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. The plan of Kalisz by Andrzej Politalski is the oldest geometrically accurate depiction of the town. Compiled in 1785, it has survived to this day in a redrawing by Ottomar Wolle in 1878 at the scale of 1:3,000. The author discusses the process of developing the edition of Politalski’s plan for the “Kalisz” volume of the Historic Towns Atlas (HTA) and compares it with editions in other volumes. The most recent (2021) volumes developed in three different centres were chosen as comparative material: Biecz volume (Kraków); Fordon, 2nd edition (Toruń); and Racibórz (Wrocław). Each volume adopts different editorial rules, although, in general, they conform to the overarching principles of redrawing a map at the scale of 1:2,500. The differences touch on virtually all aspects (source material, scope of content, non-cartographic elements), but they are united by the aforementioned common scale and purpose. Developing the edition of Politalski’s plan was preceded by genetic analysis and the identification of filiation of its remaining copies. The original (1785) has not survived, nor has the first redrawing (1800). We only have a redrawing by Wolle (1878), which was the basis for the development of the plan for the HTA. In addition to this, we also have several other less significant versions. Politalski’s plan was georeferenced, its content was vectorised, and cartographical representation was created. The result has been put together with selected editions elaborated to date. A distinctive feature of the work on the “Kalisz” volume is the use of a redrawing of the original as a source plan, as it is – in fact – its historical edition. The author also draws attention to the issues of standardisation of data models and, consequently, of legends between particular volumes.
The parish under the invocation of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Małogoszcz (the Świętokrzyskie province) is one of the oldest in the Kielce diocese. It was erected in the first half of the 12th c., and in 1342 was lavishly endowed by the King Casimir the Great. From the beginning of the 14th c. it was part of the Kurzelów archdeaconry of the Gniezno archdiocese, and three centuries later it became the seat of the deanery. The first, wooden parish church was burnt down by the Tatars in 1259. Little is known about the second one. The present, stone temple was built at the end of the 16th c. in the Renaissance style by the priest Jakub Bieda Chrostkowic. This priest founded two other churches in Małogoszcz: branch church dedicated St. Stanislaus on the Babinek hill (now a cemetery one, being in a ruin) and the hospital church of St. Cross (not preserved). The basis for the edition of the source (placed at the end of the article) is the inventory of the parsonage of 1786 from the collections of the Diocesan Archives in Kielce. This manuscript has not been previously published or exploited by historians. It describes a presbytery, a manor house, the farm buildings, a brewery, two inns, and also lists livestock and dead stock. This source significantly enriches our knowledge about the Małogoszcz parish in Old Poland period.
Parafia pw. Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Małogoszczu (woj. świętokrzyskie) należy do najstarszych na terenie diecezji kieleckiej. Została erygowana w pierwszej połowie XII stulecia, a w 1342 r. hojnie uposażona przez Kazimierza Wielkiego. Od początku XIV w. wchodziła w skład archidiakonatu kurzelowskiego archidiecezji gnieźnieńskiej, trzy stulecia później stała się zaś siedzibą dekanatu. Pierwszy, drewniany kościół parafialny został spalony przez Tatarów w 1259 r. O drugim niewiele wiadomo. Obecna, murowana świątynia została wzniesiona pod koniec XVI w. w stylu renesansowym przez ks. Jakuba Biedę Chrostkowica. Z fundacji tego duchownego powstały w Małogoszczu także dwa inne kościoły: filialny pw. św. Stanisława na wzgórzu Babinek (obecnie cmentarny, w ruinie) i szpitalny pw. św. Krzyża (niezachowany). Podstawę edycji źródła (zamieszczonego na końcu artykułu) stanowi inwentarz plebanii z 1786 r., przechowywany w zbiorach Archiwum Diecezjalnego w Kielcach. Rękopis ten nie był wcześniej publikowany ani wyzyskiwany przez historyków. Opisano w nim plebanię, folwark, zabudowania gospodarcze, browar, dwie karczmy, wyszczególniono żywy i martwy inwentarz. Źródło to w istotny sposób wzbogaca naszą wiedzę o parafii małogoskiej w czasach staropolskich.
Zarys treści: Głos w dyskusji na temat sposobu opisywania wyobrażeń pieczęci publikowanych w wydawnictwach źródłowych.Abstract: A voice in a discussion about ways of describing seal imagery in source publications.
