Utopian consciousness is defined as an expression of opposition against actual status quo with simultaneous tendency towards creating alternative projects guarantying possibilities which are not found in actual reality. Utopias usually are recognized as negative concepts. They may often glare with simple and artificial examples or faith their believers in realization of imagined world. Utopists are often called dreamers and people who try to implement unreal ideas into life. Although it can not be forgotten that there is a meaningful difference between abstract utopia and concrete one. In concrete utopia all wishful thinking is changed by seeking real historical alternatives in the boundaries of existed social, political and economical possibilities. If the history of social thought improves that utopias include inspiring force, expose weaknesses of actual order, criticize status quo it should be asked if the idea of sustainable development does not include some elements of utopian thought.
V publikacii rassmatreny problemy stabilʹnogo razvitiâ èkonomiki strany vo vremâ vojny i vooružennyh konfliktov. S točki zreniâ avtora, v hode èkonomičeskoj globalizacii daže lokalnye vojny (osobenno v geopolitičeski strategičeskih regionah) mogut privesti k serʹeznoj panike na valʹûtnyh i fondovyh rynkah. Vliânie lokalʹnyh vojn na èkonomičeskuû situaciû v strane (inflâciâ, sniženie zapasov, sniženie meždunarodnyh investicij, rost bezraboticy, kollaps infrastruktury i t.d.) rasmotreno na primere russko-gruzinskoj vojny 2008 goda.
In the publication the problems of stable development of the economy in times of war and armed conflict has been considered. From the point of view of the author, in the course of economic globalization also local wars (especially in a geopolitically strategic region) can lead to serious panic on the currency and stock markets. Influence of local wars on the economic situation in the country (inflation, reduced inventory, reduced international investment, the growth of unemployment, the collapse of infrastructure, etc.) is examined on the example of Russian-Georgian war of 2008.
Społeczeństwo obywatelskie nie przestaje być przedmiotem uwagi mediów i polityków, dyskutowane pod każdym względem: politycznym, narodowym, społecznym. Można wobec tego zadać również pytanie, jaki ewentualny wpływ na architekturę, a szerzej - estetykę naszego środowiska, może mieć przemiana zwykłego homo sapiens w obywatela? Jeśli w ogóle, to czym będzie się różniła urbanistyka i architektura społeczeństwa obywatelskiego od tego co widzimy obecnie. Czy można opisać estetykę społeczeństwa obywatelskiego? W końcu: jaka jest relacja obywatelskości, architektury, estetyki i krajobrazu?
The concept of civil society does not cease to attract the attention of the media and that of politicians. It is being discussed over and over and viewed from every angle: political, national, social. We can ask ourselves the important question the, what is its influence on architecture and the aesthetics of our immediate surroundings? How can converting the homo sapiens into a citizens change our landscape? If it can, what is so special about architectural and urban design in a civil society which makes it different from those that we have now? Can we describe the aesthetics of a civil society? And finally, what are the relations between being a citizen and architecture, aesthetics and the landscape?