The context of any place means existing "here" and "now" in a particular urban interior, a particular urban structure. The context of experience is an act of subjective evaluation necessary to make an appropriate, objective evaluation of architectonic and urban space. In other words context is a series of linked events needed to understand an existitng fact. When does the context of experience - context of the place form? Looking for the answer I chose two areas that became the objects of my research. The first area was Nikiszowiec housing estate - a district in Katowice, the second one - several places in the centre of Katowice. Nikiszowiec is one of the most interesting, not degraded workers' colonies built at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries. In 1978 Nikiszowiec was officially recognized as a historical object. Now, Nikiszowiec is considered an example of a typical Silesian workers' housing estate, having all qualities that constitute the place's identity. The turn of 19th and 20th centuries was a period of transfering English patterns to Europe, especially to Germany. They accepted the English architecture to such an extent that in 1908 it was propagated among German architects and enterpreneurs in a form of emperor's directives. The centre of Katowice is marked by examples of modern architecture, especially bank buildings. In the beginning an average user of the city had problems with accepting such a style, but then the started to get used to it, gradually creating a new context of the place. Contemporary architecture, its details upset us. We regard them as being out of context. Conclusion: The context of the place is being created at a particular moment. Proividing the models, culture and designer's skills are of good quality - the effect may be positive.
The architect’s trace is what is left over in the natural and urban environment following the interference of architects – it is a trace after planned activities. To what extent are they beneficial to the current reality? Using the village of Przyszowa as an example, with documented historical heritage and significant urban values in the form of monuments of architecture and arrangements, an analysis of urban image values was conducted so as, to compare the benefits and losses resulting from the implementation of standard improvements and modernizations. At a time of desperate attempt at the protection of the instantly shrinking natural environment, we turn our attention to rural areas as the last bastion of the still-free living space. The need to care for its shape, authenticity, and quality is felt there more than anywhere else. It is architects and urban designers who should above all be responsible for the current state of things.
Ślad architekta – to pozostałość w środowisku przyrodniczo-urbanistycznym po ingerencjach architektów – to ślad po działaniach zaprojektowanych. W jakim stopniu pozytywnie wpływają one na bieżącą rzeczywistość? Na przykładzie sądeckiej wsi Przyszowa, o udokumentowanej spuściźnie historycznej i znaczących walorach urbanistycznych w postaci pomników architektury i ukształtowania planu, przeprowadzono analizę procesu dodawania i ujmowania wizerunkowych wartości urbanistycznych, porównanie korzyści i strat zaistniałych na skutek wprowadzenia standardowych usprawnień i modernizacji. W dobie dramatycznej ochrony kurczącego się nieustannie swobodnego krajobrazu przyrodniczego, zwracamy się ku wsi, jako schyłkowej ostoi jeszcze wolnej przestrzeni niezabudowanej. Tym mocniej odczuwamy tam potrzebę dbałości o jej kształt, autentyczność i jakość. To architekci-urbaniści w pierwszym rzędzie będą odpowiedzialni za bieżący stan rzeczy.
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