Celem pracy jest znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy przenikanie innowacji jest symetryczne, czy niesymetryczne, tzn. czy zależy ono od łącznego zasobu innowacji, czy też raczej przebiega od liderów innowacyjności do imitatorów. W pracy dokonano przeglądu literatury poświęconej modelowaniu przenikania, zarówno prac teoretycznych, jak i empirycznych, aby stwierdzić, że choć w literaturze przeważa pogląd, że przenikanie jest symetryczne, to istnieją istotne przesłanki wskazujące na jego asymetryczną naturę.
The aim of this paper is to answer the question whether the innovation spillover is symmetric or asymmetric, i.e. whether it depends on the total pool of innovation, or rather it leaks from innovation leaders to imitators. The paper is a review of the literature on spillover modeling, both theoretical work and empirical, to conclude that although in the literature prevailing view is that spillover is symmetric, there are significant reasons to pay more attention to its asymmetric nature.
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The work is devoted to computer modelling of interactions of atomic hydrogen with palladium and MgO surfaces, and with Pd atoms adsorbed on MgO surface. Quantum calculations were performed using the methods of the Density Functional Theory (DFT) with gradient-corrected functionals for electron exchange and correlation. The potential energy surfaces were calculated for a hydrogen atom interacting with Pd and MgO surfaces. The results indicate an easy (0.17 eV activation barrier) diffusion of hydrogen atoms over the metal surface. A possibility of migration of H atoms from the metal surface onto the MgO support surface (the "spillover effect") is discussed. It was found that the transfer of a hydrogen atom from the vicinity of a Pd atom to O sites of the MgO surface results in the energy gain of the order of 0.5 eV. The transfer, however, is an activated process with the activation energy about 0.8 eV.
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