This paper presents the use of auditory occupancy grids (AOGs) for mapping of a mobile robot’s acoustic environment. An AOG is a probabilistic map of sound source locations built from multiple measurements using techniques from both probabilistic robotics and sound localization. The mapping is simulated, tested for robustness, and then successfully implemented on a threemicrophone mobile robot with four sound sources. Using the robot’s inherent advantage of mobility, the AOG correctly locates the sound sources from only nine measurements. The resulting map is then used to intelligently position the robot within the environment and to maintain auditory contact with a moving target.
A method for precise sound sources detection and localization in interiors is presented. Acoustic vector sensors, which provide multichannel output signals of acoustic pressure and particle velocity were employed. Methods for detecting acoustic events are introduced. The algorithm for localizing sound events in the audience is presented. The system set up in a lecture hall, which serves as a demonstrator of the proposed technology, is described. The accurracy of the proposed method is evaluated by the described measurement results. The analysis of the results is followed by conclusions pertaining the usability of the proposed system. The concept of the multimodal audio-visual detection of events in the audience is also introduced.
Objectives The aim of the study was to investigate whether a ski helmet interferes with the sound localization and the time of sound perception in the frontal plane. Material and Methods Twenty-three participants (age 30.7±10.2) were tested on the slope in 2 conditions, with and without wearing the ski helmet, by 6 different spatially distributed sound stimuli per each condition. Each of the subjects had to react when hearing the sound as soon as possible and to signalize the correct side of the sound arrival. Results The results showed a significant difference in the ability to localize the specific ski sounds; 72.5±15.6% of correct answers without a helmet vs. 61.3±16.2% with a helmet (p < 0.01). However, the performance on this test did not depend on whether they were used to wearing a helmet (p = 0.89). In identifying the timing, at which the sound was firstly perceived, the results were also in favor of the subjects not wearing a helmet. The subjects reported hearing the ski sound clues at 73.4±5.56 m without a helmet vs. 60.29±6.34 m with a helmet (p < 0.001). In that case the results did depend on previously used helmets (p < 0.05), meaning that that regular usage of helmets might help to diminish the attenuation of the sound identification that occurs because of the helmets. Conclusions Ski helmets might limit the ability of a skier to localize the direction of the sounds of danger and might interfere with the moment, in which the sound is firstly heard.
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) developed an ambisonic installation and workflow as part of audio-visual 8K VR 360° immersive media experiments. This work aimed to investigate the quality of performance of the PSNC setup through both subjective tests as well as simulations providing objective parameters of interaural characteristics in a real-life scenario of PSNC studio. For the objective part, an algorithm for angle estimation has been proposed and computations were performed.
The use of individualised Head Related Transfer Functions (HRTF) is a fundamental prerequisite for obtaining an accurate rendering of 3D spatialised sounds in virtual auditory environments. The HRTFs are transfer functions that define the acoustical basis of auditory perception of a sound source in space and are frequently used in virtual auditory displays to simulate free-field listening conditions. However, they depend on the anatomical characteristics of the human body and significantly vary among individuals, so that the use of the same dataset of HRTFs for all the users of a designed system will not offer the same level of auditory performance. This paper presents an alternative approach to the use on non-individualised HRTFs that is based on a procedural learning, training, and adaptation to altered auditory cues.We tested the sound localisation performance of nine sighted and visually impaired people, before and after a series of perceptual (auditory, visual, and haptic) feedback based training sessions. The results demonstrated that our subjects significantly improved their spatial hearing under altered listening conditions (such as the presentation of 3D binaural sounds synthesised from non-individualized HRTFs), the improvement being reflected into a higher localisation accuracy and a lower rate of front-back confusion errors.
Przedmiotem prac prowadzonych przez autorów jest próba oceny zdolności człowieka do postrzegania i interpretowania przestrzennej sceny akustycznej, którą stanowi zespół dźwięków pochodzących ze zbioru źródeł rozmieszczonych w przestrzeni wokół słuchacza. Opisywany w niniejszym artykule etap badań skupia się przede wszystkim na zbudowaniu odpowiedniego zaplecza sprzętowego pozwalającego na wykonywanie eksperymentów akustycznych oraz poszukiwanie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy człowiek jest zdolny rozróżniać lokalizacje wielu źródeł dźwięku równocześnie i jakie warunki muszą zachodzić, by taka przestrzenna percepcja była możliwa.
Human ability to discern sounds coming from different locations is based on interaural differences and head-related filtration of acoustic signals. It allows to precisely localize a single sound source with high acuity. Our research focuses on more difficult task of perceiving and recognizing complex spatial sound patterns consisting of several acoustic signals emitted simultaneously from multiple sources. In this paper we describe our hardware platform used to perform such psychoacoustic experiments. We also discuss the results of some experiments performed to check what requirements must be met in order to make perception of spatial sound scene possible.
