The current security dilemma refers not only to a military rivalry and an arms race but also to political, economic, and socio-cultural dimensions. Therefore, the aim of the article results from a general research problem, which is as follows: in what dimensions and how is the security dilemma changing between Poland and Russia after 2014? Using case study method, the article shows in which areas the “spiral model” is occurring. The security dilemma provides these two countries, instead of heightening their security, increased the risk of international and regional destabilization.
Article explores the issue of security in the National Foresight Programme 2020 in Poland. This programme has evolved in the first decade of the 21st century in order to provide scenarios for state modernization in the context of technological and economic changes until 2020. In this programme thousands of experts were engaged. One of the crucial problems raised during NFP 2020 was security. In this paper I analysed several problems: importance of the security issue in NFP 2020, methodology of foresight and its usage in analysis of security threats in contemporary Polish strategies of development.
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę planowania strategicznego w Polsce na przykładzie służb specjalnych. W pierwszej części zwrócono uwagę na teoretyczne aspekty tworzenia strategii oraz na niewystarczające unormowanie opisywanej problematyki w polskim systemie prawnym, w tym na brak definicji legalnych pojęć s ł u ż b y s p e c j a l n e i s t r a t e g i a b e z p i e c z e ń s t w a n a r o d o w e g o . Najważniejszym elementem artykułu jest ukazanie miejsca i roli, jaką przypisywano służbom specjalnym w dokumentach strategicznych na przestrzeni ostatnich 25 lat. Analizie poddano treść wybranych dokumentów, a w szczególności wymienione w nich zagrożenia, priorytety oraz zadania służb wywiadowczych i kontrwywiadowczych.
The article presents the issue of strategic planning in Poland on the example of secret services. In the first part, there were highlighted theoretic aspects of creation of strategy and insufficient legal frames in this field in polish security system, including the lack of legal definitions of terms s e c r e t s e r v i c e s and n a t i o n a l s e c u r i t y s t r a t e g y. In the main part, there was shown the place and the role of polish secret services in strategic documents, which were published during the last 25 years. The author analysed selected national security strategies and pointed out hazards, priorities and tasks for intelligence and counterintelligence services.
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