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One of the reasons for emergency failures and poor sod formation on the grass sports fields can be found in poor seed ąuality of some species included in the mixtures. Moreover, contribution of individual components in the mixture often differs from the composition declared on the package. The studies carried out showed that out of 7 grass mixtures for the sports fields sodding, the share of seeds of the individual components (as determined by weight) was close to the composition declared by the manufacturer on the package only in 2 of thein (differences in the species composition did not exceed 1.5%). In the remaining mixtures, species composition was markedly different from the composition given by the manufacturers on the package (in the case of some components the differences were as high as 8%). The content of pollutants in the mixtures did not exceed 5%; however, in one of them it was significantly higher (9.1%). Seed germination capacity of a given species varied in different mixtures and ranged from 92.0 to 98.6% in Lolium perenne, from 43.0 to 89.6% in Festuca rubra and from 37.0 to 87.0% in Poa pratensis. The expected contribution of species in the sward in the year of sowing as determined for each of the mixtures taking into account the weight of 1000 seeds of the individual components, differed significantly from the percentage share of these species in the mixtures declared by the manufacturer.
Content available remote Przyrodnicze i techniczne problemy odwadniania terenów rekreacyjnych i sportowych
Recreation fields demands the soil-waterair system regulation by drainage. A systematic pipe drainage is usually applied in this case. Parks and stand density recreation fields require such a construction of the drainage system that would prevent the roots of the trees and bushes from the drain pipes and water headers damage. In the case of stadiums it is recommended to apply a dense but relatively shallow drainage network. The network systems can different: parallel to the length of the sports ground, diagonal, or the so-called „envelope". The sod subsoil demands preparation. The bottom layer of the subsoil should be characterised by a high permeability of water. Spacing of the drains in parks, recreation and sports fields should be assessed separately for each object as soon as a given scheme of calculations is chosen. The schemes and methods can be found in professional handbooks. Drainage of the running trucks and rostrums can be performed by means of flumes placed on the outside. The flumes are connected with drain wells. The following example of calculations for the sports stadium MOS „AGRIKOLA” can serve as an illustration to the problem s stated above.
Przy projektach systemu oświetleniowego na obiektach sportowych kluczowymi kryteriami są koszty inwestycyjno-użytkowe oraz spełnienie wymagań normatywnych przez cały okres użytkowania tego obiektu. Stosowanie przy projektowaniu współczynnika utrzymania na poziomie 0,8 może prowadzić do niespełnienia obowiązujących norm po pewnym czasie eksploatacji. Pomiary przeprowadzone pod kierownictwem KW Housera z uczelni Penn State Engineering na 31 obiektach sportowych, wykazały w 87% przypadków niespełnianie założeń projektowych w czasie eksploatacji mniejszym niż 3000 h.
When designing the lighting system at sports facilities, the key criteria are investment and utility costs and compliance with normative requirements throughout the lifetime of the facility. The use of a maintenance factor of 0.8 when designing may lead to non-compliance with applicable standards after a period of operation. Measurements carried out under the supervision of KW Houser from Penn State Engineering at 31 sports facilities showed that in 87% of cases the project assumptions were not met during operation less than 3000 hours.
A phytosociological method further to Braun-Blanquet was used for the evaluation of the floristic composition of grass surfaces of 10 sports fields in the autumn of 2000 and the spring of 2001. Degrees of quantity and constancy, cover coefficicnts, number of species in a record and sward compactness were studied. Some chemical propertics of the upper soil layer of the sports fields studied was also assessed. Species from the tread-on habitats from the Plantaginetea maioris class and the ” fresh” habitats from the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class together with ruderal-nitrophylic plants from the Artemisietea class and companion species were predom inant in the sward of the sports field lawns. Lolium perenne was the most frequently sown species in the sports lawns, and Poa pratensis was less frequent. Among the unsown species, Poa annua was distinguished by its high contribution in the sward. Chemical properties of the upper soil layer of the sports fields studied showed that neither the treatments applied nor fertilisation was appropriate.
Content available remote Nawadnianie terenów rekreacyjnych i sportowych
In order to ensure a good condition of recreation and the grass surface of sports fields, cultivation and irrigation are necessary. Irrigation under our conditions is necessary intervention. This results from our climate (frequent and long-lasting droughts and the properties of draining layer, which ensures a quick rain water discharge and has no water capacity, i.e. the possibility of absorbing and storing water). Under such conditions the only and reliable way to avoid water deficiency is irrigation. In the case of sports and recreation fields, sprinkler irrigation systems are recommended. Belt sprinkler machines are the most common. These are typical, modern devices used for a quick intervention sprinkler in a moderate climate. The advantages of a sprinkler machine are: concise construction, which allows for transport on a bicycle landing gear without a preliminary loading, readiness for use, full mechanisation, or even semiautomatic irrigation, suitability for sprinkler all crops and for all kinds of landscape. The right amount of irrigation application rate dose is assessed on the basis of operating pressure in the hydrant and the speed of pipeline with sprinkler. Another solution can be an automatic sprinkler system with a pop up sprinkler and computer controllers. The paper presents some schemes of recreation and sports fields irrigation.
