The paper is embedded in the following fields: strategic management in terms of behavioural strategy concept, adaptability construct, and micro-foundations realm as well as organizational theory and psychology. Moreover, the paper concerns to some extent a multi-level approach in strategic management involving individual, team, and organizational level. The aim of the paper is to contribute to extend, on one hand, the ascertainment set in the field of behavioural strategy as behavioural strategy encompasses a mindboggling diversity of topics and methods and its conceptual unity has been hard to achieve (Powell, Lovallo, Fox 2011, p. 1371), and on the other hand, to order mixed approaches to adaptability, especially to gain insights on micro-level adapting processes (individual adaptability and adaptive performance) in terms of the multi-level approach. The method that has been used is literature studies and the interference is mostly deductive. The structure of the manuscript is four-fold. The first part involves the considerations in the field of adaptability and adaptive performance at the individual level. The issues of adaptability and adaptive performance at the team level have been presented in the second part. The third part encompasses the organizational adaptability assertions. Finally, the conclusion, limitations of the considerations highlighted as well as the future research directions have been emphasized. The overarching key finding is that the behavioural strategy concept may constitute the boundary spanner in exploring and explaining adaptability phenomenon at different levels of analysis.
Treść artykułu została zakorzeniona w następujących obszarach wiedzy: zarządzanie strategiczne (z perspektywy strategii behawioralnej, konstruktu adaptacyjności i mikro-fundamentów w zarządzaniu strategicznym), teoria organizacji oraz psychologia. W pewnym stopniu opracowanie plasuje się również w obszarze badań zjawisk na wielu poziomach analizy (poziom jednostki, zespołu i organizacji). Celem opracowania, z jednej strony, jest wzbogacenie wiedzy i ustaleń dotyczących zjawiska strategii behawioralnej, gdyż ze względu na różnorodność sposobów analizy wciąż nie wypracowano koncepcyjnego konsensusu (Powell, Lovallo, Fox 2011, p. 1371), a z drugiej strony, uporządkowanie rozproszonych podejść do konstruktu adaptacyjności zwłaszcza z perspektywy mikro (adaptycyjność jednostki) determinujacej pozostałe perspektywy rozważań (zespołu i organizacji). Zastosowano metodę ekstensywnego przeglądu literatury, a wnioskowanie ma charakter dedukcyjny. W pierwszej części opracowania omówiono adaptacyjność z punktu widzenia jednostki. Druga część odnosi się do rozważań nad adaptacyjnością na poziomie zespołu. W trzeciej części przedstawiono adaptacyjność z perspektywy organizacji. Ostatecznie, sformułowano wnioski końcowe, zidentyfikowano ograniczenia opracowania oraz zaproponowano dalsze kierunki badań. Kluczową konkluzję przedstawionych rozważań stanowi przypuszczenie, iż konstrukt “strategia behawioralna” zespala poziomy analizy dotyczące rozważań w obszarze adaptacyjności.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to answer two research questions. The first is: what is the relationship between the business model and the behavioral strategy of companies? The second is: how does the business model determine behavioral strategy? Methodology: The research method of the literature review involved three stages. Stage one consisted of analyzing articles retrieved from Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. Key words typed into the search engine were helpful in selecting articles. The following keywords were used: creative thinking, strategic thinking, business model, business model innovation, competitive strategy, behavioral strategy, organizational intelligence, strategic intelligence, intelligent organization. Stage two involved reviewing the selected articles. Stage three involved analyzing and synthesizing the content of the previously selected publications. In the end, a total of 125 selected articles in Polish and English were analyzed, of which 42 literature items were used in the article in the form of citations and references. Findings: The research confirmed the view that strategy and business model complement each other. Through feedback, they are interdependent on each other and coevolve. The business model is one of the determinants strongly influencing the shape of strategy. Research limitation: The research used a reductionist approach, and therefore ignored numerous other contextual determinants of behavioral strategy. The research focused only on the business model as a determinant of behavioral strategy and on the feedbacks occurring between the studied elements of the concept. Originality/value: The originality of the concept is reflected in its dynamic nature. The dependency analysis is set in a broader context that includes organizational intelligence and intelligent market behavior of enterprises. The concept is valuable because it takes a dynamic approach to clarifying the issue of the business model as a determinant of strategy. A cognitively interesting study could provide an answer to the question: what types of business models are the highest basis for building competitive advantage as one of the elements of strategy.
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