Financing investments is one the most important issues in the policy of local governments. One of the ways of supporting local governments are targeted grants for investments from the state budget. Recent years have been characterized by a change in the policy of financing local governments in this area, which was mainly related to the change of priorities from investment to social policy support. The aim of the article is to present the legal possibilities and actual use of available sources of financing local and regional development by local governments units coming from targeted grants from the state budget of an investment character in the period of 2014-2018.
Finansowanie inwestycji jest jednym z najważniejszych zagadnień w polityce samorządów. Sposobem wsparcia dla samorządów są dotacje celowe z budżetu państwa, mające charakter inwestycyjny. Ostatnie lata charakteryzuje zmiana polityki finansowania samorządów w tym obszarze, co związane było głównie ze zmianą priorytetów z inwestycyjnych na wsparcie polityki socjalnej. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie prawnych możliwości oraz faktycznego wykorzystania w okresie 2014-2018 dostępnych źródeł finansowania rozwoju lokalnego i regionalnego przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego, pochodzących z dotacji z budżetu państwa, mających charakter inwestycyjny.
The establishment of local governments in 1990 was accompanied by a separation of taxes for municipalities from public revenues. Local taxes are fiscally inefficient due to their specific construction, which triggers a question whether state tax policy does not marginalise them. The article refers to the introduced changes, as well as to the conse-quences of a chosen tax structure. In order to answer the aforementioned question, an analysis of regulations devoted to reforms in the system of local taxation, and of the extensive data of figures for years 1991–2016 has been conducted. The research does not unambiguously confirm the thesis that the state policy marginalises local taxes.
The article introduces the theoretical approach to analysing return migration policy and discusses the main dilemmas of the state related to political reaction to returns of its nationals. The concept of reactive and active policy is presented, the first aiming at minimising the negative effects of returns, while the second focused on stimulating the return processes. The main drivers and determinants of the return policy effectiveness as well as the types, scope and scale of state activities addressed to returnees are also discussed in the article. The practice of state policy implementation is illustrated with the example of the particular case of Poland as a country which faced mass emigration after accession to the European Union and return migration in the recent years. The review of conceptual documents, the rationale for the state policy and the variety of activities implemented by the Polish government and other institutions are presented.
Civilian management and democratic control over the army do not only consist in establishing organs and mechanisms of control and optimising their activity. It is significant to determine and respect the role of the armed forces in the society, which would allow making the army a politically neutral instrument of legally functioning forces as well as appropriate organisational structures with strictly defined protection measures allocated to carry out the undertakings of the state and the nation. The position and function of the army in society should be based on the fact that it reflects the features of the society it comes from. In order to facilitate the effective progression of the process, the following aspects should be taken into account: in what manner the army reacts to the decisions and actions of civilian society; whether there are intermediary bodies between these spheres; to what extent the armed forces represent the interests of the society; and whether a soldier-citizen exists or if the two notions should be treated separately
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Przedmiotem niniejszego tekstu jest analiza prawnych i instytucjonalnych m echanizmów współpracy między Ukrainą a Unią Europejską na etapie tworzenia ukraińskiej polityki w kontekście przyszłej integracji państwa z UE.
The peculiarities of the legał and institutional mechanisms of cooperation between Ukrainę and the EU in the stage of the formation of the State of Ukraine’s Euro integration policy are analyzed in this paper. The conclusion is made about the naturę o f cooperation between Ukrainę and the EU before the end of the period of formation of Ukraine’s state policy towards European integration.
Social security is a relatively new area of research in security sciences. In a life-threatening situation, any of us would try to escape. The example of refugees from Ukraine allows us to indicate a number of threats resulting from forced migration caused by war. What does social security mean to of Ukrainian emigrants in Poland? Since security is defined as a state of peace, a state of certainty and a guarantee of one’s behavior, the sense of security is a state of anxiety and lack of confidence. In order to better understand and assess this threat, it is necessary to explain what social security is. Social security is a concept that is viewed from many directions and there is no adopted definition that describes this social phenomenon. For the purposes of this article, the following definition has been adopted: Social security is associated with the probability of undesirable social phenomena (problems) and the limitation of risks related to survival and quality of life in the economic and cultural spheres. Moreover, the level of social security adjusts to social challenges and risks and such is the increased number of refugees in Poland.
