidłowy wybór trasy rurociągu, nieprawidłowy wybór trasy rurociągu i nieprawidłowy dobór zamocowań. Pokazano także, jak usunąć źródło dodatkowych naprężeń. Prezentowane przykłady pochodzą ze zrealizowanych przez Pro Novum Sp. z o.o. prac na rzecz energetyki zawodowej i przemysłowej z ostatnich dwudziestu lat.
Described are cases of stress additional concentrations (above the acceptable level) caused by a sub-optimal design process. The discussed cases are grouped according to the three main aspects: inappropriate selection of attachments and/or of the whole system, incorrect selection of a pipeline route, incorrect selection of both – attachments and a route. Shown is also how to remove the additional stress source. Presented examples are taken from the already realized by Pro Novum Sp. z o.o. projects performed for industrial and commercial power plants during the last twenty years.
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