Content available remote Wpływ podłoża glebowego na stan murawy boiska sportowego
Condition of sward of a football green had benn tested during the first year of its utilization. The football field was built on a clay soil, whose top layer of 1 to 5 cm contained peat-mineral material. The large content of floatable parts in the soil caused the fonnation of stagnant water pools during rain, and surface cracks at drought spells. The conditions for grass growth differed also due to irregularly distributed peat-mineral materiał. These features of the soil have caused uneaven distribution of plants on the football field. The turf cover varied between 52,7 to 86,4%. The depth of roots was also various, and it depended on the thickness of the peat-mineral layer. The large compactness of the ground, lack of proper filtration (despite installed drainage system), and in addition the irregularly distributed material of the upper soil layer was the cause that the green did not rneet the quality required of sports grounds surface.
Punch and broadcast sowing used in establishing grass of surfaces sporting facilities. The paper presents the results of studies on suitability of two surface sowings - broadcast and punch sowing. The lawns were used as football piches. The study includes also single and double seeding. On the basis of the results in can be stated that in the year o f establishm ent and for two successive years of maintenance the best compactness was found after double punch sowing.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań niektórych własności fizycznych i wodoprzepuszczalności kompozytu warstwy nośnej oraz piasku warstwy drenażowej płyty boiska piłkarskiego na stadionie klubu Wisła Kraków SA w Krakowie trzy lata po przebudowie wykonanej w 2004 roku, według normy DIN 18 035. Uziarnienie, gęstość właściwą, gęstość objętościową, porowatość, przesiąkliwość i współczynniki filtracji oznaczono metodami standardowymi. Wyniki badań porównano z zaleceniami normy. Wykazano istotne znaczenie kompozytu dla wodoprzepuszczalności płyty boiska. Wyniki mogą być wykorzystane przy budowie lub przebudowie boisk i obiektów sportowych z naturalnym porostem trawiastym.
The paper presents the results of certain physical properties and water permeability of the composite carrier layer and sand drainage layer football field Wisla Krakow three years after the renovation done in 2004, according to DIN 18 035. Grain size, specific density, volume density, permeability and permeability coefficient was determined by standard methods. The results were compared with those prescribed in norm. Demonstrated the role of the composite for water permeability football field. Results of research can be used in the construction or renovation of sports fields and sports facilities with natural grass, performing functions appropriate for dynamic games and sporting events – including non-urban areas.
Content available remote Stosunki powietrzne w glebie pod trawnikami sportowymi
The paper presents data conceming factors affecting the air conditions in soils. Effect of temperature on respiration of roots and microorganisms are discussed. Grasses has a good tolerance for a low oxygen concentration as compared with other crops. Nevertheless there are differences among species of grasses as regards reaction on oxygen diffusion rate (ODR). Presented data show that the ODR at 1 cm and 5 cm depth were often considerably lower than those at greater depths. This points toward a higher diffusion resistance in the upper centimeters o f the top layer, which must have been caused by compaction and blocking of the pores by roots of grasses.
Breeding work started already in the thirties, but the first six species of lawn grasses were entered into the Register of Cultivars as late as 1966. Dynamic development of the breeding work and species evaluation based on the instructions worked out, started in the eighties (Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Research Centre for Cultivar Testing). In recent years, there is a growing regress in the breeding of the Polish grass species manifested by less numerous applications for the testing of the Polish species submitted to the Research Centre for Cultivar Testing. In the present report, attention was drawn to an alarming inerease in the number of foreign species (mainly of Danish, Dutch, German, and British origin) both subjected to the preliminary research work and already registered. A difficult situation of the Polish grass breeding was stressed. The lack of successors of the experienced group of researchers from the older generation makes this situation even worse. Research work relating to the biological evaluation of lawn grass species and cultivars and their sod-forming ability on the grass surfaces, especially on the sports and recreation grounds was reviewed. Organisational units founded at the Institute of Communal Economy. Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, sports clubs of the academies of physical education, and in the recent years, also at the departments of grassland of agricultural universities, allowed for undertaking a broad range of observations and studies on the establishment of various lawns. Initially, (1950-1960), the studies concentrated on the recreational and decorative lawns. Then (since the seventies), thanks to the co-operation with sports clubs, also sports lawns became subjects of research. The study and observation results, practical experience of the research personnel from the institutions mentioned above, were shared with the participants of various conferences and meetings organised mainly with the assistance of the Chief Technical Organisation (NOT), all kinds of seminars and trainings and scientific and scientific-popular publications, and propagation rnaterials. Deep involvement of a number of people in the organisational and popularisation activities in the area of lawn establishment was presented.
