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Is this article simulation of statistical measurements is performed on the basis of which the analysis of the standard deviation of the obtained results is carried out. It is shown that the standard deviation is minimum and independent from measurement duration while an object is in the state of equilibrium. For objects in a stationary non-equilibrium state the standard deviation depends on the duration measurements and the parameters of the state. The influence of these factors on the standard deviation is assessed with equation which includes the relaxation time. The value of the relaxation time is determined by approximating the energy spectrum of the studied signals. The analysis of energy spectra showed that the spectrum of white noise is inherent in objects in equilibrium; the flicker component of the spectrum occurs when the state of the object deviates from equilibrium.
The standard deviation of earning before interest and taxes EBITis used as a measure of the risk in finance theory the most often (Sharpe, Markowitz, Modigliani, Miller and others). The author discussed some interpretations of standard deviation as a risk measure of not achieving required EBIT. He indices some probabilistic, natural approach and its relations with the standard deviation. The considerations may be held in relations with many different concepts such as risk of earning before tax, risk of earning after tax, risk of return rate etc. Fixing the focus on EBITis only made for simplicity of considerations.
Results of analytical research have shown that the effectiveness of various tribological couples used in technological processes is unsatisfactory. The main cause of these shortfalls can be found in the lack of necessary knowledge concerning the properties of engineering materials and tribological couples, especially in the case of plastics, which affects the quality of technological solutions used in machines and mechanisms. The paper deals with little investigated couples in which one part is made of a plastic. The article presents specific work dependencies of such tribological pairs as metal-nonmetal, operating in both oil or water environments. Both their qualitative and quantitative work dependencies were determined. Using both analytical and experimental methods, the paper confirms that the concept of "wear resistance" does not indicate a specific property of materials but rather characterizes a tribological couple such as an engineering object. The paper also shows that approaches investigations which put materials constants under a general term of "wear resistance criteria" have no perspectives in future research work.
Wyniki badań analitycznych pokazują, że efektywność różnorodnych skojarzeń tribologicznych stosowanych w technice jest niezadowalająca. Za główną przyczynę tych niedostatków należy uznać brak niezbędnej wiedzy o właściwościach materiałów i par tribologicznych, szczególnie w przypadku skojarzeń z tworzyw sztucznych, co ma wpływ na jakość rozwiązań technicznych stosowanych w maszynach i mechanizmach. W pracy skupiono się na wcześniej mało badanych skojarzeniach, w których jedno ciało wykonane jest z tworzywa sztucznego, gdzie realizowany jest schemat zużywania binarnych powierzchni tarcia w mikroobszarze z zastosowaniem smarowania olejowego i wodnego. Określono jakościowe i ilościowe zależności pracy na przykładzie polimeru węglowego wzmacnianego włóknami węglowymi Sigma-3. W artykule, za pomocą metod analizy i eksperymentu udowodniono twierdzenie, że pojęcie "odporność na zużycie" nie jest własnością materiału, lecz charakteryzuje skojarzenia tribologiczne jako obiekt techniczny. Przedstawiono brak perspektyw badań nad ustalaniem stałych o ogólnej nazwie "kryteria odporności na zużycie materiałów".
In this article, the study's results of aircraft’s coordinates and their accuracy are presented. The airborne test was conducted in military airport in Deblin on 1st of June 2010. The aircraft position was determinate using SPP method in RTKPOST library in RTKLIB software. To calculate the aircraft’s coordinates two strategies were used, first include correction of atmosphere delays (I solution) and another without this correction (II solution). Based on these calculations, the average accuracy of aircraft position is less than 5 m for solution I and less than 8 m for solution II, respectively. The mathematical model for recovery of aircraft position; the configuration of parameters in SPP method for solution; the standard deviation values of X, Y and Z coordinates; the values of RMS-3D parameter are presented in the article. In this article, the impact of ionosphere and troposphere delay in processing of recovery of aircraft position is presented. The aircraft’s coordinates were obtained using SPP (Single Point Positioning) method for two solutions, e.g. including atmosphere corrections (I solution) and excluding (II solution). The article is divided into 5 sections: introduction, mathematical model for recovery of aircraft position, research experiment, results and discussion, conclusions.
This study implemented linear and nonlinear methods of measuring variability to determine differences in stability of two groups of skilled (n=10) and unskilled (n=10) participants performing 3m forward/backward shuttle agility drill. We also determined whether stability measures differed between the forward and backward segments of the drill. Finally, we sought to investigate whether local dynamic stability, measured using largest finite-time Lyapunov exponents, changed from distal to proximal lower extremity segments. Three-dimensional coordinates of five lower extremity markers data were recorded. Results revealed that the Lyapunov exponents were lower (P<0.05) for skilled participants at all joint markers indicative of higher levels of local dynamic stability. Additionally, stability of motion did not differ between forward and backward segments of the drill (P>0.05), signifying that almost the same control strategy was used in forward and backward directions by all participants, regardless of skill level. Furthermore, local dynamic stability increased from distal to proximal joints (P<0.05) indicating that stability of proximal segments are prioritized by the neuromuscular control system. Finally, skilled participants displayed greater foot placement standard deviation values (P<0.05), indicative of adaptation to task constraints. The results of this study provide new methods for sport scientists, coaches to characterize stability in agility drill performance.