Two significant sphragistic source publications issued in 2012 and 2015 deal with seals on documents from the State Archive in Bydgoszcz and seal stamps from the State Archive in Poznań. Descriptions of seal images, contained in the cited publications, which could become models for future editions, inclined the author of the article to present his reflections on editing seals. The majority of the remarks pertain to the manner of constructing a description of armorial seals from the viewpoint of heraldry. Theses concerning the method of characterising seal imagery can be presented as follows: 1. A description of the seal image should not double information accessible in the illustration; 2. A description should contain expanding information (e.g. an identification of the motifs of deciphering the symbolic message); 3. All descriptions should possess a unified form and normalised contents; 4. A description must be maintained in a language adapted to the described contents, i.e. heraldic language and terminology must be applied to designate coats of arms, and descriptions of tools should use the names of specialist instruments in accordance with the terminology of suitable crafts and professions; 5. A description of armorial seals must take into account their dual character: a seal with a coat of arms (in the field a shield with an emblem) and a seal with an emblem (in the field an emblem without a shield); names of coats of arms should be used suitably for formulating descriptions of coats of arms; 7. In the course of depicting state emblems on “government’ seals one should take into account legal regulations upon whose basis the described emblem was created or modified. The use of precise terminology will make it possible to avoid interpretation misunderstandings, which at times are the consequences of the ambiguous language of the description..
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This paper examines the history and contemporary practice of the edition of privileges in the context of the term “source of law”. In all legal systems, the term “source of law” has a quality of normative power or of authority for the decision-making processes. In this sense, the research question decides about their property as sources of law. This raises the question of the content and function of privileges in the history of law. While the individual and special privilegia form a contrast to common law or general legislation as leges privatae, on the other hand, they are also part of the greater category of law and legislation in general. This accounts for their enormous instrumentality in the creation of legal systems. Privileges may extend to all matters of private and public law (economy, trade, invention, jurisdiction, constitution, rights of estates etc.). They have appeared as a mass phenomenon since the Middle Ages. The different characteristics of the sources in turn connote both problems and possibilities for their edition, both in the past and the present. Different forms and functions of their publication and edition can be distinguished for the Ancien Régime. Publications of privileges of estates often served political interests, the publication of private-law privileges, thus, served to protect individual legal positions and their probability in court. Today, the edition of privileges is determined by the research objectives in European legal history and, in the face of the mass phenomenon of this type of source, is hampered by the problem of criteria for their selection. Editions on the jurisdiction and economic development in the Old Reich have been published in Germany and Austria in recent years (1980, 1981). They attest to the traditional power of privileges and show the important meaning for the ordering and shaping of law up until the 19th century.
Content available Rządcy parafii Nawarzyce w XVI–XIX stuleciu
The source presented for edition comes from the collections of the Diocesan Archives in Kielce. It lists and describes the activities of 17th parish priests in the Nawarzyce parish over the course of four centuries (from 16th to 19th centuries). This document had not been previously published and exploited to a greater extent by historians. It greatly enriches our knowledge about the Nawarzyce parish and the clergy working in it, bringing a lot of interesting information about the conflicts of local priests with owners/leaseholders of parish villages about their tithe, the tribute in kind (meszne) or the right of propination, disputes with the executors of the wills of priests who died in Nawarzyce, as well as about the parish temple.
Przedstawione do edycji źródło pochodzi ze zbiorów Archiwum Diecezjalnego w Kielcach. Wyszczególniono w nim i opisano działalność 17 proboszczów sprawujących posługę duszpasterską w parafii Nawarzyce na przestrzeni czterech stuleci (XVI–XIX w.). Dokument ten nie był wcześniej publikowany i wyzyskiwany w szerszym zakresie przez historyków. W poważnym stopniu wzbogaca on naszą wiedzę o parafii nawarzyckiej i pracujących w niej duchownych, przynosząc szereg ciekawych informacji na temat zatargów miejscowych plebanów z właścicielami/dzierżawcami wsi parafialnych o należną im dziesięcinę, meszne czy prawo propinacji, sporów z egzekutorami testamentów zmarłych w Nawarzycach księży, jak również na temat świątyni parafialnej.
This paper discusses a speech by Jan Szczęsny Herburt (1567-1616) delivered presumably on 19 January 1600 at the regional diet (summoned prior to the National Diet) in Sądowa Wisznia. The speech included not only his impressions from the mission to the Ottoman Porte in 1598 but also his opinion on the current internal and external policies of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The text confirms the author’s good education and considerable refinement, as well as his notable oratorical skills.
The Roman Catholic parish in Rembieszyce (Świętokrzyskie Province) was established in 1438 on the initiative of the Odrowąż family – owners of Rembieszyce and nearby villages. Historical sources confirm the presence of two parish churches in the Old Polish period: the oldest one, built before 1438, was destroyed as a result of old age; the second, erected in 1751 thanks to the efforts of the local parish priest Ludwik Sakiewicz, burned down in the 1890s in unknown circumstances. In the years 1798–1799, the contemporary collator Franciszek Saryusz Wolski founded the third temple, which has survived to this day in an almost unchanged form, being a valuable monument of wooden sacred architecture in Poland. The published document presents the appearance and condition of this sacred building in the second half of the 19th century, describes its decor and equipment, tombstones, and it names consecutive priests working in the parish. This source significantly enriches our knowledge about the local temple and the parish itself.
