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in a large interval of changes of parameters, it also gives more qualitative informations. This concerns first of all linear equations which are the most often met models of physical objects. Important advantage of these solutions is also their open form regarding established state of the system. The paper proves existence of algebraic forms of solutions of control vectors with components: exponential, sinusoidal with different circular frequencies and sinusoidal multiple. Also solutions for other kind of control vectors which are mentioned in the literature are presented.
step by step the search space is relaxed to arbitrary count vectors. This heuristics relies on the observation that in many (though provably not in all) cases, minimal solutions of the state equation can be realized as a firing sequence. If no target state is reachable, either the state equation does not have solutions, or our search method would yield the full state space. We study the impact of the state equation on reachability, present an algorithm that exploits information from the state equation and discuss its application in stateless search as well as its combination with stubborn set reduction.
comparison with the known ones. The state equations of Kahnan filter are derived for describing the movement of a ship maneuvering by the heading.
results for constant and variable specific heats is illustrated. The modification significantly improves the correctness of determination of thermodynamic parameters in the entire flow region, especially in the exit stage.
this approach fails frequently for timed and prioritized Petri nets. In this paper, we present an approach to prove non-reachability in a Priority Duration Petri net. We use for this proving technique a state equation as well as conditions for firing that include a priority rule and a maximal step rule. Our approach leads to a system of equations and inequalities, which provide us with a sufficient condition of non-reachability. We demonstrate the application of our approach with an example
introduce a state equation for Timed Petrinets in analogy to timeless nets. Using this state equation, we can express reachability as a system of equations and inequations, which is solvable in polynomial time.
state and its simplified versions, after the neglect of electrostriction. In the next order the equations of continuity of the solution and its components were considered. As a result the simplified versions of these equations were derived, rejecting the electrostriction and correcting the definition of the solution advection velocity.
Sformułowano definicje oraz podano warunki konieczne i wystarczające względnej punktowej zupełności oraz względnej osiągalności. Rozważania zilustrowano przykładem.
of relative pointwise completeness and relative reachability are introduced and necessary and sufficient conditions are given. The considerations are illustrated by example.
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