Content available remote Application of Linearization Technique in Stochastic Dynamics
The paper presents the solution of the stochastic vibration of non-linear mechanical systems with Gaussian random excitations. It's realised the short review abot linearization techniques in stochastic dynamic. The presented method was used to solution of the inelastic truss structures.
The present article discusses the possible application of Value at Risk methods. Described in it are basic methods of VaR also essential variables and parameters used to quantify risk using the methodology.
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono problematykę oceny wiarygodności metod pomiarowych, stosowanych w medycznym laboratorium diagnostycznym na przykładzie badań morfologii krwi obwodowej. Zaprezentowano metodę pomiarową oraz omówiono metody statystyczne stosowane przy opracowaniu wyników pomiarów.
Problem of the reliability estimation of measurement methods used to medical diagnostic laboratory, given the example of blood morphology, was presented in the present paper. Measurement method was presented and statistical methods used to evaluation of measurement results were discussed.
Niniejszy artykuł został poświęcony problemowi analizy wrażliwości w kontekście wyceny inwestycji górniczych. W celu pełnego i czytelnego zobrazowania tego tematu autorzy wyodrębnili kilka rozdziałów, które zostały uporządkowane w logicznej kolejności. Wycena inwestycji górniczych, ze względu na swoją specyfikę, wymaga nieco odmiennego podejścia, nawet przy zastosowaniu standardowych metod wyceny. Głównymi cechami odróżniającymi inwestycje górnicze od większości przedsięwzięć jest fakt, iż okres realizacji projektu jest długi, nakłady inwestycyjne są bardzo wysokie i często rozłożone w dłuższym czasie. Do istotnych elementów wyróżniających można również zaliczyć niemalże brak możliwości korekty podjętych działań, nie mówiąc już o całkowitym wycofaniu się z inwestycji. Obok aspektów związanych z procesem szacowania wartości pozostają kwestie dotyczące warunków jej realizacji - to jest kontekst ryzyka projektu. Podobnie jak wycena, wartościowanie ryzyka górniczych projektów inwestycyjnych jest zagadnieniem skomplikowanym i dla wielu autorów - niejednoznacznym.
The present article is devoted to the problem of sensitivity analysis in the context of mining investments valuation. With the aim of a full and readable illustration of this subject the authors have separated several chapters, which have been arranged in a logical sequence. The valuation of mining investments, on account of its specificity, requires a somewhat different approach, even in the case of use of standard valuation methods. The main features distinguishing mining investments from the majority of undertakings is the fact that the period of project realisation is long, the investment outlays are very high and frequently spread out over a longer period of time. Among the essential distinguishing elements can be also counted the lack of possibility to correct the undertaken actions, to say nothing of absolute withdrawal from the investment. Apart from aspects connected with the process of value estimation remain issues concerning the conditions of investment realisation - i.e. the context of project risk. Similarly as the valuation, the evaluation of mining investment project risk is a complicated problem and for many authors - an ambiguous one.
Many studies on the changes in the rhythm of nature (animate and inanimate) revealed that plants are good indicators of climate change, because they are responsive to air temperature variations. There is a clear trend towards earlier onset of plant development in Poland, especially for spring phenological events as flowering and leafing. The main objective of this study was to identify phenological tendencies of selected plant indicator species in Poland and to explore the statistical relationship between mean phenological onset date against mean monthly air temperature. Phenological observations of 9 plant species: Corylus avellana L., Tussilago farfara L., Padus avium L., Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wiggers coll., Betula pendula Roth, Syringa vulgaris L., Aesculus hippocastanum L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., Tilia cordata Mill. from 25 locations acquired in the period 1951–1990 were used. The results proved that phenological changes were the reaction of plants to air temperature variations. For spring and summer phenophases, the mean correlation coefficient was negative — higher air temperature was related to earlier onset dates. The advance of spring and summer phenology was estimated at -2.2 days per 1°C. Majority of phenological events were the most significantly correlated with mean monthly air temperature of the preceding months. Phenological trends observed in Poland were mainly negative (73% of analysed stations), significant (22%) but diversified between the selected species. Linear regression analysis of the onset dates against year (including regression coefficient) showed the highest values for Corylus avellana flowering: -0.24 days per year (20% significant) and Betula pendula leaf unfolding: -0.18 days per year (33% significant). Robinia pseudoacacia showed significant advances (72% of negative trends were significant) in a summer season with an average rate of -0.3 days per year. Whereas in case of Tilia cordata no tendencies to advance has been proved.