Rzymskokatolicka parafia w Rembieszycach (woj. świętokrzyskie) powstała w 1438 r. z inicjatywy rodu Odrowążów – właścicieli Rembieszyc i pobliskich wiosek. Źródła historyczne poświadczają w okresie staropolskim obecność dwóch kościołów parafialnych: najstarszy, wzniesiony przed 1438 r., uległ zniszczeniu w wyniku starości; drugi, wystawiony w 1751 r. staraniem miejscowego proboszcza Ludwika Sakiewicza, spłonął w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XVIII stulecia w bliżej nieznanych okolicznościach. W latach 1798–1799 ówczesny kolator Franciszek Saryusz Wolski ufundował trzecią świątynię, która przetrwała do dziś w niemal niezmienionej formie, stanowiąc cenny zabytek drewnianej architektury sakralnej na ziemiach polskich. Publikowany dokument przedstawia wygląd i stan tego obiektu sakralnego w drugiej połowie XIX w., opisuje jego wystrój i wyposażenie, pomniki nagrobne, wyszczególnia kolejnych księży pracujących w parafii. Źródło to w istotny sposób wzbogaca naszą wiedzę na temat miejscowej świątyni i samej parafii.
The critical source edition pertains to description of the parish church under name St. Andrew the Apostle in Węgleszyn (Świętokrzyskie Province), found in the Diocesan Archives in Kielce. The document was prepared on the order of the Kielce Consistory, most probably in the 1890s, by the local priest, priest Paweł Jędrychowski. It is valuable because it contains a lot of important information about the parish temple, hitherto omitted in studies, as well as monuments that do not exist today, irretrievably lost at the beginning of the last century (a Gothic bell, a pulpit having a rare apple-form, the wall decorations). The edited source text was preceded by an introductory part, which briefly presents the history of the parish and village Węgleszyn, discussed the external and internal appearance of the temple, its decor and equipment.
Krytyczna edycja źródłowa dotyczy odnalezionego w Archiwum Diecezjalnym w Kielcach opisu kościoła parafialnego pw. św. Andrzeja Apostoła w Węgleszynie (woj. świętokrzyskie). Dokument ten został sporządzony na polecenie konsystorza kieleckiego, najpewniej w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XIX w., przez miejscowego proboszcza, księdza Pawła Jędrychowskiego. Jest on o tyle cenny, że zawiera wiele istotnych informacji na temat świątyni parafialnej, pomijanych dotychczas w opracowaniach, jak również nieistniejących dziś zabytków, utraconych bezpowrotnie na początku ubiegłego stulecia (gotycki dzwon, ambona o rzadkiej formie jabłka, dekoracje ścienne). Edycja tekstu źródłowego poprzedzona została częścią wstępną, w której przedstawiono pokrótce dzieje parafii i wsi Węgleszyn, omówiono wygląd zewnętrzny i wewnętrzny świątyni, jej wystrój i wyposażenie.
The article is devoted to prince Janusz Paweł Ostrogski (1597–1619). He was a descendant of one of the most powerful magnate families in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. After the early death of his father, the Volyn voivode Aleksander, he was brought up, together with older brother, by his mother. She led them to conversion from Orthodoxy to Catholicism. In the years 1611–1615 the young Ostrogski brothers took an educational journey around the Western Europe. After returning to the fatherland they took over a huge latifundium from their mother. Both brothers were known of their rude lifestyle and promiscuity. They were infected with syphilis, which was a cause of their premature death. After the death of his older brother, Janusz Paweł became one of the greatest landowners in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He was going to get married. Death however, surprised him on his way to the home of his future father-in-law. The prince made an interesting last will before his death, the critical edition of which was included as an annex to this study.
Artykuł poświęcony jest postaci księcia Janusza Pawła Ostrogskiego (1597–1619). Był on potomkiem jednej z najpotężniejszych rodzin magnackich w Rzeczypospolitej. Po wczesnej śmierci ojca, wojewody wołyńskiego Aleksandra, wychowywany był wraz ze starszym bratem przez matkę. Doprowadziła ona do konwersji synów z prawosławia na katolicyzm. W latach 1611–1615 młodzi Ostrogscy odbyli podróż edukacyjną po Europie. Po powrocie do kraju przejęli z rąk matki ogromne latyfundium. Obaj bracia znani byli z hulaszczego trybu życia i rozwiązłości. Zarazili się kiłą, co było przyczyną ich przedwczesnej śmierci. Po zgonie starszego brata Janusz Paweł stał się jednym z największych właścicieli ziemskich w Rzeczypospolitej. Zamierzał się ożenić. Śmierć zaskoczyła go jednak w drodze do domu przyszłego teścia. Książę sporządził przed śmiercią ciekawy testament, którego krytyczna edycja została zamieszczona jako aneks do tego opracowania.
