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The primary objective of the article is to identify conditions of restructuring from the point of view of Polish steel industry by using Cobb and Douglas model (C-D). Both in European economies and Polish economy, the steel industry is included to important branch of industry. The steel sector has been a permanent component of the Polish economy. Restructuring of metallurgy in Poland has been realized since 1990s. Finally after several years of changes (in the first decade of the 21st century) steel plants adjusted theirs operations to market economy conditions. Nowadays we think that the steel sector has competitive position on the domestic and European markets but if it is truth. On the base of C-D model, the author of the article presents results of the statistical analysis and answer the question about influence property and employment on production in steel industry. Obtained relations between particular components of production function show the condition of steel industry in Poland.
Many entrepreneurs operating in the steel industry in the Polish market face a dilemma: from where to get money for further development? One of the options may be the EU funds. We will tell you what sources you can use, for what kind of projects you will receive funding and what procedure you have to go through for the money to reach your business.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań pilotażowych w zakresie funkcjonowania sieci aliansów w branży stalowej w Polsce. Analizie poddano trzy główne bloki tematyczne: tworzenie sieci, zarządzanie siecią oraz rozwój i jej funkcjonowanie. Badaniami objęto grupę 50 firm funkcjonujących w branży stalowej, przy czym analizie poddano nie tylko same huty ale także firmy okołohutnicze funkcjonujące w ramach poszczególnych grup.
The article presents the results of pilotage research in the scope of alliance networks in steel industry in Poland. Three main areas of alliance networks including: networks formation, networks management and growth and development of networks were analyzed. The group of 50 companies operating in the steel industry was analyzed. Research, beside steel mills contained companies related to the steel business operating in the frame of particular groups.
Artykuł omawia ogólne uwarunkowania i postęp procesu restrukturyzacji polskiego hutnictwa żelaza i stali oraz jego monitorawania. Przedstawiono niektóre aspekty wymagań w odniesieniu do polskiego hutnictwa, zamieszczone w Protokole nr 2 Traktatu Akcesyjnego. Zaprezentowano metody i wyniki procesu monitorowania prowadzonego przez stronę polską.
In the paper the general background and progress of restructuring process of Polish steel sector and monitoring of this process is described. Some aspects of obligations concern Polish steel sector included in Protocol No 8 of Accession Treaty are given. Methods and results of the monitoring process carried out by Polish authorities are presented.
W artykule przedstawiono prosty strukturalny model ekonometryczny, który może być zastosowany do analizy procesów gospdarczych, jakie zachodzą w przemyśle stalowym. Poza tym może być również użyty do prognozowania i symulacji otoczenia gospodarczego. Model składa się z dwóch równań opisujących poziom współczynnika bieżącej płynności finansowej i produkcji w polskim przemyśle stalowym na przestrzeni ostatnich 5 lat.
This article describes a simple econometric, structural model that can be applied by analysing economic processes in steel industry. Additionaly it can be used for forecasting and simulations of economic environment. The model consists of two equations, that describe current ratio level and production level in polish steel industry during the last 5 years period.
W artykule przedstawiono wpływ, jaki wywiera hutnictwo żelaza i stali na rozwój przemysłu materiałów ogniotrwałych. Podano najważniejsze osiągnięcia Instytutu Materiałów Ogniotrwałych (obecnie na prawach Oddziału w Instytucie Ceramiki i Materiałów Budowlanych) w zakresie opracowań nowych lub ulepszonych technologii spełniających oczekiwania użytkowników. Zwrócono uwagę na relację hutnictwa z przemysłem materiałów ogniotrwałych, wskazując na istotę potrzeby rewitalizacji ścisłych kontaktów Instytutu z hutnictwem żelaza i stali.
The impact of iron and steel industry on the development of refractory materials has been presented in the paper. The most important achievements of the Institute of Refractories (currently on the Rights of Department at the Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials) in studies of new or improved technologies that meet user expectations have been described. Attention was paid to the relationship between steel industry and refractory industry, pointing to the need of close contacts revitalization of the Institute with the steel industry.
Podniesienie jakości zarządzania procesami ekonomicznymi wymaga zastosowania nowoczesnych technologii informacyjnych. W opracowaniu przedstawione zostały problemy zastosowania analizy WaveLet-fraktalnej w celu wyjaśnienia informacyjnych właściwości systemów produkcyjnych na przykładzie środków obrotowych przedsiębiorstwa w warunkach niestabilnej gospodarki.