Content available remote Główne przyczyny złego stanu trawników sportowych w Polsce
The paper present a main causes of the poor quality of sports turf in Poland. It also shows number of different sports field in Poland. In this work we pointed which factors are influenced on their poor quality. It occures that the most important factor which influnced on the of sports turf are, poor prepared substratum and heavy wear. It is proposed to use german’s achievements to project optimum substratum for sports turf.
Content available remote Analiza wybranych elementów gry w piłkę nożną na murawie przed i po renowacji
The paper presents preliminary results of studies on the effect of sward type on some football elements. The investigations were performed on three football fields before renovation (hard sward) and on the same fields after renovation (soft sward). The following elements of the play were considered: good shots at the goals, outs and player contusions on a specific field. The study revealed greater effectiveness of the game on soft swards, smaller number of filed kicks and contusions, which made the play more spectacular and increased the number of spectators at football matches.
Content available remote Analiza techniczna i finansowa podgrzewania murawy boiska sportowego
W ostatnich latach w Polsce nadrobione zostały wieloletnie zaległości w budowie infrastruktury sportowej, dedykowanej w głównej mierze dzieciom i młodzieży oraz zapewnieniu społeczeństwu szerokiego i bezpłatnego dostępu do nowoczesnych obiektów sportowych. Niezbędna staje się potrzeba poszukiwania nowych rozwiązań, których zastosowanie przyczyni się do znacznej poprawy warunków uprawiania sportu w kraju. Należy przy tym dać pierwszeństwo wszystkim proekologicznym systemom przyczyniającym się do racjonalizacji wykorzystania energii, a dzięki temu również do ochrony powietrza atmosferycznego. Odpowiedzią na taki trend jest ogrzewanie boisk i muraw stadionów przy użyciu pompy ciepła. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy technicznej ogrzewania płaszczyznowego płyty boiska przy użyciu tego urządzenia, jak również analizy finansowej jego zastosowania w ustalonych uwarunkowaniach. Znajomość tych analiz daje możliwość wyboru najkorzystniejszego wariantu systemu dla obecnej i nowobudowanej infrastruktury sportowej, co w znacznym stopniu może przyczynić się do zmniejszenia kosztów eksploatacyjnych.
In recent years, Poland has made up for the many years of backlog in the construction of sports infrastructure, dedicated primarily for children and young people and ensure that society wide and free access to modern sports facilities. Imperative need to seek new solutions, the use of which contribute to a significant improvement in terms of sports in the country. It is important to give priority to all ecological systems contributing to the rationalization of energy use and thereby also to protect air. The answer to this trend is heating sports fields and stadiums using a heat pump. The article presents the results of technical analysis surface heating the pitch by using this device as well as financial analysis of its use in the agreed conditions. Knowledge of these analyzes gives the opportunity to choose a preferred embodiment, the system for existing and newly built sports infrastructure, which can contribute significantly to the reduction of operating costs.
In the year 2000 the investigations aimed at determining the degree of turfness and plant species of 16 football pitches of the Wrocław District League were carried out. It was found that some grass species appeared in the process of natural plant succession, or by sod seeding resulting from grass damage during football games. Weed infestation in the majority of pitches was high (from 6% to 63%), which was due to insufficient treatment, especially fertilization, irrigation, aeration and irregular cutting. Besides, the selection of grass ingredients for the pitches was inappropriate.
