Carbohydrates were analyzed in Norway maple embryo axes and cotyledons after imbibition, in the middle of cold stratification, before germination and during radicle protrusion to 8-10 mm and 20-25 mm. Simultaneously desiccation tolerance of seeds was determined by tetrazolium (TTC) test, after desiccation of seeds to 10-20% of water content. The cotyledons were tolerant to desiccation throughout all stratification and germination period. Embryo axes became sensitive to desiccation when hypocotyls-radicle protrusion reached 20-25 mm length. In this period the significant increase of monosaccharides: glucose, fructose and galactose in embryo axes occurred. This was not observed in cotyledons. During the germination period significant decrease of sucrose and raffinose content was noted in embryo axes and cotyledons. Relatively less changes appeared in stachyose content in embryo axes while in cotyledons it decreased evidently. The mass ratio of sucrose to oligosaccharides was higher in cotyledons of germinated seeds. The marked decrease of mass ratio of oligo to monosaccharides was observed in embryo axes in the last period of germination. The role of carbohydrates in loosing tolerance to desiccation in germinated Norway maple seeds is discussed.
Porównano zawartość wybranych składników (białko, kwasy tłuszczowe, stachioza, aktywność inhibitora trypsyny) w preparatach otrzymanych z różnych odmian grochu (Koral, Poa, Ramir i Piast) w wyniku wytrącenia białek w ich punkcie izoelektrycznym. Badano przydatność polielektrolitów Magnafloc M-22S o charakterze kationowym i Superfloc A-150 o charakterze anionowym w procesie koagulacji preparatów z grochu odmiany Piast. Preparaty białkowe otrzymywano również z mąki, w której białka poddano wcześniej chemicznej modyfikacji: acetylowaniu i sukcynylowaniu. Zawartość analizowanych składników w preparatach zależała w znacznym stopniu od odmiany grochu. Preparaty wytrącone w obecności polielektrolitów miały więcej kwasów tłuszczowych od preparatu otrzymanego za pomocą kwasu. Zastosowanie wielkocząsteczkowych polielektrolitów znacznie zwiększyło zawartość białka w preparatach otrzymanych po chemicznej modyfikacji w porównaniu z preparatami flokulowanymi bez modyfikacji białek.
In the study, there were compared contents of various components (protein, fatty acids, stachyose level, and activity of trypsin inhibitor) in preparations precipitated from several different varieties of pea (Koral, Poa, Ramir, and Piast) at an iso-electric point of proteins. The usefulness of two polyelectrolytes (a cationic 'Magnafloc M-22S' and an anionic 'Superfloc A-150') for obtaining protein preparations from a 'Piast' pea variety was also tested. Additionally, the preparations were precipitated from flour the proteins of which were chemically modified using with an acetic and succinic anhydride. The study showed that the content of individual components in the preparations investigated highly depended on the pea variety. The preparations precipitated using polyelectrolytes contained higher amounts of fatty acids if compared with the preparation obtained using an acid. When high-molecular polyelectrolytes were applied, the protein content was significantly higher in preparations after the chemical modification than in preparations flocculated without prior chemical modification.
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