The quality increase of economical processes management reąuires the modern information technologies application. In that work there were presented the application problems of WaveLet-fractional analysis in order to explain the information characteristics of production systems on the company current assets example in the condition of unstable economy.
This paper analyzes the impact of social dialogue on the restructuring process in the Polish steel industry, using the history of restructuring in the same sector in the United Kingdom as a frame of reference. Despite steep declines in employment, due to technological, organisational, and ownership changes in the sector, restructuring in Poland did not encounter particularly strong resistance on the part of organised labour, in contrast to the powerful union response seen in the UK. The difference is attributed to the presence of active social dialogue at the sectoral level in Poland and the absence of such dialogue in the UK.
The paper discusses the role of social dialogue in facilitating social peace during the process of industrial restructuring in the steel sector in Poland in the late 1990s and 2000s. It is argued that the sectoral social dialogue proved to be a critical factor for the ultimate success of the restructuring, securing cooperation between the major actors of industrial relations within the branch and providing for welfare of employees exiting the sector due to organisational and technological change.
The term ‘nepotism’, i.e. favouritism granted to relatives, is usually associated with corruption in the public sector and the abuse of public resources. Moreover, it is commonly accompanied by the public image of post-Soviet and/or developing countries. One may, however, observe the manifestations of nepotism in different sectors of the economy. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to analyse the main principles of transparent management of companies operating in the steel sector and deconstruct the myths of nepotism and favouritism. Two basic research methods were used to analyse these phenomena: an analysis of widely accessible information pertaining to the steel companies devoted to anti- nepotism practices (the first stage), and interviews with the managers of steel companies operating in Poland (the second stage). The data collected during the first stage allowed us to analyse the problems associated with nepotism when deconstructing established myths. In turn, interviews with the managers allowed us to compare the data achieved in the first stage to the real perception of this phenomenon and thus to determine the prevalence of these pathologies in the sector analysed. Our research has confirmed that nepotism and favouritism are observed in the sector analysed. However, it is necessary to emphasise that the scale and range of this phenomenon vary, depending on the membership of three groups, i.e. global corporations, companies listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange, and small companies. This implies the need for further research in these sectors.
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The article deals with the problems of cooperation in network organizations. The structure of the text is divided into a couple of parts. Firstly, the increasing importance of alliance networks is described. Secondly, the concept of alliance networks as well as the essence of multinational corporations are presented. Beside theoretical deliberations, two practical cases are presented in the text too. First case relates to the Toyota keiretsu and the second one describes the network organization of the largest steel manufacturer in the world, i.e. ArcelorMittal Group. Last part of the text is the comparative analysis of the multinational corporations network vs. networks of small and medium size companies. The similarities as well as differences between both forms were presented. The article is based on the latest world literature devoted to the cooperative strategies as well as the practical business experience of the author from the work in Arcelor Mittal Poland and polish machine industry.
Purpose: This paper aims to check the contribution of Logistics Information Systems - LIS to supply chain optimization in the steel industry group of Bachir Rachid. This group that owns eight independent companies and numerous points of sale and warehouses, has to be connected by such advanced systems to ensure effectiveness and profitability. Methodology: A questionnaire was distributed among a group of employees, and the collected data was later analyzed by SPSS 25 and complemented by further structured and unstructured interviews. We have realized an analysis of variance to evaluate the impact of LIS on logistics activities, supply chain management, and integration as well as optimization. The test of Kruskal-Wallis H was chosen due to the non-linearity of the data. Results: This work proves that Logistics Information Systems contribute to the performance of logistics activities, supply chain integration, and supply chain optimization through the enhancement of the efficiency of supply chain management and by the reduction of supply chain costs. The theoretical contribution: The contribution made to the theory of logistics and supply chain management lies in confirming previous findings on the contribution of LIS to logistics and supply chain optimization in Algeria, and more specifically, in the steel industry.