Content available remote Gatunki i odmiany traw w mieszankach na trawniki i boiska sportowe
Advances in the preparation of grass mixtures, which occurred in the course of years, resulted in the reduction of the use of single grass species. Utilising increasingly comprehensive information about possibilities of grass competitiveness as well as their response to site conditions, it is easy to select appropriate components for seed mixtures. When deciding to sow a single species, it is essential to apply a good variety. The objective of sowing a single species is to standardise a lawn or a playing ground. The principle idea is to eliminate aggressive and competitive species as this helps advantageous characters of a given species to come out more clearly. The disadvantage of this procedure is that the prepared substrate is faster colonized by alien, unwelcome species of grasses and weeds. Additionally, the sown variety is more exposed to infection with diseases. A mixture is easier to apply when the user lacks know ledge about soil-climatic conditions of a given object. Additionally, a mixture tolerates better damages caused by diseases. However, mixtures that are excessively developed botanically may easily be dominated by undesirable species as evidenced by frequent dominations of Agrostis tenuis or Festuca rubra. Effects of this kind of domination rarely occur on playing fields, as the above-mentioned species do not tolerate severe trampling. Classical English lawn mixtures with Agrostis tenuis or Festuca rubra still remain favourite in case of oraamental lawns. In moist conditions, Agrostis tenuis is often replaced by Agrostis canina var. canina. Within Festuca rubra species, cuitivars with short tillers appear to give best results. The best species for intensively utilised lawns (for sporting events) - which are exposed to the wear of turf - the most desirable components of mixtures are good varieties of Poa pratensis, preferably in combinations with late cultivars of Lolium perenne with narrow leaf blades. Mixtures containing Festuca rubra or Festuca arundinacea are recommended for dry soil conditions. The latest mixtures recommended for football grounds in climalic conditions of Westem Europe contain only two or three most valuable Lolium perenne cultivars. Golf grounds are sown exclusively with Agrostis tenuis or Festuca rubra cultivars that develop strong, dense turf and are resistant to frequent cutting. Confection companies determine weight proportions of individual components in mixtures.
Content available remote Destrukcja konstrukcji boiska sportowego spowodowana błędami projektowymi
Budowa boiska sportowego przy placówce szkolnej musi uwzględniać różne aspekty, takie jak funkcjonalność, bezpieczeństwo czy wygoda użytkowania. W artykule przedstawiono problematykę dotyczącą błędów przy projektowaniu boisk sportowych. Zwrócono też uwagę na wykonanie prawidłowej adaptacji projektu typowego boiska do indywidualnych warunków terenowych i gruntowych, które mogą mieć istotny wpływ na użytkowany później obiekt budowlany.
The construction of a sports field at an educational establishment must take into account of different essential aspects such as security and ease of use. The article presents the issues concerning with the proper design sports fields. Attention was also paid to the proper execution of the project to adapt to the individual pitches typical terrain and ground conditions that may have a significant impact on the building object used later.
W artykule przedstawiono system podgrzewania płyty boiska sportowego znajdującego się w Praszce niedaleko centrum przy jednej ze szkół. Opisano jego główne elementy oraz przedstawiono rodzaje gruntowych wymienników ciepła. System podgrzewania murawy w zimie za pomocą pompy ciepła odbiera pokłady energii cieplnej dolnego źródła i przekazuje ją do górnego źródła, które podgrzewa murawę boiska. Podczas dużych, długotrwałych mrozów system nie działa poprawnie. Sterownik pompy ciepła, ze względu na zbyt niskie temperatury solanki na wypływie z pompy, wyłącza ją co dzieję się przy temperaturze -10 ºC. Dodatkowo zbierający się lód na ściankach rur uniemożliwia regulację zaworów przez co pompa ciepła musi być wyłączona do momentu stopienia się lodu. Podczas tych przestojów zanika możliwość podgrzewania murawy; co za tym idzie w zimie podczas opadów śniegu system nie wypełnia swojej podstawowej roli. Ponadto został również przedstawiony system akumulacji ciepła wraz z opisem jego głównych elementów. Ten system ma za zadanie zmagazynowanie jak największej ilości ciepła w gruncie podczas ciepłych słonecznych dni, aby system podgrzewania murawy mógł działać jak najdłużej. W pracy zostały umieszczone wyniki pomiarów z dwóch kompletów czujników. Jeden komplet był zamontowany w boisku, drugi był zamontowany 1 metr poza jego obrębem. Na ich podstawie zostały odczytane temperatury na poszczególnych głębokościach oraz została przeprowadzona analiza.
This article is about the system which heats the outdoor sports ground located in Praszka nearby a centrally located school. It describes main elements of this system and presents types of the ground heat exchangers. Furthermore it includes the results of measurements from two sets of sensors. Both results is measured in one cold day but in two different places. One set was placed within the sports ground, the other one was placed 1 meter far outside. On the basis their temperatures were read at various depths and the analysis was conducted. System of heating the ground in the winter by means of a heat pomp receives the heating energy from the lower source and transfers it to the upper source which warms up the grounds surface. During the long cold periods the system is not working very well. Due to too low temperature of the brine at the exit of the pomp, heat pomp driver switches it off. It happens at the temperature of -10 ºC. Additionally the ice settling at the tubes makes regulation of valves impossible and the pomp needs to be switched off till the ice melts. During those periods the possibility of heating the ground disappears and as a consequence the system doesn't fulfill its crucial role during the snowfalls in the wintertime.
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