Over the past nine years, the Ukrainian economy has been developing in the context of partial occupation of its territories, violation of human and civil rights and freedoms, and seizure of state property. On February 24, 2022, a neighboring state invaded Ukraine, which led to the introduction of the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine. In the article, the author identifies the main approaches to regulating the economic situation in the temporarily occupied territories and determines what the State’s policy should be after their de-occupation. The author also examines the content and features of the concepts of occupation and de-occupation. The concept of Ukraine’s state policy on the temporarily occupied territories requires a detailed analysis, primarily of its legal framework, institutional mechanism, identification of problems and outlining of ways to solve them. This requires scientifically balanced and well-founded approaches, timely, coordinated and predictable actions by the public authorities of Ukraine, and consideration of positive international and national experience. The impact of the martial law regime on almost all spheres of public life, all areas of state policy, the legal framework and institutional structures for the implementation of state policy, and the forms and methods of work of state and local government bodies is obvious. There is a natural need to improve a significant number of existing legal acts of Ukraine and adopt new ones in this area. It is important to expand the range of entities responsible for ensuring the de-occupation of the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. The author emphasizes the need to define a system of legal means which can form the basis of a special economic regime both in the temporarily occupied territories and in the de-occupied territories. It is also important to eliminate the imbalances in the development of different regions of Ukraine, as well as to determine the priorities for restoring the economic system in the de-occupied territories.
The author notes the importance of planning, policy measures and development strategies for the development of physical culture and sports. A large number of current regulatory documents, which reflect the attentive attitude of public authorities to the development and improvement of this area, is indicated. The structural components of the legal administration system in the field of physical culture and sports are characterized. The interpretation of sports legal relations is presented. Specific features of sports legal relations are noted. The main forms of state support for physical culture and sports are also identified. The contribution of local authorities of Ukraine in the implementation of state policy in the field of physical culture and sports is considered. The ambiguity of the legal regulation of the development of physical culture and sports is noted. The need to understand and distinguish between the field of physical culture and professional sports is emphasized. The state regulation of standardization in the researched sphere is considered. The absence of the term “standard” in relation to service quality management in organizations is indicated. The normative-legal acts, which partially determine the evaluation criteria in the field of physical culture and sports, are distinguished. The advantages of implementing a quality management system are indicated. The adopted Standards, the effect of which extends to the field of physical culture and sports, are considered. The principles of quality management system activity are presented and characterized: customer orientation, leadership, employee involvement, process approach, system approach to management, continuous improvement, decision-making based on facts, mutually beneficial relations with suppliers. The main problems and risks in the process of system implementation are noted. Emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of the implementation of the quality management system at the level of local self-government. The requirements for the preparation of mandatory documentation are listed and described. The content of the implementation plan is noted. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of determining senior management and officials on specific examples. The need for local government administration to systematically confirm its compliance with the quality management system has been identified. Requirements to representatives of higher governing bodies are defined. The impossibility of the self-government body to satisfy the requirements of all clients within the framework of the legislation and the approved budget is emphasized. The key task of senior management is described. The components of an important triple task of senior management in the context of implementation, operation and continuous improvement of the quality management system are listed. The importance of emphasizing the consolidation at the state level of tests and standards for assessing the physical fitness of the people of Ukraine was emphasized.
This article describes the Polish social insurance system for farmers, taking into account its distinct nature. The article presents characteristics of the system in comparison to the general insurance system. The author underlines privileges given to farmers and their families over the rest of the society. The aspect of ensuring social security for the beneficiaries of the system is raised in the context of benefits which are much lower than in the general insurance system.
W artykule opisano polski system ubezpieczeń społecznych rolników, z uwzględnieniem jego odrębności. Przedstawiono charakterystykę systemu w ujęciu porównawczym do powszechnego systemu ubezpieczeń. Podkreślono elementy wskazujące na uprzywilejowanie rolników i członków ich rodzin wobec pozostałej części społeczeństwa. Podniesiono również aspekt zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa socjalnego beneficjentom systemu rolniczego w kontekście wysokości przysługujących świadczeń, które kształtują się na poziomie znacznie niższym, niż w systemie ubezpieczeń powszechnych.