Kontrakty terminowe są narzędziami w zarządzaniu ryzykiem, które pomagają firmom zabezpieczyć się przed nieprzychylną zmianą cen, dzięki zdefiniowanej umowie nabycia lub sprzedaży interesującego firmę produktu, przy ściśle określonej na przyszłość cenie, ustalanej w dniu zawarcia kontraktu. Dostępne od 2008 r. kontrakty terminowe dla stali spotkały się z bardzo dużym zainteresowaniem, nie tylko ze strony firm branżowo związanych z tym przemysłem. Dzieje się tak, ponieważ przemysł stalowy, firmy konstrukcyjne, usługowe i produkcyjne zainteresowane są możliwościami zabezpieczania się przed wzrostem cen zaopatrzenia lub spadkiem cen zbytu swoich wyrobów.
Futures contracts are tools in risk management, which help companies to insure against unfavourable price change thanks to purchase or sale of the term contracts equivalent to defined quantity of the product interesting for the company, needed in strictly defined future for the price fixed today. However the steel futures contracts available since 2008 meet with very large interest, not only of companies of the industry sector, but as it had happened in the past with similar contracts, it appeared in short time that specialist branch companies in the general turnover of the futures contracts are the minority. It happens like this because the steel industry, construction and production companies are interested in possibilities of insuring against the supplies price increase or drop of their product prices.
W pracy przeprowadzono analizę parametrów wpływających na sposób płynięcia materiału podczas walcowania na gorąco, kryteriów pękania materiału i wpływu współczynnika kształtu strefy odkształcania na zachowanie się nieciągłości. Określono warunki i kryteria istotnie wpływające na rozwój nieciągłości materiałowych oraz na ich zamykanie i zgrzewanie.
The purpose of this paper was to develop theoretical bases for material discontinuity development mechanism to determine the conditions and criteria for closing and welding them. Analysis of parameters affecting the material flow during hot rolling, cracking criteria and the influence of deformation zone shape factor on behaviour of discontinuity was carried out. Conditions and criteria that have a crucial effect on development of material discontinuities and closing and welding them were determined.
In order to minimize CO2 emission from iron and steel-making processes to abate greenhouse gas impact, the considerations and some practice of science and technology as well as its strategy completed and on going in Chinese steel industry are summarized. Two available ways for the minimizing in China so far: (1) Minimizing carbon-consumption (fossil energy-saving) in all the processes of steel industry which is the most realizable measure for reducing CO2 emission. (2) To look for new alternative reaction medium in the processes where producing more C02 like Ha in blast furnace etc and new processes for iron and steel making which discharge less CO2 . Some new ideas like macro-based measures are put forward for minimizing CO2 emission in steel industry.
Pozwolenie zintegrowane jest nowoczesnym instrumentem formalnoprawnym, regulującym zasady wprowadzania zanieczyszczeń do środowiska i obejmuje wszystkie znaczące aspekty oddziaływania zagadnienia gospodarki odpadami. Zasady warunków wytwarzania i postępowania z odpadami są zdefiniowane w ustawie o odpadach i są spójne z zasadami dotyczącymi pozwolenia na wytwarzanie odpadów. Uzyskania pozwolenia zintegrowanego wymagają instalacje typu IPPC (ang. Integrated Pollution Preyention and Control). Instalacje typu IPPC muszą spełniać wymagania najlepszej dostępnej techniki (ang. Best Auailable Technique - BAT), a ich eksploatacja nie może powodować pogorszenia jakości środowiska oraz przekraczania tzw. granicznych wielkości emisyjnych. Do instalacji typu IPPC zalicza się instalacje przemysłu hutnictwa żelaza i stali. Procesy hutnicze powodują generowanie ogromnych ilości odpadów, jest to przemysł materiałochłonny, w którym około połowa surowców wejściowych po zakończonych procesach przetwórczych przekształca się w odpady. Stąd tak ważne jest prowadzenie prawidłowej gospodarki odpadami w hutach stali. W artykule przedstawiono układ treści wniosku oraz zakres informacji o wytwarzanych i sposobach gospodarowania odpadami dla potrzeb wniosku o wydanie pozwolenia zintegrowanego dla Mittal Steel Poland S.A. Oddział w Krakowie.
