Effects of In, Ge, Fe substitution in the lattice of sphalerite on wettability were usually ignored, therefore the optimal flotation condition could be difficult to find due to lacking of sufficient theoretical study on water adsorption, resulting lower recoveries of different sphalerites. Adsorption of H2O on different sphalerite surfaces was studied using density functional theory (DFT) method. All computational models were built in a vacuum environment to eliminate the effects of oxygen and other factors. H2O molecule prefers to stay with ideal sphalerite, indium-beard sphalerite, germanium-beard sphalerite and marmatite surfaces rather than water. Compared with ideal sphalerite surface, Fe atom improves the hydrophilicity of surface, while In and Ge atoms reduce the hydrophilicity.
Raman spectroscopy as a high-resolution characterization technique was used to analyze various pure metal sulfides immersed in water, namely pyrite (FeS2), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), sphalerite (ZnS), marmatite (Zn1-XFeXS) and galena (PbS). The Raman characterization was undertaken in situ with the minerals immersed in water. Characteristic Raman spectrum that shows the vibrational modes of the atomic bonds in the mineral crystal structure is reported. This spectroscopic technique revealed that marmatite particles are composed of micro-size, perhaps nano-size, zones with different Fe and Zn content. With the intensity of the Fe-S and Zn-S Raman signals, the iron content of the zones was quantified. The copper ion up-take by marmatite particles was studied through this technique. It was found that the up-take of copper ions on the marmatite zones depended on their Fe content. Copper ion up-take occurred more preferentially on the zones of low Fe content than on those of high Fe content. The adsorption of the collector propyl xanthate on pyrite and chalcopyrite was also assessed by Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectrum revealed that dixanthogen formed on the surface of these sulfides.
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Badaniami objęto typowy fragment złoża rud miedzi, zlokalizowany w obrębie kopalni Lubin Wschodni (pochylnie: E-2 i L-731). Pobrano 35 profili pionowych do badań mineralogicznych oraz chemicznych. W profilach mineralogicznych pobierano próby reprezentujące wszystkie typy litologiczne skał, tj. piaskowiec, łupek i dolomit. Na profile do badań chemicznych złożyły się próby bruzdowe (ciągłe) reprezentujące poszczególne typy litologiczne rudy miedzi (rudę piaskowcową, łupkową i węglanową), przy czym rudę piaskowcową podzielono na część górną (0,5 m) oraz dolną. W pobranych profilach pionowych zbadano rozmieszczenie Zn, Pb i Cu. Oznaczono podstawowe parametry statystyczne zawartości tych metali oraz przedstawiono mapę Zn i Pb w rudzie piaskowcowej, łupkowej oraz w złożu bilansowym w badanym fragmencie złoża.
Typical section of the copper ore deposit (the Lubin Wschodni mine inclines: E-2 and L-731) are discussed in the paper. The samples were collected in 35 vertical profiles, and the mineralogical and chemical researches were done. The samples for mineralogical researches represented all of the lithological types of rocks, i.e. the sandstone, the Kupferschiefer and the dolomite. The samples for chemical researches have been taken by continuous method, and represented all of the lithological types of copper ore (sandstone-ore, shale-ore and carbonate-ore). The sandstone-ore was divided into two parts: upper (0.5 m of thickness) and lower. In such collected vertical profiles were tested the distribution of Zn, Pb and Cu, and also were calculated the basic statistical factors, which characterize the content of these elements. Based on this results, contour maps of Zn and Pb in sandstone-ore, shale-ore and in economic deposit respectively were constructed.
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W niniejszym artykule, na podstawie badań mineralogicznych i chemicznych podjęto próbę charakterystyki mineralizacji Pb i Zn w złożu rud miedzi, w obrębie kopalni Lubin. Badania przeprowadzono na 39 profilach pionowych do badań mineralogicznych i chemicznych. Próby do badań mineralogicznych pobierane były w taki sposób, aby reprezentowały wszystkie typy skał występujących w badanym fragmencie złoża (tj. piaskowiec, łupek i dolomit), a próby do badań chemicznych - rudę piaskowcową, łupkową i węglanową (n = 124 próby bruzdowe). Podjęto również próbę określenia charakterystyki występowania Pb, Zn i Cu w pobranych profilach pionowych oraz prześledzenia poziomego rozprzestrzenienia ołowiu i cynku w obrębie bilansowego złoża rud miedzi w badanym fragmencie kopalni Lubin.
