Abilities of every individual form the basis of spatial intelligence. They help him to perceive the visual world accurately, to transform perceptions, to manipulate perceptions in his mind and to modify his initial perceptions. They also enable the individual to create images in his mind from his own visual perception at the time when no external stimuli take effect. Spatial intelligence consists of a larger number of loosely connected abilities such as the ability to perceive things visually, draw a given shape, the ability to create mental images and to work with them and transform one shape into another.
This study is a comparative analysis that tries to find an answer to the following question: “Is there any relation between spatial intelligence and logical-mathematical one”? The Howard Gardner’s theory about multiple intelligences is considered to define the intelligence concept. This work proposes a framework of debate. The results of examinations in Technical Drawing and Computer Aided Design, Mathematics and Physics are compared. The analysis was made at the end of the paper using the statistics methods. The conclusions suggest the nexus of spatial and logical-mathematical intelligences.
Niniejsza praca podaje opis oraz analizę przeprowadzonego studium porównawczego, którego celem było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie: Czy istnieje korelacja pomiędzy tzw. „inteligencją przestrzenną” a „logiczno-matematyczną”?. Przytoczono definicje inteligencji wprowadzonej przez Howarda Gardnera. Eksperyment badawczy przeprowadzono wśród studentów I roku, na dwóch wydziałach: Elektroniki oraz Informatyki Uniwersytetu im. Dunarea de Jos w Galati (Rumunia). Analizie statystycznej poddano wyniki egzaminów z przedmiotów: rysunek techniczny, komputerowe wspomaganie projektowania, matematyka oraz fizyka.
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