Zakarpattia is perhaps the only region of contemporary Ukraine which during the twentieth century has experienced complex political processes of regionalization and adaptation to different states and their political systems. A characteristic feature of the changes in the region was a frequent transition of political conditions from authoritarian to democratic styles of state governing of the title nations which had implanted in Zakarpattia their political rules trying to change the political culture and political consciousness of local elites and citizens.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zakresu realizacji polityki wspierania innowacyjności polskich przedsiębiorstw w okresie 2007-2013. Główną hipotezą badawczą jest założenie, że działalność innowacyjna stanowi jeden ze sposobów na wyjście z kryzysu gospodarczego, zatem polityka państwa powinna być silnie ukierunkowana na wspieranie innowacyjności polskich przedsiębiorstw. Niniejszy artykuł składa się z dwóch części, teoretycznej i empirycznej. W części pierwszej dokonano opisu polityki innowacyjnej rządu wobec polskich przedsiębiorstw oraz zaprezentowano wybrane narzędzia państwa wspierające ich innowacyjność. W części empirycznej dokonując oceny wpływu działalności państwa na innowacyjność polskich przedsiębiorstw przedstawiono rezultaty polityki rządu w badanym zakresie.
The aim of this article is to present a range of policy innovation support Polish companies. The main hypothesis of the research is the assumption that innovative activity is one way out of the economic crisis, government policy should therefore be strongly focused on promoting innovation of Polish enterprises. This article consists of two parts, theoretical and empirical. In the first part as the description of the innovation policy of the government to Polish companies and presents some of the tools the state to promote their innovation. In the empirical part in assessing the impact of the state on the innovativeness of Polish enterprises presents the results of the government's policy in the tested range.
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Artykuł omawia proces kształtowania się polskiej koncepcji bezpieczeństwa zewnętrznego państwa w okresie sprawowania funkcji ministra spraw zagranicznych r::ysztofa Skubiszewskiego. Przedstawia on przyczyny zmiany stanowiska establishmentu politycznego Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, które zaowocowały podjęciem decyzji o uzyskaniu statusu członka Sojuszu Północnoatlantyckiego. Koncentruje się na przedstawieniu procesów mających na celu zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa zewnętrznego państwa podejmowanych prze MSZ 1992. Okres ten - zdaniem Autora- zaważył w największym stopniu na kształcie sytuacji międzynarodowej Polski i w znacznym stopniu determinował sytuację geopolityczną kraju i stan jego bezpieczeństwa zewnętrznego.
The paper discusses the formative process of the Polish concept of state, external security in the period when Prof Krzysztof Skubiszewski was foreign minister. It presents the causes of change in views by the political establishment the Polish Republic which resulted in making a decision to obtain membership in North-Atlantic Alliance. It concentrates on presentation of measures taken by, Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ensure the state external security in the years 19 1992. This period, in the author's opinion, has had the most impact on international situation of Poland and determined to a large extent the geopolitical situation oft country and the state of its external security.
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W opracowaniu przedstawiono problematykę możliwości oddziaływania państwa na długotrwały wzrost gospodarczy w realiach polskiej transformacji. Wskazano na koniunkturalny cykl polityczny jako istotny element zakłócający pragmatykę działań ekonomicznych. Na tle wybranych koncepcji polityki pobudzania wzrostu zostały zaprezentowane determinanty wejścia na ścieżkę zrównoważonego rozwoju i sposoby zapobiegania recesji transformacyjnej.
The paper presents the most revelant metod of creation long term economic growth stimulation policy in Polish transformation reality (1990-2000). Political cycle of prosperity is pointed as an important element, which has its own influence on economic growth policy conceptions some factors of balanced development and methods of prevention from transformation recession are shown.
