The article analyses crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes from the perspective of the construction of a terrorist offence under Article 115(20) of the Polish Penal Code. The author discusses the concept of state terrorism in social sciences, such as criminology and political science, and points out the controversies surrounding this concept. This is followed by an analysis of the terrorist offence in the Criminal Code and the arguments supporting the view that the offences in Chapter XVI of the Criminal Code can be regarded as fulfilling the conditions of a terrorist offence. Such a solution implies the application to the perpetrators of such offences of stricter rules for the imposition of punishment and probation measures in accordance with the provisions of Article 65(1) of the Criminal Code.
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This paper argues that Mario Vargas Llosa’s novel The Feast of the Goat (2000) uses the images of the bodies of three of its characters (Urania Cabral, Trujillo and Agustín Cabral) to represent the mechanisms of state terrorism at the time of Trujillo’s dictatorship in the Dominican Republic. It is a traumatizing system, which leaves somatic marks in all the actors involved. We analyze the manners in which the Peruvian author uses the images of protagonists’ organic processes to sketch the psychical, emotional and ideological processes and states, linked to or generated by the policies of intimidation.
This article reviews four books about terrorism, in particular about our reaction to this phenomenon and the response of Western civilization. Through the pages of these books the author presents a critical approach to terrorism, and stresses its main topics. Firstly, the article focuses on how big the terrorism threat is, provides some data, and offers the idea of overreaction. Further, it deals with the perception of terrorism and factors which have an impact on it, e.g. psychological mechanisms and the culture of fear. Afterwards, it proposes an alternative approach to how to respond to terrorism and to avoid negative outcomes. Finally, the author summarizes the contributions of each of the books and explains why it is worth reading them. There is no doubt about terrorism being a real threat. However, the threat is being exaggerated and the overreaction to terrorism is more destructive than terrorism itself, having the potential to transform into state terrorism.
Artykuł analizuje aktualne dokumenty międzynarodowe określające kryteria terroryzmu państwowego. Wykazano, że decyzje polityczne podejmowane przez prezydenta Rosji W. Putina w stosunku do Ukrainy mieszczą się w kryteriach Deklaracji genewskiej w sprawie terroryzmu. Odrębnie rozpatrywana jest naukowa interpretacja terroryzmu państwowego. Wyjaśniono podstawową przyczynę terroru państwowego we współczesnej Rosji. Podkreślono, że rządy Putina w dzisiejszej Rosji nie różnią się od rządów Piotra I w państwie moskiewskim, które opierały się na terrorze i przemocy. To nie przypadek, że W. Putin po zwiedzeniu wystawy poświęconej Piotrowi I w czerwcu 2022 r. porównał się do cara. Autorzy ustalili, że w wieku XVI odejście od tradycji rozwoju cywilizacyjnego typu zachodniego i schyłek dorobku własnej kultury w dziwny sposób połączyły się na ziemiach Rusi Moskiewskiej z odrzuceniem przez społeczeństwo podstawowych zasad ładu azjatyckiego i kultury. Elementy demokracji ludowej (wolności) nie zostały całkowicie zastąpione przez despotyzm azjatycki. Zamiast tego ukształtowało się specyficzne zjawisko czysto rosyjskiej niemożności rządzenia – powszechny bunt i despotyczna samowola. Podkreśla się, że świadomość narodowa była zniewolona zarówno przez leninowski, jak i stalinowski system administracyjno-polityczny, w którym dominowała antyukraińska retoryka. Ustalono, że wojna rosyjsko-ukraińska jest historyczną okazją dla Ukrainy do wykorzenienia prorosyjskich sił politycznych i jednoczesnego pociągnięcia Rosji do odpowiedzialności za międzynarodowe zbrodnie popełnione przez jej wojska na terytorium niepodległego państwa na bezpośrednie polecenie W. Putina.
The article analyses current international documents that define the criteria of state terrorism. It has been demonstrated that the political decisions taken by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in relation to Ukraine fall under the criteria of the Geneva Declaration on Terrorism. The scientific interpretation of state terrorism is explored here separately. Furthermore, the root cause of state terror in modern Russia is explained. The authors emphasise that Putin’s rule of modern Russia is no different from the way Peter I ruled the Moscow state, which was based on terror and violence. It is no coincidence that Vladimir Putin, after having visiting in June 2022 an exhibition dedicated to Peter I, compared himself to the tsar. It has been established by the authors that in the 16th century the departure from the tradition of Western-type civilizational development and the decline of the achievements of own culture were oddly combined in the territory of Muscovite Rus with society’s rejection of the basic principles of Asian order and culture. Elements of people’s democracy (freedom) were not entirely replaced by Asian despotism. Instead, a specific phenomenon of purely Russian ungovernability – popular rebellion and despotic arbitrariness – was formed. It is emphasized that the national consciousness was enslaved by both the Leninist and Stalinist administrative and political systems, where anti-Ukrainian rhetoric prevailed. It has been established that the Russian-Ukrainian war provides a historic opportunity for Ukraine to root out pro-Russian political forces and at the same time to hold Russia accountable for international crimes committed by its troops on the territory of an independent state on the direct instructions of Vladimir Putin.
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