Sport is a very widespread and universal phenomenon that it has become an essential element of everyone’s life. Its value and pervasiveness has extremely great influence on youth. Practiced as the concept of the humanities and geared mainly towards the individual, not as it is sometimes only for money and fame, will shape responsibility and respect for the others. The practice of sport which is about great importance of a harmonious and full development of a human, i.e. body and soul, is addressed to all people, and also students of the Seminaries. Therefore, the more each alumnus in his formation, human, intellectual, spiritual and pastoral, aims for the priesthood cannot ignore the physical activity, as it will be a primary task to achieve personal maturity and becoming physically fitter. The love for sports by alumnus should become a building block of human solidarity in the way of friendship and goodwill in respect of each person you encounter. At the same time developing the physical prowess and becoming tougher should never distract alumnus from the spiritual duties. Therefore, each alumnus – the athlete, in addition to the spiritual dimension of seminary formation, may then work on practice of sport, which in many ways contributes to better preparation for priesthood.
P. Drzewiecki’s dissertation under analysis takes up the problem of media education in its relation to religious education at school. P. Drzewiecki discusses this problem in three parts of his text. The first part deals with the problem area of contemporary media education. It settles some terminological disputes, determines the objectives and tasks of the methodology of media education, exhibits the status quo of media educational programmes in selected member states of the European Union, presents the Church’s teaching on the media, reveals educational problems generated by the media, discusses the role of media education in the curricular philosophy of the Polish educational system, and – last but not least – it approaches the problem of employing media education in religious education at school. The second part of the volume offers an in-depth study of the tasks and objectives of the teacher of religion – also in his/her role of media educator. The third part of the study is an attempt to define directions for development of media education in the context of its employment in religious education at school. The dissertation subject to this review is targeted at the reader who shows a keen interest in media education as part of contemporary Polish educational system. It can also be of much use to students of academic courses that are in some way related to media education and to the task of communication of faith in contemporary reality (e.g. journalist studies, media education, education studies, theology).
Freedom is one of the most fervently fought for values and, at the same time, the very idea of freedom belongs to concepts that are essentially contested. This situation is a part of human brokenness, and in Christian formation, it has to be seriously dealt with. According to the popular view, ‘holiness’ is a life-negating and judgmental attitude towards everything ‘normal.’ In biblical usage, it connotes belonging to God as a gift in Christ. Spiritual formation begins with a biblical explanation of freedom and holiness. A Christian worldview has to be the background to Christian formation, functioning as a correction of the commonly- accepted naturalistic worldview. A personal experiential relationship with God is the key to successful growth towards realistic and practical holiness in daily life. ‘Dos and don’ts’ that usually arise at the beginning of religious education shall be experienced as liberating instructions, if they are offered as guidance to a fully persuaded mind and a devotedly loving heart.
Artykuł, odwołując się do źródeł życia monastycznego – Reguł dłuższych i Reguł krótszych św. Bazylego Wielkiego, prezentuje model posługi przełożonego. Jest to zagadnienie istotne z punktu widzenia współczesnych wspólnot, znajdujących się często w sytuacji przesilenia, oczekujących przede wszystkim wsparcia ze strony swych liderów, przełożonych, duchowych ojców i matek. W tekście ukazane zostały najważniejsze aspekty indywidualnego, duchowego rozwoju, jakiego od przełożonych oczekuje wspólnota, a także jakie uprawniają ich do sprawowania powierzonej posługi na płaszczyźnie emocjonalnej, instytucjonalnej, formacyjnej oraz eklezjalnej.
The article by referring to the sources of monastic life – Greater Rule and Lesser Rule by Saint Basil the Great, presents the model of superior’s service. It is a crucial issue from the point of view of modern communities, which being in the moment of crisis, await the support from their leaders, superiors, spiritual fathers and mothers. The text discusses the most important aspects of an individual, spiritual development, which is expected from superiors by the community and which entitles them to serve on the emotional, institutional, structural and ecclesial grounds.
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