The integrated permission is a modern legal instrument, which regulates the principles of introducing pollution to the environment. The permission includes all the significant aspects of environmental impact among others waste management. The principles of specifying the terms of waste generating and treatment are defined in the Act on waste and they are coherent with the principles for waste permission. Integrated permissions are required for the special type of installations called IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) installations. This kind of installations have to fulfill the requirement of Best Available Technique (BAT), and their operating must not cause neither the worsening of environment quality nor exceeding the limitary quantities of emission. The installations of iron and steel industry are reckoned to be the IPPC installations. The metallurgic processes generate the huge quantities of waste. It is material consuming industry, in which approximately the half of input materials, after the processes are finished, are wastes. That is why the proper waste management in steel works is so important. The frame of the content as well as the range of information on waste management for the purpose of the integrated permission for Mittal Steel Company in Cracow, was proposed in this paper.
Celem niniejszej publikacji jest przedstawienie zmian w poziomie wydajności pracy w p olskim sektorze stalowym. Analiza rozpoczyna się od pokazania sytuacji technologicznej i związanych z nią poziomów energochłonności i materiałochłonności w okresie przed transformacją polskiej gospodarki. Następnie zestawiono poziomy wydajności pracy mierzone wielkością produkcji stali na jednego zatrudnionego. Zestawienie statystyczne wydajności pracy stało się podstawą do wykonania prognoz na najbliższe sześć lat.
The purpose of this publication is to present changes in the level of labor productivity in the Polish steel sector. Analysis begins by showing technological situation and related levels of energy consumption and material consumption in the period before the transformation of the Polish economy. Then matched labor productivity levels measured in the production of steel per employee. A statistical summary labor productivity became the basis for the forecast for the next six years.
Artykuł jest analizą gospodarowania czasem pracy w przemyśle hutniczym. Publikacja powstała na podstawie danych statystycznych za lata 2000−2015, udostępnionych przez Hutniczą Izbę Przemysłowo-Handlową. Zakresem analizy objęto nominalny i rzeczywisty czas pracy w badanym przemyśle. W publikacji zaprezentowano zmiany w gospodarowaniu czasem pracy na podstawie wybranych wskaźników produktywności pracy.
The article presents the analysis of work time management in steel industry. The analysis was realized on the statistic data from 2000 to 2015 (information from Polish Steel Association). In the analysis changes in potential and reality worked time in steel industry were presented. The key element of the analysis were productivity indexes.
Content available Analiza gospodarki zapasami w przemyśle hutniczym
W artykule przedstawiono system gospodarki zapasami w przemyśle hutniczym. W systemie magazynowania uwzględniono przebieg technologicznego procesu produkcji stali. Podano podstawowe sposoby składowania zapasów w przedsiębiorstwach hutniczych. Strukturę zapasów przedstawiono na podstawie danych statystycznych. Dane użyte w analizie to wyniki rocznych wartości zapasów w przemyśle hutniczym. Przedstawiono dane dotyczące wartości zapasów ogółem i według poszczególnych kategorii: materiały, produkcja w toku, wyroby gotowe. Zakres czasowy analizy obejmował lata 2000-2015. Celem artykułu było przedstawienie trendów zmian dotyczących poziomu zapasów hutniczych.
The article presents a system for storage management in the steel industry. The storage system takes into account the course of the technological process of steel production. Given basic ways of storing inventory in steel companies. The structure of the stocks are based on statistical data. The data used in the analysis of the results of the annual value of the stocks in the steel industry. We present data on the value of inventories in total and by individual categories: materials, work in progress, finished goods. The time range analysis covered the period 2000-2015. The aim of the article was to present trends in the level of inventories in steel industry.
In China, the sintering process annually emitted around 1.5 million t SO2, representing 70% of SO2 produced from the iron and steel industry. Lime based sorbent was modified with municipal sewage sludge (MSS) and the influence of the modification on the desulfurization efficiency was investigated in a laboratory-scale novel integrated desulfurization (NID) reactor. The properties of modified sorbent were characterized by the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) analyzer and X-ray fluorescence (XRD) analyzer. BET surface area was increased from 17.48 to 46.68 m2g–1. when the MSS/lime ratio increased from 0 to 0.08. Ca4Al8Si8O32, Ca1.5SiO3.5, Na2Si2O5 and CaSiO3 found in the modified lime benefited for the increase of the BET surface area and pore volume. The effects of sewage sludge/CaO weight ratio, calcination temperature and hydration time on the desulfurization efficiency were also studied. SO2 removal efficiency was increased from 88.7% to 97.3% after using the lime modified with sewage sludge.
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