Since Poland joined the European Union, it has become a new gateway to the European market for the Indian goods and services. It is important to note that although India and Poland were very different, they both shared some uniqueness. Historically, both nations had a long fight for independence. Both nations experienced the nationalization process of their industries. They also equally experienced a period of socialist economic system and enjoyed close relations with Moscow. Most strikingly, both countries had undergone economic transformation whereby both systematically and gradually transited their economies from socialist models to capitalist ones. In central Europe, Poland had been considered as the main partner of India, in terms of trade and economic cooperation. India viewed Poland as a link between it and the Western Europe. Both entities are in the process to reform their legal framework to improve political and socio-economic relations by reducing legal barriers.
Po wejściu do Unii Europejskiej, Polska stałą się „bramą” do promocji indyjskich dóbr i usług na rynku europejskim. Należy zauważyć, że mimo różnic dzielących Indie i Polskę, obydwa kraje łączy niepowtarzalność. Z historycznego punktu widzenia, obydwa państwa długo walczyły o niepodległość i zmagały się z upaństwowieniem gospodarki. W równym stopniu zostały doświadczone przez system socjalistyczny. Co najważniejsze, obydwa państwa przeszly proces transformacji gospodarczej, dzięki czemu systematycznie i stopniowo przekształcały swe gospodarkiz socjalistycznych w kapitalistyczne. Polska postrzegana była jako główny partner Indii w Centralnej Europie w zakresie handlu i współpracy gospodarczej. Dla Indii Polska stała się „przepustką” do Europy Zachodniej. Obydwa kraje przechodzą również proces reform w systemie prawnym w celu poprawy stosunków politycznych i społeczno--gospodarczych. Odbywa się to przez ograniczanie barier prawnych.
Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the bilateral relations between Pakistan and the European Union, with a specific emphasis on trade dynamics. The primary purpose is to explore the factors influencing trade between these two entities, delving into historical perspectives, contemporary developments, and future milestones set by the European Union and Commission. Design/methodology/approach: The objectives are achieved through a comprehensive analysis of trade data, policy documents, and relevant literature. The research employs a multifaceted approach, encompassing both theoretical and empirical considerations. The theoretical scope extends from the historical Silk Road to the contemporary geopolitical landscape, while the empirical analysis involves a PEST analysis and examination of internal and external factors influencing trade. Findings: The research reveals significant insights into the factors shaping trade relations between Pakistan and the European Union. These findings are presented through a thorough analysis, discussion, and interpretation of results, providing a comprehensive understanding of the bilateral trade dynamics. Research limitations/implications: While offering valuable insights, this study recognizes potential limitations, such as data constraints and geopolitical factors. Suggestions for future research are provided, focusing on areas that could further enhance the understanding of the relationship and trade dynamics. Practical implications: The paper identifies outcomes and practical implications for businesses and enterprises engaged in trade between Pakistan and the European Union. Recommendations for changes in business practices are discussed, considering the potential commercial and economic impact of the findings. Social implications: The study assesses the social impact of the Pakistan-European Union trade relationship, exploring how it influences public attitudes, corporate social responsibility, and environmental considerations. The research may inform public and industry policies, potentially affecting the overall quality of life. Originality/value: This paper contributes novelty by offering new insights into the dynamics of the Pakistan-European Union relationship, specifically in the context of trade. Its value lies in its relevance to policymakers, businesses, and researchers interested in understanding and enhancing this bilateral association
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