Procesy globalizacji i integracja europejska Ukrainy wymagają uwzględnienia złożonego zestawu norm międzynarodowych w rozwoju polityki państwa. Priorytetowym kierunkiem działalności organizacji międzynarodowych w sferze gospodarki jest rozwój zrównoważony. W celu zapewnienia takiego rozwoju konieczne jest wprowadzenie gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym („circular economy”). Polityka państwa w takim modelu gospodarki służy rozwiązywaniu problemów o charakterze gospodarczym i ekologicznym oraz ma na celu zapewnienie reorientacji systemu gospodarczego na warunki rozwoju zrównoważonego, a także wykorzystanie odpadów jako zasobów przyczyniających się do wzrostu gospodarczego. Zreformowanie systemu gospodarczego w kierunku zasad takiej gospodarki jest zadaniem administracji publicznej. Stworzenie skutecznej polityki państwa w tym zakresie oraz mechanizmów jej wdrażania pozwoli zwiększyć konkurencyjność gospodarki, zapewni rozwój zrównoważony i osiągnienie konsensusu społecznego. W artykule uzasadniono potrzebę wprowadzenia zasad takiego typu gospodarki na Ukrainie oraz przedstawiono model ilustrujący zadania stojące w tym zakresie przed polityką państwa i jego organami oraz sposoby i metody ich realizacji.
Globalization processes and European integration of Ukraine require the consideration of a complex system of international norms in the state policy development. The priority direction of international organizations’ activity in the sphere of economy is sustainable development, in order to ensure the implementation of the goals of which there is a need for the introduction of a circular economy. State policy in such an economic model is an instrument for solving economic and environmental problems; it is intended to ensure the reorientation of economic systems to the conditions of sustainable development, as well as the use of waste as resources that promote economic growth. Reforming the economic system towards the provisions of such an economy is the duty of public administration. Formation of an effective state policy of the circular economy and mechanisms for its implementation will increase the competitiveness of the economy, provide environmental sustainability and help to achieve social consensus. The article substantiates the need for the introduction of the provisions of the circular economy in Ukraine. It also presents a conceptual model which specifies the tasks of the state policy aimed at the propmotion of such an economic model as well as the way and methods of their implementation.
Процессы глобализации и европейская интеграция Украины требуют от политиков учета сложного набора международных норм. Приоритетным направлением деятельности международных организаций в сфере экономики является уравновешенное развитие. Для обеспечения такого развития необходимо внедрить модель экономики с замкнутым циклом («circular economy»). Политика государства в такой модели экономики служит решению проблем хозяйственного и экологического характера, а также преследует цель обеспечить переориентацию экономической системы в направлении уравновешенного развития и использования отходов в качестве ресурсов, способствующих экономическому росту. Задачей публичной администрации является осуществление реформы экономической системы и преобразование экономики страны в экономику замкнутого цикла. Создание эффективной политики государства в этой области и механизмов ее внедрения позволит повысить конкурентоспособность экономики, обеспечит уравновешенное развитие и достижение социального консенсуса. В статье обоснована необходимость введения принципов такой экономики в Украине, представлена модель, отображающая задачи, стоящие в этой области перед политикой государства и его органами, а также способы и методы их реализации.
The bases of the state medicine policy, formed in preceding years, connected with the regulation of the pharmaceutical market, were introduced together with a new Medicine, Foods for Special Purposes and Medical Products Reimbursement Act as of 1st January 2012. The main purpose of the said act was a multi-structured regulation of the pharmaceutical market. The purpose of introducing the new act was an improvement of the situation of the Polish pharmacy industry as well as the elimination of many anomalous phenomena taking place in recent years. Many groups of interest have already voiced their reservations in the period of drafting the new act. Many things were not amended. They are, however, important enough to be considered, as they may have significant results in the future, especially concerning the economic situation of pharmacies.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i ocena miejsca rynku i mechanizmów rynkowych w tworzeniu polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju. Idea zrównoważonego rozwoju była reakcją na błędy rynku. Dokumenty i deklaracje międzynarodowe nie wskazują na rolę rynku w zrównoważonym rozwoju. Rynek jest środowiskiem wszystkich działań kształtujących rozwój. Odpowiednio ukształtowany rynek oraz mechanizmy i instrumenty rynkowe mogą sprzyjać wdrażaniu zrównoważonego rozwoju. Tworzona przez państwo ogólna polityka zrównoważonego rozwoju nie wykorzystuje rynku i mechanizmów rynkowych. Właściwym dla nich miejscem są trzy polityki o charakterze horyzontalnym: gospodarcza, społeczna i ekologiczna. W artykule wskazano działania i ograniczenia dla ich rynkowej orientacji na rozwój zrównoważony. Wyznacznikiem urynkowienia polityki jest też zakres zastosowania w niej instrumentów rynkowych.