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The paper explains the methodology applied in the edition of historical legal sources of major importance for the 19th and 20th centuries Slovakia – the edition of the Provisional Judicial Rules (“PJR”) of the Judex-Curial Conference of 1861. At the Conference, legal scholars and politicians adopted a decision to abandon the previous twelve years of neoabsolutism and centralism introduced by the Austrian law, and opted for a renewal of the traditional Hungarian legal system with some changes introduced by the laws of March 1848 (the March Constitution of 1848). At the same time they retained some rules of Austrian origin and created some rules that were entirely new, particularly in the field of civil procedural law and inheritance law. While evaluating the legal nature of the PJR, the literature used to claim that they never became law because Parliament of 1861 was not created legally (representatives were not elected under the electoral law enacted as part of the March Constitution of 1848) and because the monarch, Francis Joseph I, had not yet been crowned (his coronation took place in 1867). Therefore the legislative process could not be successfully completed. The only solution that was reported to was the recognition of the exceptional situation which dominated in Hungary between 1861–1867 – it was the period between neoabsolutism and another provisorium, a period of “limited constitutionalism”. Under such conditions it was not possible to meet the formalities of official legislation process. Thus PJR could become binding only de facto – through the power of persuasion. However, after a corpus of case law began to consolidate during several years, it could be argued that the PJR was transformed from the actual source of judicial decision-making into customary law.
In 2020 the Kórnik Library’s collections were supplemented with new documents connected with the beginnings of the Protestant parish in Bnin. The present article presents the time of formation and the first years of functioning of evangelical community in Bnin, which was one of the biggest communities in Greater Poland (excluding Poznań) for more over 150 years. After a brief introduction, the following part describes upon mentioned sources the establishing of community and construction of the first Lutheran church in Bnin with its buildings. Finally, the annex contains biographies of the first five pastors in Bnin and source edition of these documents.
W 2020 roku skarby Biblioteki Kórnickiej zostały wzbogacone o zbiór dokumentów odnoszących się do początków parafii ewangelickiej w Bninie. Artykuł prezentuje czas powstania oraz pierwsze lata funkcjonowania bnińskiej wspólnoty ewangelickiej, która przez ponad 150 lat była jedną z największych w Wielkopolsce (nie licząc Poznania). Opisano ustanowienie gminy ewangelickiej oraz budowę pierwszego zboru protestanckiego w Bninie wraz z jego zabudowaniami. Załączono aneks zawierający biogramy pierwszych pięciu pastorów posługujących w Bninie oraz edycję źródłową tychże dokumentów.
Old Polish church registers require extensive research and editing. The author of the article focused on the baptismal registers (Liber baptisatorum). In Polish historiography, the content of this type of sources from sixteen parishes has already been published. The state of research is far from sufficient to get a broader picture of record registration in the Polish Church. The article attempts to recapitulate the achievements of historiography to date in the field of development of research tools used in the Polish editions of the baptismal registers. The methods used in these editions are very diverse and not always in line with scientific needs. The analyzes contained in the article lead to a number of postulates both regarding the principles of issuing records of baptism and meeting research needs related to research on the social stratification of Polish parishes, the history and geography of the Church, historical demography, and modern diplomats.
Staropolskie metryki kościelne wymagają szerokich badań oraz edycji. Autor artykułu skupił się na Księgach ochrzczonych (Liber baptisatorum). W polskiej historiografii ogłoszono drukiem treść tego typu źródeł z szesnastu parafii. Stan badań jest daleko niewystarczający aby uzyskać szerszy obraz rejestracji metrykalnej w polskim Kościele. Artykuł dokonuje próby rekapitulacji dotychczasowych osiągnięć historiografii w zakresie rozwoju narzędzi badawczych wykorzystywanych w polskich edycjach Ksiąg ochrzczonych. Metody stosowane w tych edycjach są bardzo różnorodne i nie zawsze zgodne z potrzebami naukowymi. Analizy zawarte w artykule prowadzą do postawienia szeregu postulatów zarówno dotyczących zasad wydawania drukiem metryk chrztu, jak i zaspokojenia potrzeb badawczych związanych z badaniami nad stratyfikacją społeczną polskich parafii, dziejami i geografią Kościoła, demografią historyczną, czy nowożytną dyplomatyką.
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