Dysfunctions of the organ of hearing are a significant limitation in the performance of occupations that require its full efficiency (vehicle driving, army, police, fire brigades, mining). Hearing impairment is associated with poorer understanding of speech and disturbed sound localization that directly affects the worker’s orientation in space and his/her assessment of distance and location of other workers or, even most importantly, of dangerous machines. Testing sound location abilities is not a standard procedure, even in highly specialized audiological examining rooms. It should be pointed out that the ability to localize sounds which are particularly loud, is not directly associated with the condition of the hearing organ, but is rather considered an auditory function of a higher level. Disturbances in sound localization are mainly associated with structural and functional disturbances of the central nervous system and occur also in patients with normal hearing when tested with standard methods. The article presents different theories explaining the phenomenon of sound localization, such as interaural differences in time, interaural differences in sound intensity, monaural spectrum shape and the anatomical and physiological basis of these processes. It also describes methods of measurement of disturbances in sound localization which are used in Poland and around the world, also by the author of this work. The author analyzed accessible reports on sound localization testing in occupational medicine and the possibilities of using such tests in various occupations requiring full fitness of the organ of hearing.
Przedstawiono wybrane aspekty badań akustycznych nad dźwiękiem i jego percepcją znajdujące zastosowanie we współczesnych multimediach. Skoncentrowano się na zagadnieniach związanych z przestrzennym słyszeniem dźwięku oraz niektórych zagadnieniach związanych z funkcjami HRTF umożliwiającymi uzyskanie przestrzennego dźwięku przy odsłuchu słuchawkowym. W ograniczonym zakresie przedstawiono techniki numeryczne symulowania propagacji dźwięku w pomieszczeniach, odtwarzania wirtualnego dźwięku przestrzennego w systemach głośnikowych oraz matryc mikrofonowych.
The review presents selected studies in acoustics and sound perception relevant to multimedia technology. Topics discussed include basic issues of spatial hearing and basics of the HRTF functions designed to obtain three dimensional spatial sound with the use of earphones. Further discussion continues on basic issues related to numerical simulations of room acoustics, creating virtual spatial sound with the loudspeaker systems and use of the microphone arrays.
W Polsce liczba osób z dysfunkcjami wzroku (uszkodzeniami i chorobami narządu wzroku), w tym osób z niepełnosprawnościami prawnymi oraz deklarujących ograniczenia w wykonywaniu normalnych czynności, stanowi aż 1/3 ogółu ludności. Powszechnie wiadomo, że słuch odgrywa ważną rolę w funkcjonowaniu osób z niepełnosprawnością narządu wzroku. Jednocześnie osoby te często boją się opuścić znane im otoczenie, np. własne domy. Istotnym wsparciem osób z niepełnosprawnością narządu wzroku byłaby możliwość zapoznania się z takimi dźwiękami, które mogą napotkać w środowisku zewnętrznym. W toku badań w CIOP-PIB zebrano zestaw dźwięków, które mogą być wykorzystane przez osoby z niepełnosprawnością narządu wzroku do zapoznania się z otoczeniem, do którego potencjalnie mogą się udać. Dźwięki nagrywano z wykorzystaniem techniki ambisonicznej oraz binauralnie za pomocą mikrofonów wbudowanych w zestaw słuchawkowy. Rozwiązania te pozwoliły na uzyskanie wrażenia przestrzennego związanego z prawidłowym kierunkiem docierania dźwięku. Materiał dźwiękowy obejmuje szereg sytuacji, w których osoba z niepełnosprawnością narządu wzroku może się znaleźć, i zawiera dźwięki zarejestrowane nie tylko w domu, lecz także np. w pobliżu skrzyżowań czy w budynkach biurowych. Dokonano niezbędnych konwersji danych w celu uzyskania plików w formacie, który można odtwarzać na słuchawkach podłączonych do komputera. Pozyskane dane przeznaczone są do wykorzystania w oprogramowaniu służącym do zapoznania osób z niepełnosprawnością narządu wzroku z potencjalnie nowymi dla nich.
In Poland, the number of people with visual impairment (damage and disease of the visual organ), including legal disabilities and those who declare that they have limitations in carrying out normal activities is 1/3 of the total population. It is well known that the hearing plays an important role in the functioning of people with visual impairment. At the same time, these people are often afraid of leaving their well-known environment, such as their homes. It would be important for people with visual impairment to become familiar with surrounding sounds that they might encounter in an external environment. During the research carried out in CIOP-PIB a set of sounds has been collected that can be used by people with visual impairment to familiarize with the environment to which they can potentially go. The Ambisonics technique was used and sounds were binaurally recorded with the use of microphones built into the headset. These solutions allowed to obtain the spatial impression associated with the correct direction of the sound. The audio material includes a number of situations in which a person with a visual impairment could potentially be found, recorded not only at home but also, for example, near junctions or in office buildings. Necessary data conversions were used to obtain files in a format that could be played back over headphones connected to a PC. The data obtained is intended for use in the software familiarizing people with visual impairment with potentially new situations for them.
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