The aim of the article is to present and assess the role of the market and market mechanisms in devising a sustainable development policy. The idea of sustainable development was a reaction to market errors. International documents and declarations do not indicate the role of the market in sustainable development. The market is the environment of all activities shaping development. An appropriately shaped market and market mechanisms and instruments can foster the implementation of sustainable development. The general policy of sustainable development created by the state does not use market and its mechanisms. The appropriate place for them are three horizontal policies: economic, social and environmental. The article indicates actions for and limitations to their market orientation towards sustainable development. The application scope of market-based instruments under the policy is also a determinant of policy marketisation.
The key aspects of the state policy of Ukraine are considered in the context of the development of the civilizational challenges of the present day and the requirements of ensuring national safety. Separate attention applies on determination of role of national political class in realization of public policy in area of modernisation transformations. After all, the readiness of the national political class to implement the reform program of the systemic transformation of the state and society is one of the determining factors of the success of the state policy. The author argues that the emergence of a consolidated political class, which clearly recognizes national priorities and is able to defend and defend national interests, is an urgent need for the present and future for Ukraine. In the context of the coverage of the studied issues, the peculiarities of the institutional design of the Ukrainian state and its influence on state policy were determined. It is stressed that despite the tangible democratic progress of recent decades, the threat of an increase in autocratic and authoritarian tendencies in state policy, on the one hand, and the weakening of those already shaky germs of forms of direct democracy (for example, participation democracy, self-governing forms of organization citizens), without the development of which it makes no sense to speak about the modernization potential of the state policy of modern Ukraine. For example, the real political state of the basic state and social institutions, the domination of informal rules of the game on the political field, allows us to characterize the state of the political system of Ukraine today and its separate political institutions as hybrid. One of the examples of successful implementation of the state policy of modernization of the Ukrainian state can be considered a gradual transition to the e-governance system. E-Governance refers to innovative state policy and government technologies that are designed to ensure the effective implementation of the three functions of public policy - information, communication and participation. Therefore, the active introduction of e-governance is not just time requirements; it is the approximation of state policy to modern standards of democratic, modernized state-political control. However, it should be noted that the proliferation of e-governance entails tangible threats to the national state and national security. Let’s say the threat of violation of sovereignty. In a geopolitical situation in which Ukraine emerged after 2014, such a threat is not only virtual, but quite tangible, which puts forward special requirements to the system of state policy both at the personalized and institutionalized levels of functioning. Under such conditions, one of the main tasks of state policy is to create a reliable system of cybernetic protection of state sovereignty and national security of the country, which would maximally protect the Ukrainian state and Ukrainian citizens on the institutional and personal levels, respectively. On the other hand, an e-governance system that would be able to organically integrate into the system of global e-communication should be developed, pushing the Ukrainian state into a group of countries - pioneers of the total internetisation of the state and society. Further research on this issue should be concentrated, among other things, as the author believes, in the development of models for reviewing the principles of state policy in Ukraine in the context of the deployment of the integration of the national state into a globalized world political process.
Subject and purpose of work: Human capital is one of the key drivers of rural economic development. The purpose of this paper was to study the main assets of human capital in rural areas and to evaluate this human capital; to identify development trends and devise the recommendations for increasing the impact of human capital in Ukraine’s rural areas on individual incomes and economic growth. Materials and methods: The research focuses on evaluating the key assets of human capital in the rural areas of Ukraine – educations, health, qualifications, age and the integral evaluation of rural human capital. The data was gathered by random surveys of household living conditions conducted by the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine. Annual surveys cover 10,500 households. Results: Results demonstrate that there were positive dynamics under the education component, while the health component was constantly in decline. The quantitative scoring of assets allowed preparing an integrated evaluation of human capital in rural areas of Ukraine and observing the dynamics of change in years. This indicator had declined before 2008. A decrease in the level of rural human capital in Ukraine started with the activation of large-scale agri-business in the late 1990s. Since 2009, human capital in rural areas has been increasing. The dynamics of human capital development in the rural areas of postEuromaidan Ukraine demonstrate the specific nature of its capitalisation. Profit per human capital in rural areas depends not on its rate but on the human capital (holder) employment profile. Conclusions: Received evaluations could be used for separation of priority state policy actions for balanced development, quantitative renovation and accumulation of human capital in rural areas.