The study on Pb and Zn mineralization in typical section of copper ore deposit (southern part of the Lubin-Małomice area) are presented in the paper. The samples were collected in 39 vertical profiles, and next have been done the mineralogical and chemical researches. The study samples represented all of the lithological types of rocks, i.e. the sandstone, the Kupferschiefer and the dolomite. The samples for chemical analysis have been collected using channel sampling method, and represent all of the lithological types of copper ores. The sandstone sections were divided into two parts: upper (0.5 m of thickness) and lower (over part). The mineralogical study has proved, that in southern part of the Lubin-Małomice area the copper sulfides are the major Cu-phases, and minor are chalcocite, covellite and digenite. The main Pb and Zn minerals are sphalerite and galena, which in the study are occur occasionally, and the highest concentrations were observed in the Kupferschiefer and in the upper most part at the sandstone. Both, horizontal and vertical distribution of Pb, Zn and Cu were studied in the all collected vertical profiles. In the most of these profiles (80%), the maximal concentration of Pb, Zn and Cu has been observed within the Kupferschiefer ore. The horizontal distribution of Pb and Zn within the sandstone-ore, shale-ore and in economic deposit in researched part of the deposit have also been studied. There were not observed any new rules regulating the distribution of lead and zinc in studied area of copper ore deposit. The lead and zinc concentration are less than 0.01% in the area of more than a half of studied part of the copper ore deposit. However, it was noticed that the areas of highest lead concentrations - >0.36% Pb and zinc concentrations - >0.14% Zn forms the isolated centers, which area are from 0.15 to 2.0 km2 in case of Pb and up to 0.009 km2 in case of Zn.
Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) sphalerite samples from lead and zinc mines of the Silesian-Cracow region were studied in terms of the effect of organic matter on their coloration. The results indicate no correlation between the abundance and chemical composition of organic matter and sphalerite coloration. TOC values for investigated samples are in the range of 0.5-1.28%. A basic feature characterizing all samples is very similar distribution of n-alkanes, with a predominance of short-chain n-alkanes (from n-C13 to n-C21) over long-chain n-alkanes (from n-C25 to n-C35). Among the isoprenoids pristane dominates over phytane (Pr/Ph ratio in one sample is even 8.95), which does not correspond to previous studies (Karwowski et al. 2001) and may be due to the multi-source nature of organic matter present in sphalerite inclusions from the Silesian-Cracow Zn-Pb deposits. The occurrence of hopanes with 17β,21β(H) stereochemistry indicates a low maturity of test samples.
Przy zastosowaniu chromatografii gazowej sprzężonej ze spektrometrią mas (GC-MS) zbadano próbki sfalerytu z kopalń cynku i ołowiu regionu śląsko-krakowskiego pod kątem wpływu materii organicznej na ich barwę. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują na brak korelacji między ilością oraz składem chemicznym materii organicznej a barwą sfalerytu. Wartości TOC dla badanych próbek mieszczą się w przedziale 0.5-1.28%. Charakterystyczną cechą wszystkich próbek jest bardzo zbliżona dystrybucja nalkanów, z wyraźną przewagą n-alkanów krótkołańcuchowych (od n-C13 do n-C21) nad długołańcuchowymi. Wśród izoprenoidów pristan dominuje nad fitanem (stosunek Pr/Ph w jednej próbce wynosi nawet 8.95), co nie odpowiada wynikom poprzednich badań (Karwowski et al. 2001) i może być spowodowane wieloźródłowym charakterem inkluzji materii organicznej w sfalerytach ze śląsko-krakowskich złóż Zn-Pb. Obecność hopanów o strukturze 17β,21β(H) wskazuje na bardzo niską dojrzałość termiczną badanych próbek.
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