The problem of optimal reorientation of the spacecraft orbit is considered. For solving the problem we used quaternion equations of motion written in rotating coordinate system. The use of quaternion variables makes this consideration more efficient. The problem of optimal control is solved on the basis of the maximum principle. An example of numerical solution of the problem is given.
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The paper presents a methodology to analyse the probabilistic performance of separation process satelites and launch-vehicles (boosters). Models of spacecraftdynamics are considered with taking into account the liquid fluctuations in the fuel tanks. All the design uncertainties are modelled as random variables. The probabilistic characteristics of the critical separation parameters are estimated by the Monte Carlo method. The methodology allows to perform the statistical computer simulation of the separation and it is confirmed by the corespondence of the forecasted performances with data of real launches.
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Humans are exposed to ionizing radiation all the time, and it is known that it can induce a variety of harmful biological effects. Consequently, it is necessary to quantitatively assess the level of exposure to this radiation as the basis for estimating risks due to ionization radiation. During the Work Package 2400 of the COST-724/WG-2 action, a number of spacecraft and aircraft experiments have been performed with both active and passive detectors. A large data base has been created. In this contribution we would like to stress the results obtained and their importance in three particular directions: (i) Simultaneous investigation of galactic cosmic rays on aircraft and on the International Space Station (ISS); (ii) Onboard spacecraft neutron contribution as estimated on the basis of the comparison of results measured with MDU/Liulin equipment onboard ISS, foton capsule and a commercial aircraft flying at subsonic altitudes; (iii) Complex analysis of the results of long term measurements onboard a Czech Airlines aircraft. The results obtained are presented, analyzed, and discussed, and their complementary nature is underlined. The contribution represents a version of the Final Report of the Work Package 2400 of the COST-724/WG-2: Radiation Environment of the Earth.
Dynamics of the spacecraft with giro-gravitational system of stabilisation, in which the pantograph design deployed in an orbit and containing on the end the concentrated mass is used as the gravitational stabilizer and the carrier of solar batteries, is investigated. The analysis of the obtained information is carried out and graphs that illustrate behaviour of characteristic variables are discussed.
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Ciekawość, która towarzyszy człowiekowi od narodzin jest niezwykłą siłą, która popycha ludzkość do przodu. To ona wywołuje swoistą potrzebę odkrywania tego co nieznane. Wielkie odkrycia geograficzne są już przeszłością, a tym co czeka na odkrycie jest kosmos. W tym celu ludzkość będzie musiała korzystać z obiektów pozwalających na przemieszczenie się w przestrzeni skrajnie niebezpiecznej dla człowieka. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi przegląd wybranych zagadnień dotyczących statków kosmicznych i ich estetki, oraz tego co ma wpływ na ostatecznie przyjętą formę takich obiektów. W spisanych rozważaniach analizowane są śmiałe wizje ukazane w pop-kulturze (kulturze popularnej), jak i informacje mogące wpłynąć w przyszłości na przyjęte rozwiązania formalne statków kosmicznych.
The curiosity that has accompanied man since birth is an extraordinary force that drives humanity forward. It is what generates the peculiar need to discover the unknown. The great geographical discoveries are in the past, and what is waiting to be discovered is the cosmos. In order to do so, mankind will have to make use of facilities that allow it to move through space that are extremely dangerous for humans. This article reviews selected issues concerning spacecraft and their aesthetics, and what influences the final form of such objects. The written discussion examines the bold visions portrayed in pop culture, as well as information that may influence the formal solutions adopted for spacecraft in the future.
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