Przedmiot i cel pracy: Kapitał ludzki stanowi jedną z głównych sił napędowych rozwoju gospodarczego obszarów wiejskich. Cel pracy stanowi zbadanie kluczowych zasobów kapitału ludzkiego na obszarach wiejskich, ocena potencjału ludzkiego, identyfikacja tendencji rozwojowych i opracowanie rekomendacji dotyczących zwiększenia wpływu kapitału ludzkiego na obszarach wiejskich na Ukrainie na dochody indywidualne i wzrost gospodarczy. Materiały i metody: Badanie koncentruje się na ocenie kluczowych zasobów kapitału ludzkiego na obszarach wiejskich Ukrainy – wykształcenia, stanu zdrowia, kwalifikacji, wieku oraz ocenie całościowej kapitału ludzkiego na obszarach wiejskich. Dane zebrano w oparciu o przeprowadzone metodą losową badanie warunków życia w gospodarstwach domowych. Badanie przeprowadził Państwowy Komitet Statystki Ukrainy. Jest ono realizowane co roku i obejmuje 10,5 tys. gospodarstw domowych. Wyniki: Wyniki badań wskazują na pozytywne zmiany w zakresie wykształcenia oraz stałe pogarszanie się stanu zdrowia badanej populacji. Przydzielenie punktów danym zasobom pozwoliło na przygotowanie zintegrowanej oceny kapitału ludzkiego na obszarach wiejskich na Ukrainie i obserwację dynamiki zmian na przestrzeni lat. Przed rokiem 2008 wskaźnik ten wykazywał tendencję spadkową. Spadek poziomu kapitału ludzkiego na ukraińskiej wsi rozpoczął się wraz z powstaniem wielkoobszarowych
Despite the assumption of government documents to support inland waterways, degradation of the technical condition of waterways and depreciation of fleet ship-owners is actually occurring. At the marginal importance of inland waterway transport policy, the government also shows a negligible share of the transport sector in the use of EU funds. The Sectoral Operational Programme Transport 2004–2006 does not provide for EU funds to co-finance investments for inland waterway transport. Small funds for this purpose were obtained only in the framework of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007–2013. It should be noted, however, that during the control of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy – in cooperation with the National Water Management – efforts were led to ensure that the new 2014–2020 financial perspective for the tasks related to the improvement of infrastructure of inland water transport were granted before aid. Against the background of European trends in developed countries of the European Union (EU), the Polish inland waterways are not important in the transport of goods, but instead the transport of persons confined to tourism and local – to supplement the motor transport infrastructure (river ferries). For many years Poland has experienced a decrease in both freight and inland waterways, as well as in their participation in all transport modes. The aim of this article is to assess the activities of government administration in the performance of statutory tasks related to the development and operation of inland waterway transport in Poland.
German experience of development and modernization of the field of adult education has been outlined in the paper. Historical development of the field and its recognition as an independent level in education have been considered. The aim of the field has been defined. It has been emphasized that the names of the field in Ukraine and Germany differ. It has been found out that Germany is a federal state with decentralized system of regulation for adult education where federation, states and municipal authorities cooperate. Based on studying literary and documentary sources the competences of states for legislation and initiatives in the field of adult education have been revealed. It has been stated that there is no legal support regulating the field of adult education in Germany. Based on the data of the conducted analysis it has become possible to find out that the state policy in the field of adult education is, first of all, is aimed at providing every citizen with the right to personality development and freedom to choose education institutions. The content of federal acts related to the field of adult education in Germany has been delivered. Theoretical generalization of main aspects of the field regulation due to states adult education / continuing education acts and educational leave acts has been performed.
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