W artykule podjęta została próba zastosowania nowej technologii pomiaru zmiany barwy z wykorzystaniem urządzenia DigiEye. Porównanie DigiEye z powszechnie wykorzystywanym w przemyśle spektrofotometrem Mecbeth 2020 miało na celu określenie zależności między wskazaniami obu przyrządów pomiarowych. Próbki do oceny zmiany barwy na obu urządzeniach poddano naświetlaniu w aparacie Xenotest 150. Proces starzenia został zrealizowany wg metody niebieskiej skali. Wyniki badań uzyskano poprzez pomiar przed testem starzenia oraz po każdym zwolnieniu przesłony podczas naświetlania badanych próbek. Analiza wyników zmiany barwy została wykonana w systemie barwnym CIE L*a*b*. Badania przeprowadzono dla tkanin poliestrowych przeznaczonych na wierzchnie wyroby odzieżowe.
In the paper there is presented a trial of application of new measurement principle of colour change with the use of DigiEye device. Comparison of DigiEye with commonly use in the textile industry spectrophotometer Macbeth 2020 was an aim of determination of relationship between parameters of both measurement systems. Samples for the colour change assessment on both measurement systems were first aged in the Xenotest 150. Ageing process was done according to the method of blues scale. Results were obtained by the colour measurement devices before and after the ageing test each releasing the diaphragms during exposing the examined samples on the light. Result of colour change were obtained in the colour system CIE L*a*b*. The measurements were done for PES fabrics destined on the outer layers of clothing.
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Badania dotyczą wpływu stopnia tłumienia promieniowania świetlnego przez powierzchnię szklaną opakowania spożywczego. Badania zostały przeprowadzone dla źródeł świtała naturalnego i sztucznego, którego promieniowanie przenikało szkło kolorowane. Analizowane szkło w niewielkim stopniu przepuszcza całe spektrum światła widzialnego, szczególnie dotyczy to składowej widma światła fioletowej a jednocześnie przepuszcza pewną części promieniowania w zakresie podczerwieni.
The study deals with the effect of light radiation suppression on the glass surface of the food packaging. The research was conducted for natural and artificial light sources whose radiation penetrated colored glass. The analyzed glass transmits a small amount of visible light, especially the composition of the violet light spectrum, and at the same time transmits some of the infrared radiation. Photometric analysis was conducted of the structure of selected types of packaging used in the processing and cosmetic industries.
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Obecnie najczęściej wykorzystywanym narzędziem do pomiaru barwy są spektrofotometry. W połączeniu z odpowiednim oprogramowaniem pozwalają uzyskać informację o parametrach barwy, porównać dostarczoną partię produktu z wzorcem, dobrać alternatywny kolor aplikacji, modyfikować projekty graficzne. Ich stosowanie poprawia możliwości nadzoru technologicznego, uniezależnia wynik od subiektywnej oceny obserwatora oraz skraca czas doboru składu aplikacji. Niniejsze opracowanie ma na celu przybliżyć metodykę pomiaru spektrofotometrycznego wraz z jej podstawami oraz wskazać praktyczne wykorzystanie urządzenia w pracach laboratorium technologicznego.
Nowadays spectrophotometers are mostly used in measurements of colour. According to the adequate software they give us the information about parameters of colour, make possible to compare a new product with the standard sample, to choose correctly alternative colour of the application, and to modify graphics and projects. Using them, it is possible to improve technological control of the processes, taking the result independent on the observer and cutting the time necessary for changing in application’s components. The purpose of this paper is to make closer the spectrophotometric measurement method and pointing the practical use in technological laboratory.
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This article focuses on developing a methodology which can be used to estimate the concentration of dyestuff released from textiles during domestic laundering, so that further studies involving decolorization of the wastewater from domestic washing machine can be conducted in an attempt to develop eco-friendly domestic washing processes. Due to the complexity of the problem, an approach was adopted so that, as an initial step, synthetic red and blue reactive dye solutions were prepared as representative wastewater solutions using Reactive Red 195 and Reactive Blue 19 dyestuffs for the estimation of dye concentration. This was followed by an experimental work consisting of washing tests involving the calculation of dye concentration in the wastewater obtained from domestic washing machine as well as tergotometer as a machine simulator. For this part of the work, dyed cotton plain jersey fabric samples were used to obtain wastewater solutions. All the dye solutions and the wastewater samples were measured with VIS spectrophotometer, and the maximum absorbance values were obtained at relevant wavelengths. Although the characteristics of absorbance spectra of synthetic and wastewater solutions were very different, the maximum absorbance values of both solutions overlapped at relevant wavelengths. The concentration of the dyestuff was calculated from the absorbance values measured at 540 and 592 nm for the red and blue, respectively. The statistical analysis of the data suggested that tergotometer can be used as a domestic washing machine simulator. Moreover, the regression analysis done for the dyestuff concentration under discussion revealed that the most significant factor was the washing step (main wash or rinsing) (89.5%) followed by color (red or blue) (3.4%) and washing device (washing machine or tergotometer) (1.5%).
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