The last decade, especially the recent economic, ecological and social changes, have made it clear that the task of all growth actors is not only to take care of the economic interest, but also - and perhaps above all - the social aspect that may allow the protection of social values (in existential) even in the most unpredictable situations. Social economy, solidarity economy and social innovation are terms that have gained importance over the last decade and are of interest to both theoreticians and management practitioners. In the Polish scientific literature, the above-mentioned concepts are still - in the opinion of the authors - not sufficiently researched, therefore an attempt was made to analyze the Polish literature in this area, but - which is worth emphasizing - in a fundamental, fundamental aspect, in order to undertake a broader discussion on this topic. conceptual field by a wider group of researchers.
Krajowy Program Rozwoju Ekonomii Społecznej to dokument operacyjno-wdrożeniowy, w którym dostrzeżono i wyeksponowano potencjał (pakiet możliwości) stwarzany przez rozwiązania z obszaru ekonomii społecznej zarówno dla obywateli, jak i dla władz publicznych. Jednocześnie Program ten pokazuje szerokie spektrum oczekiwań formułowanych w stosunku do sektora ekonomii społecznej. Stąd niniejszy tekst poświęcono uchwyceniu zasadniczych uregulowań tego kompleksowego dokumentu, który w momencie jego tworzenia umożliwił inwentaryzację istniejących rozwiązań w obszarze ekonomii społecznej w naszym kraju, jak i wskazał projektowane rozwiązania na przyszłość. Zwrócono również uwagę na planowane rozwinięcie, doprecyzowanie i zmodyfikowanie założeń Programu.
The National Program for the Development of Social Economy is an operational and implementation document that has perceived and exposed the potential (package of possibilities), which solutions in the area of social economy create for both citizens and public authorities. At the same time, this program shows a wide spectrum of expectations formulated in relation to the social economy sector. Therefore, this text is devoted to capturing the basic regulations of this comprehensive document, which at the time of its creation made it possible to make an inventory of existing solutions in the area of social economy in Poland and pointed out the proposed solutions for the future. Attention was also paid to the planned development, refinement and modification of the Program assumptions.
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