Artykuł przedstawia rezultaty badań dotyczące wyznaczenia współrzędnych stacji referencyjnej GNSS z użyciem metody PPP. Obliczenia zostały zrealizowane w serwisie APPS (ang. Automatic Precise Positioning Service) dla dobowych obserwacji GPS ze stacji referencyjnej RYKI. W artykule opisano metodę PPP oraz scharakteryzowano serwis APPS. Typowa dokładność współrzędnych stacji RYKI z programu APPS wynosi około 0,002 m.
The article presents the results of research carried out in order to determine GNSS reference station coordinates with the use of PPP method. The calculations were performed with APPS (Automatic Precise Positioning Service) for daily GPS tracking from a reference station RYKI. The PPP method and Automatic Precise Positioning Service (APPS) were described in the article. Typical accuracy of RYKI station coordinates with the use of APPS is approximately 0.002 m.
Od kilkunastu lat obserwowany jest wzrost zainteresowania wykorzystania bezzałogowych statków latających w fotogrametrii i teledetekcji. Niskobudżetowe bezzałogowe platformy najczęściej korzystają ze stosunkowo tanich jednoczęstotliwościowych odbiorników GPS oraz platformy INS (MEMS). Ich integracja umożliwia wyznaczenie parametrów orientacji bezzałogowego statku latającego w przestrzeni. W artykule zaprezentowano wstępne rezultaty wyznaczenia kursu na podstawie samych danych GPS oraz określono różnicę kursu z wykorzystaniem danych GPS i INS. Przedstawiono również algorytm wyznaczenia kursu oraz opisano dokładnie przebieg eksperymentu lotniczego z wykorzystaniem platformy Trimble UX5. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań i uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, iż średnia różnica kursu na podstawie surowych danych GPS i INS wynosi 0.21° z odchyleniem standardowym 6,12°.
For several years, increased interest in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in photogrammetry and remote sensing can be easily observed. Low-budget unmanned platforms mostly use a relatively low-cost single frequency GPS and INS platforms (MEMS). Their integration allows to determination the orientation parameters of unmanned aerial vehicle in the space. The article deals with the preliminary results of determine the course angle based on the same GPS data and identifies the difference of course using GPS and INS data. The article presents an algorithm determine the course angle and also describes in details the airborne experiment using Trimble UX5 platform. Based on the researches and the results ob-tained, it was found that the average difference of course angle based on raw GPS and INS equals to 0,21° with a standard deviation of 6,12°.
Głównym powodem generowania zmian losowych w czasie eksploatacji poprzecznych łożysk ślizgowych, nie wyłączając biołożysk a w szczególności mikrołożysk, jest stochastycznie zmieniająca się chropowatość w skali mikro i nano dwóch współpracujących powierzchni, a także probabilistycznie zmienne impulsy zewnętrzne wywołane drganiami lub mikrodrganiami układu łożyskowego oraz zewnętrznej jego obudowy. Oba wymienione czynniki powodują stochastyczną zmianę wysokości szczeliny łożyskowej w takim zakresie, że ma to wpływ na rozkłady prędkości czynnika smarującego, rozkłady ciśnienia hydrodynamicznego, wartości sił nośnych, wartości momentów tarcia, współczynniki tarcia oraz na końcowym etapie na zużycie. Celem badań w niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie podstawowych zasad dotyczących wykorzystania metod stochastycznych przy rozwiązywaniu problemów hydrodynamicznej teorii smarowania poprzecznych łożysk ślizgowych z uwzględnieniem odchylenia standardowego.
The aim of this paper is the presentation of basic principles referring to the application of stochastic methods during the solution of hydrodynamic lubrication problems for slide journal bearings, taking into account the standard deviation and expectancy values of gap height between two cooperating surfaces. A description of real gap height changes in microand bio-bearings depend on the variations of cooperating surfaces. Random changes of the surface are described by the probability density functions based on a comparison between results of the J. Cwanek and K. Wierzcholski’s experiments and the investigations of D. Dowson and Mow. Such experiments are performed for micro-bearing surface samples as well cartilage surface samples obtained from human bio-joints. The random influence of the surface roughness on the change of the flow and operational parameters is indicated by many experiments. The presented methods based on values of probability density function obtained in experimental way enable one to formulate basic hydrodynamic dependencies for lubrication theory in random description.
Content available remote On functional measures of skewness
We introduce a concept of functional measures of skewness which can be used in a wider context than some classical measures of asymmetry. The Hotelling and Solomons theorem is generalized.
Interval analysis, when applied to the so called problem of experimental data fitting, appears to be still in its infancy. Sometimes, partly because of the unrivaled reliability of interval methods, we do not obtain any results at all. Worse yet, if this happens, then we are left in the state of complete ignorance concerning the unknown parameters of interest. This is in sharp contrast with widespread statistical methods of data analysis. In this paper I show the connections between those two approaches: how to process experimental data rigorously, using interval methods, and present the final results either as intervals (guaranteed, rigorous results) or in a more familiar probabilistic form: as a mean value and its standard deviation.
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