Eugeniusz Felicjan Kwiatkowski żył w latach 1888-1974. Pełnił liczne funkcje menedżerskie i publiczne: w latach 1926-1930 ministra przemysłu i handlu; w latach 1935-1939 wicepremiera i ministra skarbu; w latach 1945-1947 kierownika Delegatury Rządu do Spraw Wybrzeża. Kierował się zawsze naczelną ideą zapewnienia Polsce warunków trwałego rozwoju gospodarczego i zachowania jej niepodległości oraz umocnienia jej pozycji na arenie międzynarodowej. Miał on cechy działacza gospodarczego i męża stanu, wyróżniał się wielką wiedzą i bogatą osobowością.
Eugeniusz Felicjan Kwiatkowski live from 1888 until 1974. He performed many managerial and public functions: in the years 1926-1930 he was the minister for industry and trade, in the years 1935-1939 he was a deputy prime minister and minister of the Treasury, in the years 1945-1947 he was head of governmental team for coastal matters. His main idea was to secure conditions for Poland’s durable development in the field of economy, to maintain her independence and consolidate our position on the international areana. He was economic activist and statesman. He distinguished by great knowledge and unusual personality.
The article discusses the phenomenon of the prominent statesman, thinker, and publicist K.P. Pobedonostsev. The author explores his relationship with the Russian intelligentsia, representatives of the conservative camp. The politi-cal views of Pobedonostsev and paradoxicality of his behavior as a politician and as a person are analyzed. Reasons for his ideological drama, which is fatal-ity of his attempts to resist the general tendencies of life, are also revealed. The article substantiates the position that the motivation of Pobedonostsev’s human and political strategy depended on the socio-historical and cultural context of the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries.